78. "RE: i'm saying *I* would have gotten out, but i can see why dude " In response to In response to 71
>stayed in. > >i'm a pragmatist. i calculate risk/reward all the time. >
Because you are smart.
>but one thing you are not taking into account is dude's stated >reasons for not getting out... > >he was afraid because they pulled guns on him. if his mental >calculus is that 'i'm safer inside than outside...' , i don't >necessarily see it as that but i can see how he'd come to that >conclusion. >
Yes I am. I've been in that situation. I also know that glass ain't gonna stop a bullet if they wanted to shoot.
>we're all making assumptions that if he continued to comply >that the cops wouldn't have found something else to be pissed >or alarmed about. >
Nah, I don't buy that. They may have asked a few questions. But We also didn't see the beginning of the encounter.
>if he got out too fast, they could have shot him. i've been >stopped, made to get on the ground, face down w/ guns drawn on >me a few times. while walking. i've never been made to get out >of a car. >
This is why you get out with your hands in plain sight. And I've been taking to jail for acting like i can argue with the police at a traffic stop. It's called Disorderly Conduct.
>i don't know the protocol for that. but really, the protocol >is whatever they decide that it is on the spot. >
And this is why you an I didn't get beat the hell up, because we know better.
>if dude was NOT legit scared of the cops and was on some 'i >know my rights' ish, like the brother in minnesota who got >tased and arrested while waiting for his kids, this would be a >case of 'you knew something like this would happen' as many of >y'all are trying to make it. black folks don't have rights >when it comes to cops, and it boils down to whether you are >willing to get fucked up or killed to prove a point that we >all already know. > >they woulda tased rosa parks. > >
You can't compare the civil rights movement to this mess. COME'ON MAYNE!