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Lobby General Discussion topic #13419895

Subject: "RE: Given that he was NEVER going to get convicted," Previous topic | Next topic
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Sun Feb-14-21 11:50 AM

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185. "RE: Given that he was NEVER going to get convicted,"
In response to In response to 180


>>which you largely seem to agree on, then what was the point
>>any of it?
>Yeah that is my point. If the idea is to make a statement,
>then go all out with the statement.

I don't see why we'd call it "going all out" if doing it loses senate votes and tries the public's patience. Seems like a more apt phrase would be "wear out their welcome."

More words doesn't necessarily equate to a stronger case, especially if they're all words that everyone's already heard. It's a simple case. Everyone knows the facts. Keep it simple.

Case in point: this morning we have reports coming in that they were going to lose "guilty" votes if the trial didn't wrap up *that day*. This has been explicitly reported for Richard Burr, and it's likely the case with Cassiday as well (who we know had a speech prepared to justify a "not guilty" verdict using the same jurisdictional copout).

Nobody wanted to see live witnesses more than I did. You can see that in a very excited post I made above. But I wanted to see witnesses because I like seeing Republicans getting raked over the coals. People who aren't hyper-partisan Democrats don't get as much satisfaction as I do in being reminded about their complicity in a fascist coup attempt. What I wanted would have been counterproductive, not just with the senators, but also with the voters. I would love it if it were possible to shame the Trump voters into never voting again. Sadly that's not how the system works.

>The argument against that seems to be "make a statement, but
>lets get past the statement quickly and wait what will GOP
>voters think of us lets hurry..." which is classic.
>>They wanted to make a statement, and the stronger the
>>Unfortunately the significance of that statement was always
>>gonna be measured in senate votes.
>>Overall they got 17 elected Republicans, including some very
>>big names, to impeach in the house or convict in the senate.
>>That's not much, but it's a bigger statement than anyone got
>>out of the three previous presidential impeachments.
>Sure...and as I said above, thats cool but not worth

I don't know who you think is celebrating what. The gambit to get Buetler's testimony into the record took about thirty minutes. It wasn't a big deal and nobody ever said it was.

But there was a point to it that I think we should clarify. You ask what the point is of getting it into the record. By "the record" I don't just mean the congressional record that gets read by historians in the year 2400. By "the record," I mean the evidenciary record of the trial. According to the rules of this trial (as for any normal judicial trial), evidence can only be discussed if it's known to both sides ahead of time. All of the tapes, all of the transcripts, all of the quotes that everyone referred to, was listed in documents prepared and shared by the legal teams at the start of the trial.

You might remember that one of the house managers, Madeleine Dean, in her closing statement, tried to play a video that "wasn't in the record." As it turned out, the text of what was said in that video was in the record, but that particular video itself was not. Seems to have just been a mixup on the part of the house managers. But she had to stop, mid presentation, while they figured out how to respond to the objection. In the end, she couldn't show the video and had to apologize.

That's why the managers needed to amend the record to get Buetler's statement added. The statement wasn't out yet when the trial started. So if they didn't get it added to the record, they couldn't have even discussed it in their closing statements. It was maybe the most damning and visceral piece of evidence they had, and they wouldn't have even been allowed to mention it if they hadn't gotten it admitted into evidence.

>My man, they stormed the fucking capital with the Confederate
>Let them own this for longer. Let them own the testimonies.
>If nothing else, get soundbites for commercials. Control the
>news for a little while longer. Dare the braintrust that is
>the Trump defense to call their witnesses (lol).
>>And a few more more Senators, including McConnell and
>>on the record so far, had to admit that the managers proved
>>their case, that their not-guilty votes were only on
>>jurisdictional grounds. In other words, if Trump were still
>>office, they said on the record that they would have voted
>Which I contend would not change had witnesses been called.
>I have yet to see a good reason to not call witnesses. And as
>I've said, maybe I am missing the importance of the official
>record so I am open to explanation of why I should be happy
>that a statement is officially in the record of an acquittal.

Well again, the reason not to call witnesses is that they would have lost at least one vote, maybe two, if they hadn't found a way to wrap up *that day*. And it only would have gone downhill from there as Republicans all up and down the government form a chorus of "this is such a waste of time!" Yesterday, the narrative was on our side and more concentrated than it would ever be again. Every good writer knows that if you can say the same thing in two different ways, you choose the way that requires fewer words. (I, by the way, am clearly not a good writer.)

>>The managers got that because they were able to maximize
>>factual case, including this tactic at the end. Maybe
>>intrigue didn't add much to the case, but because they were
>>able to get through it quickly, it added something and
>>subtract anything. If they'd let things drag on indefinitely
>>and become the circus that the Trump lawyers wanted to make
>>it, public opinion would have turned and we'd have ended up
>>with a 46-54 result.
>I mean, you think that would happen based on what?
>I disagree. I think witnesses help hammer the point home.

A point that everyone already agrees on? If people are already saying "yes he's guilty but we're gonna acquit him anyway" then the only point they can make is already home.

>refuse to believe witnesses decreases support for impeachment.
>And absolute worst case scenario is 51 votes to impeach. Cmon.
> That is another classic Democrat move- paint some abstract
>scary picture where they lose big by acting. 46? lol cmon.
>Even Romney was pissed. 51 was the absolute floor.

I think Romney would have gone along with us for one more week. Murkowski too. Remember, their brand isn't "Trump is bad." their brand is "Partisan retribution is bad, especially when it distracts from our work."

Collins definitely wouldn't stick around. She hates Democrats with a fiery passion right now. Any random comment could have pushed her off the bus.

Sasse makes the right noises on the facts of the case, but the man represents Nebraska for god's sake. Every day he continues to be the Republican face of the post-Trump era is a day he puts his reelection at risk. Lucky for him he's not up again until 2026. But if he loses confidence that the fever will break by then he starts looking for an exit ramp. By the way, he voted against witnesses in the first impeachment trial, where witnesses were obviously more important than in this case.

Toomey doesn't seem to give much of a shit either way. He's on his way out the door and not really interested in any of it anymore. If you told him a vote for witnesses would complicate his weekend schedule, he'd vote against witnesses.

And then there's Burr and Cassiday, both of whom were on a knife's edge about the decision, easily could have voted to acquit, and likely would have done so if the trial had lasted one more day.

Then we have *our* caucus to worry about.

Joe Manchin can only go so far. Trump won 70% of the vote in his state! Honestly we should all be on our knees right now begging him not to switch parties. That would definitely be the smart career move for him.

The same applies to Jon Tester, only slightly less extreme.

Mark Kelly and Raphael Warnock just got elected in special elections. That means they'll need to run again, without much of a record, in states with razor-thin party margins, in a year that will almost certainly be very bad for the incumbent party (especially if a narrative sets in that we care more about retribution than about the pandemic or the economy). I certainly don't think Warnock would change his vote (Kelly I'm not as certain about), but if this case dragged on, that's two more seats we lose in 2022.

Then there's Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada and Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, both up for reelection in 2022. If 2022 is a hard year for Democrats, as everyone expects it to be, then those two are the first to lose their seats (after Warnock and Kelly). Neither one of them is gonna say Trump isn't guilty, but if this trial starts to smell like retribution and becomes unpopular in their states, they look for a procedural exit and Mitch has one giftwrapped for them with a bow.

So assuming Warnock holds his ground, at this point I think we'd have 45 votes to convict if this took another month.

>So 51 (absolute worst fucking case) votes to convict and
>actual testimony versus 57 and one person's statement in the
>official record?
>I'm still lost at how getting statements officially in the
>record is some sort of win.
>That seems like lowering the bar for Democrats as a lot of
>their most passionate defenders tend to do. Look for moral
>victories or intellectual victories or inventing doomsday
>scenarios to justify their inaction.

It sounds like you have a narrative in your head about "what Democrats do" and you'd rather rely on that narrative than try to figure out why they do what they do.

>No one is going to be swayed by the official record so I am
>open to what that actually does.

And just to emphasize because you keep coming back to it. "The record" isn't just some document for the ages. It's the set of facts that the managers were allowed to talk about in their closing statements. There would have been zero discussion of this phone call on the final day if they hadn't succeeded in getting it added into the record.

>Live testimony? Now that can sway people.
>And, again, I refuse to believe the Trump defense would
>suddenly get their shit together.

They don't have to be smart, they just have to stick to their guns. And let's be clear, the only day that was bad for the Trump team, politically, was the first day. After the first day the Trump lawyers were reading off scripts, literally written for them by political operatives. They weren't trying to make a legal case after the first day. They were relying on political red meat because that's all they needed. And let's never forget, Trump's political team is pretty damn skilled at getting fascists' blood pumping.

>The "we got her statement in the official record" is the "she
>won the popular vote!" of 2021.
>No one cares.
>I'm also lost at how Democrats and their most passionate
>supports can go on and on and on about how fantastic the
>Impeachment Mangers were, but at the same time somehow not
>trust them to handle witnesses.

I've never heard anyone say they don't trust the impeachment managers with witnesses. I've certainly never said it. The issue is simply that there's negligible upside in getting more testimony on facts on which everybody is convinced, and huge downside in the procedural costs to get there.

>Nah. Break for 3 weeks for depositions. Stop fucking
>bullshitting and get COVID relief done

I could be wrong on this, but I believe they'd have to vote to suspend the trial if they wanted to do any other Senate business in the interim. Then there'd be debate on THAT. The House managers would have to give tortured speeches on "We've made an airtight case here, but now we need you to pause everything so we can get you a little more. Hold the phone, brb..."

And then the Trump lawyers get to rant and rave some more about "They should have sorted all this out before they impeached!!!1! If they need more evidence they should have gotten it before the trial!!1! This is just them admitting that they don't have a case and they never did!!!" Legally speaking, this argument is bullshit, but in a political setting it gets more convincing with every passing day.

>, and resume the trial
>in a few weeks. Call witnesses. Control the cycle a little,
>let the Trump team call their witnesses (lol) and see what

We know what happens to their witnesses. Those witnesses don't show up. Then we go to court, then we win in court, then they appeal, then we win again, then they appeal again. Then we say "This is silly, let's just go forward with the testimony we have." Then the Trump team says "This is outrageous!!! How do they get their witnesses and we don't get any?!!!" Senate Democrats were already insisting yesterday that there must be equal witnesses for both sides. Suddenly what had been a very clean case becomes a clusterfuck.

>On no planet does that lead to only 46 votes to impeach.
>Unless the House Managers suddenly become terrible at this.
>Not even then.

As I said above, I'm now prepared to amend that estimate down to 45. Wouldn't that number be a fun coincidence.


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Trump Impeachment: Part Deux [View all] , imcvspl, Mon Jan-11-21 11:42 AM
Subject Author Message Date ID
and pimpgansta would still go to the WH today to get an award...
Jan 11th 2021
Jan 11th 2021
fam.. that shit will always crack me up
Jan 11th 2021
Jan 11th 2021
Nancy Pelosi was the wrong person
Jan 11th 2021
the senate can bar trump from running for public office
Jan 11th 2021
quinnipiac has trumps approval at 33%
Jan 11th 2021
why won’t the republicans respond?
Jan 11th 2021
because they are the real victims here
Jan 11th 2021
smh spin game is magnificent
Jan 11th 2021
      A true masterclass of spin, I tell you
Jan 12th 2021
They want the insurrectionists' votes
Jan 11th 2021
      the Dems about to force them tho...
Jan 11th 2021
           Yes. Dems forcing their hands...
Jan 11th 2021
Blood if definitely in the water. Might as well strike now.
Jan 11th 2021
Schumer getting heckled on live TV
Jan 12th 2021
Jan 12th 2021
Hmm yeah that’s probably it
Jan 12th 2021
      i think its moreso this.
Jan 12th 2021
that old Karen said the insurrection made her wet
Jan 12th 2021
i fuckin lol'd
Jan 12th 2021
I missed that hahaaa
Jan 13th 2021
Always wild to see a Jew get called an anti-semite for the 'gram
Jan 12th 2021
imagine if that was a muslim.
Jan 12th 2021
I think the inauguration should be indoors?
Jan 12th 2021
Jan 12th 2021
for many, many reasons
Jan 12th 2021
RE: I think the inauguration should be indoors?
Jan 12th 2021
they should go virtual/remote location.
Jan 12th 2021
i thought it was announced it would be virtual
Jan 12th 2021
have y'all ever been somewhere that the president or vp is?
Jan 12th 2021
Jan 13th 2021
so theres definitely some shakiness among repubs.
Jan 12th 2021
Cheney's "conscience" says impeach
Jan 12th 2021
nice. just saw she made her choice public.
Jan 12th 2021
      This shit made me laugh
Jan 12th 2021
      Yea that was a strong statement for sure, said the same earlier.
Jan 12th 2021
well impeachment is now officially a bipartisan effort.
Jan 12th 2021
is this unity?
Jan 12th 2021
No. Unity is letting MAGA be divisive with impunity
Jan 12th 2021
      I'm offended you thought I was serious
Jan 12th 2021
           I didn't think you were serious. I just added my own sarcasm
Jan 12th 2021
                Ah, the old sarcasm on sarcasm trick
Jan 12th 2021
                     ... not a trick. Just added my own take on the subject
Jan 12th 2021
                          the last response purely levity
Jan 12th 2021
republican infighting already starting.
Jan 12th 2021
      from the same Andy Biggs that helped the mob
Jan 13th 2021
lol trump bout got all these people killed they should
Jan 12th 2021
look who sped up the process??
Jan 12th 2021
Jan 12th 2021
Tish James still has 61 charges waiting for that mf in NY
Jan 12th 2021
      Hell yea.
Jan 12th 2021
           never..look at this shit...erybody goin
Jan 12th 2021
                Oh wow
Jan 13th 2021
                several people today spoke on suspicious "tours" given prior to the 6th
Jan 14th 2021
                Yep. Bunch of congresspeople going down, hopefully.
Jan 13th 2021
I think TRUMP thinks he's going to prison once he leaves office which is...
Jan 13th 2021
Have you been able to watch anything other than the News?
Jan 13th 2021
during the day no
Jan 13th 2021
nope. i wanted to take a break from politics/news/social media
Jan 13th 2021
Was hoping to take a break too
Jan 14th 2021
I've had the hardest time staying on task at job.
Jan 13th 2021
I could benefit from actually going int othe office
Jan 14th 2021
I've been thinking a lot recently about how this pile of shit stole ...
Jan 13th 2021
the feeling of dread I felt the morning of the 'Muslim ban'...
Jan 13th 2021
      Omg yea for sure. Same here.
Jan 13th 2021
if you watch the news -- why?
Jan 14th 2021
Yeah, ain't $hit gonna happen to Trumpster...Ds are f'n useless
Jan 13th 2021
Dude is wearing a purple suit like the joker...
Jan 13th 2021
It wasn't bad lol. Sartorially, repubs are winning.
Jan 13th 2021
      I had to look that up. solid vocab word right there.
Jan 13th 2021
hes been impeached again. Senate trial date unclear
Jan 13th 2021
Man - if a prez is impeached waiting trial ..
Jan 13th 2021
Yep. It's wild that he can be impeached twice...
Jan 13th 2021
      It's wild that a president gets a 3 MONTH lame duck period
Jan 14th 2021
           Yea agreed with both of you. At the *VERY LEAST*
Jan 14th 2021
They can (and likely will) impeach him after he's gone
Jan 13th 2021
i like how he fucked over the 1 person we know can legally pardon him.
Jan 13th 2021
the pressure needs to be amped on them
Jan 13th 2021
Officially the only President in history to be impeached twice
Jan 13th 2021
Stealing this quote
Jan 13th 2021
long term i dont know how we beat absolute shamelessness.
Jan 13th 2021
Was talking about this earlier today.
Jan 13th 2021
      i dont have a problem with biden talking like this
Jan 13th 2021
           For sure.
Jan 13th 2021
already hearing plea cops about delaying this past the first 100 days
Jan 14th 2021
Ivanka still thinks she has a future after this lol
Jan 15th 2021
don't get it twisted...she does.
Jan 23rd 2021
more evidence of impeachable conduct coming out
Jan 22nd 2021
which is why its good the trial is a bit delayed
Jan 23rd 2021
Trump & Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting AG ...
Jan 22nd 2021
Absolutely repulsive.
Jan 22nd 2021
Harris/ag, you have 4 years to put this mfkr in jail.
Jan 22nd 2021
Maybe Trump had better call Saul
Jan 30th 2021
It's started.
Feb 09th 2021
The opening from the prosecution was compelling
Feb 09th 2021
Word. This process is going to be a real pain for this country.
Feb 09th 2021
      Imagine a mob boss on trial
Feb 10th 2021
           That's an excellent analogy
Feb 10th 2021
                It really is.
Feb 10th 2021
Wow, Bruce Castor Jr is NOT up to this job.
Feb 09th 2021
What in thee fuck is this guy talking about?
Feb 09th 2021
Guys filibustering the defense
Feb 09th 2021
so weird
Feb 09th 2021
The answer for anyone defending trump is the same
Feb 09th 2021
I'm gonna add a line to the old law school adage:
Feb 09th 2021
I don't even know why anyone is wasting their time preparing arguments
Feb 09th 2021
Why the fuck was he tearing up? GTFOH!
Feb 09th 2021
      RE: Why the fuck was he tearing up? GTFOH!
Feb 09th 2021
I didn’t hear a relevant argument from the defense
Feb 10th 2021
Problem is House Members don't get impeached
Feb 10th 2021
      RE: expelled or censured
Feb 10th 2021
this country is a bag of shit.
Feb 10th 2021
RE: this country is a bag of shit.
Feb 10th 2021
Oh my god.
Feb 10th 2021
Feb 10th 2021
Yup. None of this matters. Republicans wont convict.
Feb 10th 2021
The saddest thing is that we've always been a giant joke lol
Feb 10th 2021
How do you combat shamelessness
Feb 10th 2021
      yup that was me.
Feb 10th 2021
           We need to do it quickly, too.
Feb 10th 2021
Neguse is balling right now
Feb 10th 2021
him and castro are bodying this shit
Feb 10th 2021
      Ehh...political intimidation is terrorism by another name
Feb 10th 2021
           I think there was some admission by Republicans that yesterday was
Feb 10th 2021
                RE: I think there was some admission by Republicans that yesterday was
Feb 10th 2021
                The terrorists were reading his tweets over a bullhorn
Feb 11th 2021
                Nah it was some acting by Republicans
Feb 11th 2021
Today I'm watching on CSPAN and the audacity to acquit this man is
Feb 10th 2021
lol at how much video evidence these fucking dolts provided
Feb 10th 2021
RE: lol at how much video evidence these fucking dolts provided
Feb 10th 2021
The way the impeachment managers are laying out the case is fantastic
Feb 10th 2021
Feb 10th 2021
black women be trying their damnedest to save this God forsaken country.
Feb 10th 2021
Swalwell dropped the mic on they as*...
Feb 10th 2021
How the hell can the GOP let trump off after that
Feb 10th 2021
Feb 10th 2021
Feb 10th 2021
They're terrified of Trumps supporters.
Feb 14th 2021
Of all the creeps on this planet,
Feb 10th 2021
He's a sentient garbage can
Feb 10th 2021
So is it possible for this country to prosper?
Feb 12th 2021
No, the Republican party is playing it as a game
Feb 12th 2021
Feb 13th 2021
Feb 13th 2021
**twiddles thumbs** with the DC AG.
Feb 13th 2021
Democrats are such pussies
Feb 13th 2021
Feb 13th 2021
Calling witnesses is going to take two years?
Feb 13th 2021
      I'd guess it'd take at least a week or two
Feb 13th 2021
      Well, now they have no excuses to not get shit done then
Feb 13th 2021
      If a witness refuses to testify, then yes, it could take years.
Feb 13th 2021
i dont even care what the reasons are. there may be some good ones.
Feb 13th 2021
      Plus they're on recess next week lol so the "Biden agenda" cop out ..
Feb 13th 2021
      Would and do they have to continue the impeachment during recess?
Feb 13th 2021
           They could've worked thru recess I think.
Feb 13th 2021
      Incompetent idiots
Feb 13th 2021
Everyone prepared for no state charges too?
Feb 13th 2021
How Sway? the DC AG is popping popcorn and just told them to
Feb 13th 2021
      where are you getting this from?
Feb 13th 2021
Feb 13th 2021
Feb 13th 2021
           After 4 years of this dude being invincible, it's not optimism. it's del...
Feb 13th 2021
                Definitely. This is the same dude
Feb 13th 2021
      Weren't you saying the same shit about Mueller?
Feb 13th 2021
      Way more than just Mueller lol.
Feb 13th 2021
      lol awesome
Feb 13th 2021
      I want to believe. I really do
Feb 14th 2021
      Labeathustla=Woody Harrelson, OKP=Kenan.
Feb 14th 2021
this is honestly a pretty good result for dems in the end.
Feb 13th 2021
What's the deal with Cassidy from Louisiana?
Feb 13th 2021
I agree and don’t understand all the angst on witness reversal here
Feb 13th 2021
Feb 13th 2021
      We needed 10 more, not 3
Feb 13th 2021
      yeah that hit me like 20 minutes later. My bad
Feb 13th 2021
      Toomey has stated he is retiring
Feb 13th 2021
           I thought so
Feb 13th 2021
McConnell:"no question Trump practically & morally responsible for provo...
Feb 13th 2021
RE: McConnell:"no question Trump practically & morally responsible for p...
Feb 13th 2021
In retrospect today's decision not to call witnesses makes perfect sense...
Feb 13th 2021
how is getting her testimony on the record right before acquittal
Feb 13th 2021
      Given that he was NEVER going to get convicted,
Feb 13th 2021
           RE: Given that he was NEVER going to get convicted,
Feb 13th 2021
400 degreez track 2
Feb 13th 2021
Don’t fall for the okey doke irt Ds rescinding witness request
Feb 14th 2021
I am convinced Joe stuck his nose in that witness request
Feb 15th 2021
RE: I am convinced Joe stuck his nose in that witness request
Feb 15th 2021

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