45. "My comments about inclusion have nothing to do with" In response to In response to 41
Private or Public parties. Good try. Not they same animal. It has to do with people who claim they are inclusive only being so if you agree with their agenda or like mindedness.
>Keep with the party thing you said, if you throw a party that >you say is welcoming to everyone, and I show up, tell you that >I don't like you or any of your guests or your house and in >fact don't think your party even has the right to exist, >you're not "being intolerant" by telling me to leave. Telling >me to leave doesn't mean your party is no longer inclusive or >welcoming, because in this instance, I am being a complete >piece of garbage who goes to random partys and hates on them. >
Claims of inclusiveness only to a degree of agreement. That's not inclusive. That's tolerance.
>"Why won't you let me tell you how evil I think you are, now >you're the bigot" is terrible logic that you wouldn't accept >from anyone else.
"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins