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Lobby General Discussion topic #12985225

Subject: "I purposely avoided the FUCK out of this post last week." Previous topic | Next topic
-DJ R-Tistic-
Member since Nov 06th 2008
51986 posts
Mon Mar-14-16 12:33 PM

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71. "I purposely avoided the FUCK out of this post last week."
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Mon Mar-14-16 12:33 PM by -DJ R-Tistic-



To start, I'm happy that I still look mid 20's. And not like how everybody claims to look young or whatever, but people seriously never believe that I'm anything over 27-28 until they talk to me. This hairline lasting, yo.

But 30 was actually rougher than anybody I know thinks. I quit my job, mainly to focus on DJing full time, in June 2014, exactly six months before I turned 30, which was in December 2014. I made more money DJing in the month BEFORE I quit than I ever made after that, mainly because I was out of town a lot, and that actually doesn't pay as good if you're not getting thousands per gig.

So with that...the week of my 30th, I had been applying for jobs. I had enough money to survive, but not enough to live. Every month, my bank account was getting lower like T-Pain and Flo-Rida's hook. But because I had quit, and was seen as "inspiration" to everybody I know who hated the hell outta their jobs and wished they could live off of their passion, it had me in a tough place, and I just wanted a regular ass job again.

I got a call the day before my birthday for an interview with Aflac, for what they called an "Account Executive" position. I had zero idea what this meant, but...sounds kinda fancy? They said they saw my resume n all that, so yeah.

The interview is on my 30th birthday. I almost turned it down just because of that, but fuckit, it'll be great to bring in 30 with a new job, right? Well....I get there...I see 20 people sitting down in a classroom type setup, and they're playing Disco music loud. Like Burn, baby, burn type shit. Cuh.

I sit down, wait for the shit to start, and dude comes in. Dude is overly charismatic, in a straight salesperson/Pastor type of way. Ten minutes in, I finally get it....they want me to walk door to door to sell insurance. Hell no. FUCK no.

I left and that shit really made me feel even worse about turning 30. 18 means you're a legal adult. 21 means you can legally drink. 25 means you are early in your career and on the right path. 30 means you are solid and on the path to success. Right? Well I just took a HUGE step back, and this was the ultimate "what the fuck is next?" moment for me.

I had a huge fancy ass 30th B-Day the day after in Beverly Hills. Hella people there, and a whole lot telling me that they were proud of me for following my dreams, leaving that corporate shit behind, and following my passion. I'm smiling and all, but was really feeling like "nah.........if y'all only knew....."

I kept DJing, and things were still just moderately successful for me on that side. Felt like I was still just making enough to pay bills, and nothing else...and the bank account was still getting lower. The next month, I applied to HEEEELLA jobs, and started getting a lot of calls back. I had 3-4 interviews in this month, job. Fuck.

At that point, I said fuck it all, I quit work to DJ, so let me just go even harder with this. I refocused on that side of things, and kept it going, but January and February are ALWAYS the slowest months of the year for us, so it was tough.

March came, and yeah, shit was still not looking great, but I hadn't been applying for jobs. Then, I got a call from out of nowhere from DIRECTV, which was the company I had quit, for a brand new position in a completely different department (I was IT, this was for Special Accounts/Software Engineering). I went in for the interview, and it just felt perfect...completely different energy from my other interviews. Before I left, I almost arrogantly asked them, "how soon can I expect to hear something back?" and they said "by next Friday (seven days)." I walked out, got in my car, and got a phone call before I even drove out...they cancelled their other interviews and said they wanted to hire me.

It was a huge pay cut from what I made before, and I didn't care, because the schedule was perfect for me as a DJ, and because it was a new direction...I was tired of doing IT Support for 7 years.

So yeah....overall, 30 started off the wrong way, but things all worked out eventually.


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Just hit 30 now what? 30+ OKPs did you feel a change after turning 30? [View all] , walihorse, Thu Mar-10-16 10:14 AM
Subject Author Message Date ID
happy bday, wali. today's my birthday too.
Mar 10th 2016
Thanks happy birthday to you too
Mar 10th 2016
      cause i'm 37 Haha
Mar 10th 2016
Mar 10th 2016
                got married at 27 as a young man.
Mar 10th 2016
                     Nice! congrats on the and future accomplishments.
Mar 10th 2016
                          thank you sir, cheers to yours as well!
Mar 10th 2016
30 was the worst year of my life
Mar 10th 2016
gotdamn. we're tired of reading about your depression. shit useta stink
Mar 10th 2016
Mar 10th 2016
we're tired of you living. die already
Mar 10th 2016
let's start over.
Mar 10th 2016
      nah, just die
Mar 10th 2016
           ... i plan to live forever, so far so good.
Mar 10th 2016
Cmon, man. Do better.
Mar 10th 2016
      you got me. 'useta' is a terrible way to type 'used to'
Mar 11th 2016
that really puts a clear marker in your mind about your age
Mar 10th 2016
do you find that the LA weather helped with your depression?
Mar 11th 2016
      I cant say for certain
Mar 11th 2016
think you've made it to adulthood? old people will still laugh you out.
Mar 10th 2016
Crazy thing is Im doing that to my nieces and nephews
Mar 10th 2016
Happy born day fam
Mar 10th 2016
Happy belated birthday
Mar 10th 2016
The 30s were great...
Mar 10th 2016
True and thank you.
Mar 10th 2016
I'd say EARLY 30's, before the physical deterioration begins
Mar 10th 2016
30 was a glorious day, Happy Bday fam
Mar 10th 2016
i like this outlook.
Mar 10th 2016
agreed. I hope it to be like that.
Mar 10th 2016
I just turned 39 today, age really isn't what makes you feel old
Mar 10th 2016
Happy birthday
Mar 10th 2016
well damn, happy bday to you too, buddy.
Mar 10th 2016
Pisces up in this Motha!!!!
Mar 10th 2016
      Pisces - a little of fishes last but not leasties.
Mar 10th 2016
Happy bornday!
Mar 10th 2016
i dunno something just clicked in my brain
Mar 10th 2016
There is a confidence that comes with your 30s that you just
Mar 10th 2016
36 was the age I noticed a real change
Mar 10th 2016
kinda funny how many of you guys turning 30 recently...
Mar 10th 2016
It kinda make sense,
Mar 10th 2016
Age ain't shyt once you graduate from college or your body gives out
Mar 10th 2016
I accepted death.
Mar 10th 2016
Yeah I get that
Mar 10th 2016
Mar 10th 2016
           Haha how the fuck did you come across that?
Mar 10th 2016
                how could I not? its amazing. look at it.
Mar 11th 2016
                     I also have been wanting to know for a long ass time.
Mar 11th 2016
                     haha, i agree that it's amazing. i just want to know how you
Mar 14th 2016
I became a father a few months before I hit 30
Mar 10th 2016
I went through the exact same thing..
Mar 14th 2016
its funny because in my late 20s I was dreading it
Mar 10th 2016
^this is me all day.
Mar 10th 2016
32-36 are the glory days, EVERYONE wants to bang you
Mar 11th 2016
felt like i hit the reset button on my life
Mar 10th 2016
Nice thats great to hear.
Mar 10th 2016
The greatest physical difference I noticed is that "Use it or Lose it" b...
Mar 10th 2016
Maaaann, I starting gaining weight since I got with my girl.
Mar 10th 2016
RE: Just hit 30 now what? 30+ OKPs did you feel a change after turning 3...
Mar 10th 2016
Going raw is probably first on my list..
Mar 10th 2016
I turn 30 on the 29th
Mar 11th 2016
hangovers hurt a bit more...that's about it
Mar 11th 2016
im turning 30 this year feels...kinda weird
Mar 11th 2016
Damb, u turning 30? lol
Mar 14th 2016
Everything I'd been afraid to do, I did it when turned 30.
Mar 11th 2016
I remember when I was 23 hanging out with some 20 year olds
Mar 11th 2016
lol until you turn 50
Mar 14th 2016
If you're 30 and single find a good woman or let one find you
Mar 11th 2016
30 is still young
Mar 11th 2016
hit 30 in Jan. went to bar that night and everyone looked like a child
Mar 11th 2016
Lol... yeah, you just felt old that night
Mar 12th 2016
Good question.
Mar 12th 2016
wow great words for any age.
Mar 12th 2016
leaving the 30s this month and entered them hype!
Mar 12th 2016
so far my 30s >> my 20s
Mar 13th 2016
I'm 29, but this thread has me feeling optimistic
Mar 14th 2016

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