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Lobby General Discussion topic #12724501

Subject: "An article I wrote on this topic:" Previous topic | Next topic
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Wed Feb-11-15 10:09 AM

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41. "An article I wrote on this topic:"
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As I walked closer to the door of the childcare facility on campus, my two-year-old daughter’s arms tightened around my neck. As a single mom attending the University of Montana, I had to take my toddler to daycare daily in order to attend class. Every day she screamed in protest when the staff pried her out of my arms, and I would walk away with tears in my eyes. Daycare was a costly necessity, and the choices overwhelming, but nothing ever felt quite right.

Fast forward to Seattle two years later: my daughter is four. I dropped her off at 7am in order to make it to work by 8 am. I left work at 5pm, made my way through traffic to pick her up by 6pm. My young daughter spent 11 hours in daycare. Home by 6:20pm, I threw dinner on, fed and bathed her, and tucked her in. I had only 90 minutes on work days with my child. The rest of the time she was being raised by random staff members at a huge daycare center.

One day I had an epiphany. I could make money and have her with me at the same time if I opened my own school. I could offer a level of care that would reassure parents that their child was more than just safe and content. I could create a program that fulfilled children’s basic needs but also nurtured them in a way that was as close to parental love as possible. I could fill their little tummies with nutritious organic food, and provide a curriculum that would provide a true advantage as they entered grade school. I could provide a family away from home, using an eco-conscious curriculum that incorporated principles of sustainability and ecology.

And I did it. I returned home to St. Ignatius, located on the Flathead Reservation in Montana, and opened Advantage Academic Academy. I developed the curriculum by interviewing kindergarten and first grade teachers from several school districts to find out what they felt the main gaps were and the most important learning skills. I also researched dropout rates and statistics to learn the most common factors contributing to academic failure. I soon opened up my second childcare facility called Origins Preschool in Missoula Montana.

I cared for well over 100 children over the next eight years, graduating more than sixty into kindergarten. I then opened two more centers in Missoula, an Infant and Toddler Center and a Preschool Center. I’ve been running my own programs for over twelve years.

It’s been satisfying and challenging, expensive and rewarding. Recently I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend, however. There are conversations making the rounds on social media about how daycare/preschool is almost, as or even more expensive, than in-state college tuition. These posts are followed by many comments from people who agree. They talk about how “insanely” expensive it is; how its “ridiculous” and “something needs to be done”; how hard-working families are getting ripped off; how it’s an epidemic that needs to be addressed.

Here is my response:

First of all, very few people are getting wealthy running daycare centers or preschools. Maybe some CEO’s of huge chain centers with multiple locations, but certainly not many independent owners like myself.

And yes, it IS a significant expense for parents. Multiply the tuition for a year by the number of kids being cared for and you see something well into the six figures. Seems like we’re making out fine, right?

Well, let’s remember a few things:

Most college professors teach classes with anywhere from 50-100 students. One teacher, with possibly a TA, teaching all those students. I, however, have to have a staff member on the floor at all times for every four children in my infant center and one staff member at all times for every six children in my preschool.

In other words, every day, between my two centers I have to have five or six staff on the floor at all times, 50 hours a week. It takes all income from two children to pay the salary of one staff member, so 10-12 children’s tuitions go directly into teacher salaries.

That doesn’t cover any of other many expenses. Colleges don’t need to pay the huge liability insurance fees required by caretakers of small children, for example. In addition, I serve all-organic food to my precious people four times a day. For 25 munchkins, that’s 100 organic meals every day, and 2000 organic meals a month. If you know what even small bag of organic groceries costs, do THAT math!

College students are adults who can take care of themselves. They don’t have university staff wiping their poopy butts and runny noses; putting them to bed, getting them up and cleaning up after them all day; making sure they are happy, healthy, and safe; AND teaching them colors, numbers, letters, and phonics; teaching them to read; and instilling in them awesome social skills: how to share, be polite, use their big child voices instead of whining; how to cough in a way that keeps toys and playmates unsprayed. It’s a significant expense, but shouldn’t it be? The care & education of what means most to you in LIFE?

My staff and I do one of the hardest and most important jobs on the planet. We’re lucky when we get to work with parents who appreciate that and understand what a HUGE undertaking it is. The liability of taking care of people’s precious children and their INFANTS–often keeps me up at night. Ten employees and over thirty families rely on me every day for their lives to run smoothly. If my doors aren’t open, none of them can go to work.

In spite of all the money involved in running these programs, I never made enough to afford my own heath insurance until recently, thanks to the Affordable Health Care Act.

One of the grand ironies is that thanks to what I do, a lot more children will MAKE it to college. Look at the stats about how important early childhood education is to children’s academic futures!

I want people to consider these details before concluding that childcare providers are somehow making more money than university professors. Wouldn’t that be great!? The cost of childcare and education should be right up there with rent/mortgage, transportation and food as a priority. And which of those categories means the most to you and for which is the most at stake?

Overall this trend of comparing daycare and college tuition costs is ridiculous because the only thing they have in common is the fact that education/learning is happening in both places. The care of young children is a completely separate service to educating, and early childhood professionals do both. So you are actually getting twice the service for your money as opposed to when you send your young adult children to college.

As I reflect on this, I see that it’s not just about early childhood education. It’s about the skyrocketing costs of running any small business. Raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, as Seattle has just done, would put me out of business, unless I were to raise my rates again significantly. If I pay teenage aides and PT entry-level employees $15, what do I pay my more qualified FT employees? $18? $20? Keep in mind whatever base rate I pay an employee I have to add roughly another $3+ dollars an hour to pay on every employee’s taxes (FICA, unemployment, workers compensation, Social Security etc.,) which means that each individual staff member would absorb the tuition of 4 children. I would have to close the infant center, which has a 1:4 teacher/student ratio, or start charging $10 per hour for tuition. That would make full-time tuition almost $2000 per month!

But people are already up in arms about paying $6 per hour. Maybe this conversation really needs to be about tax breaks for small businesses. That, and more subsidies for not just low-income, but middle income families, like myself, who are always the ones who slip through the cracks.

It’s time we take child care seriously, and treat child care providers with the respect—and salary—we deserve.


Vee is I and I am She



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So...I just realized day care costs pretty much equal a mortgage [View all] , gumz, Wed Feb-11-15 09:09 AM
Subject Author Message Date ID
as someone with a mortgage and no kids, that sounds scary as hell.
Feb 11th 2015
be very.very.very. afraid....
Feb 11th 2015
i'm not exagerrating at all...
Feb 11th 2015
wait till you just realize how turribly you've be squandering your loot
Feb 11th 2015
squandering? shiiiiiiiit...
Feb 11th 2015
      it's taken me two years to come to grips that what you describe is
Feb 11th 2015
           potato pot-AH-to
Feb 11th 2015
           no doubt...honestly for me...I guage it like this: What do I have to sho...
Feb 11th 2015
                yeah i do this every year around tax time...
Feb 11th 2015
                damn, you were squandering it
Feb 11th 2015
           lol pretty much.
Feb 11th 2015
Daycare for 2 is significantly more than my mortgage
Feb 11th 2015
the thought of paying for daycare for two children makes my balls rescin...
Feb 11th 2015
which is fucking mind blowing!!
Feb 11th 2015
are daycares bending people over or are these cost justified?
Feb 11th 2015
      it's just the market...there's no cheaper alternative
Feb 11th 2015
      there are no home day cares?
Feb 11th 2015
           huh? Like a nanny?
Feb 11th 2015
           no people who run daycares out of their homes
Feb 11th 2015
                this is what we used and it worked like
Feb 11th 2015
                that's what i use but it can still be expensive
Feb 11th 2015
           looking into those...
Feb 11th 2015
                I lo-key don't trust home daycare
Feb 11th 2015
                     i wouldn't either unless i knew people who were using it
Feb 11th 2015
      They are bending folks over...
Feb 11th 2015
      On Friday night...i'm thinking they're bending us over....but by Sunday
Feb 11th 2015
      it *kinda* makes sense for babies
Feb 11th 2015
           could a person open a daycare and undercut 25%
Feb 11th 2015
                lots of people do it so there must be money in it
Feb 11th 2015
                there are tons of daycares that cost less
Feb 11th 2015
                     I meant a quality daycare that didn't cut corners
Feb 11th 2015
                     the only people who use that place are people who make so little money
Feb 11th 2015
                     merciful heavens....
Feb 12th 2015
i just found out myself. this sh*t is ridiculous
Feb 11th 2015
i have no kid nor mortgage, but i have friends that do and it's insane.....
Feb 11th 2015
in high school we had to carry an egg around for a week
Feb 11th 2015
So much for a college fund..shoulda been started a daycare fund
Feb 11th 2015
Wait until you decide your kids need to be in private school!!!
Feb 11th 2015
that's not happening
Feb 11th 2015
I hope it stays doesn't take long to turn...
Feb 11th 2015
      we'll just move...fuck it
Feb 11th 2015
      folk!! You are in my head right.NOW... Shit's changing in Arlington SO.
Feb 11th 2015
           I don't have kids but I already told my wife private school ain't
Feb 11th 2015
           Which school in Arlington? B/c I'm coaching at one in the spring
Feb 11th 2015
                she's only two years old.not in school yet....
Feb 11th 2015
honestly, daycare is what opened me up to the idea of priivate school
Feb 11th 2015
Feb 11th 2015
don't have more than one dude....
Feb 11th 2015
My mom is 3 years from retirement which means I'm 3 years from
Feb 11th 2015
bookmarked for later
Feb 11th 2015
Good writeup and perspective.
Feb 11th 2015
good one. mirrors my sentiment above..
Feb 11th 2015
mother in law for the win
Feb 11th 2015
my wife is opening a childcare facility in two months.
Feb 11th 2015
as side note, I remember having to pay $1300/month for my son.
Feb 11th 2015
Mine go three days a week and it is a mortgage payment
Feb 11th 2015
Must be tax time n/m
Feb 11th 2015
It's crazy. I was paying $1200 per month for my son, PART TIME in
Feb 11th 2015
$100 dollars a day!!! That's insanity
Feb 11th 2015
its why i don't have a job
Feb 11th 2015
lol its probably silly but thats my main reason for working from home
Feb 11th 2015
both my husband and i work from home
Feb 11th 2015
i want to have an assistant plus a team of subcontractors
Feb 11th 2015
yeah i work from home but no way i could watch a kid as well
Feb 11th 2015
      wife works from home 2/days a week. When me & the little one get home
Feb 11th 2015
           i need to make my wife do this...
Feb 11th 2015
It's literally impossible to hold a full time job working from home
Feb 11th 2015
      having home based businesses is different than
Feb 11th 2015
           You're is different. It's even HARDER lol....
Feb 11th 2015
                this is where i dont think you know what youre talking about
Feb 11th 2015
                     let me chill. godspeed.
Feb 11th 2015
                     lol you probably said something crazy
Feb 11th 2015
                     dude, it's not as easy as you think
Feb 12th 2015
My boss just paid 29K for her kid
Feb 11th 2015
well, that's absurd.
Feb 11th 2015
I've said it before, but daycare is the reason I live in Pittsburgh
Feb 11th 2015
a couple i know just moved out of Boston for the same reason
Feb 11th 2015
If I weren't rocking these golden federal handcuffs....we'd be up out th...
Feb 11th 2015
RE: My boss just paid 29K for her kid
Feb 11th 2015
that is why I dont work
Feb 11th 2015
imagine being a single parent
Feb 11th 2015
my mom was a single parent with 3 kids
Feb 11th 2015
it's amazing how people manage to make ends meet
Feb 11th 2015
my friend was paying $1800 a month in 2008
Feb 11th 2015
the Au Pair thing is cool in theory.....but in practice...
Feb 11th 2015
My twins just got into a pre-school that is $34,750 a kid
Feb 11th 2015
whaaaaaa?????? why?
Feb 11th 2015
coloring outside the lines with dignity
Feb 11th 2015
it's not what they are doing, it's that they are doing it
Feb 11th 2015
      they think therefore they am type of shit huh
Feb 11th 2015
      Naw, it's about who you are doing it with.
Feb 11th 2015
Better be a boarding school
Feb 11th 2015
Scam the system. Get that voucher.
Feb 11th 2015
Feb 11th 2015
      That daycare voucher.
Feb 11th 2015
don't think it stops when they're out of the
Feb 11th 2015
that much every month though?
Feb 11th 2015
It goes down...but it ain't what you think
Feb 11th 2015
we already got those expenses
Feb 11th 2015
What replaces daycare though is the before/after school care expenses.
Feb 11th 2015
sports is kicking my ass
Feb 11th 2015
Sooooo glad my little one got into Kindergarten this school year
Feb 11th 2015
if your job has a flexible spending account
Feb 11th 2015
Feb 12th 2015
ive never paid over $500/mo, fuck yall live?
Feb 12th 2015
better query; fuck do YOU live?!!
Feb 12th 2015
      60 miles away from NewOrleans
Feb 12th 2015
           seems like you just answered your own question fam.
Feb 12th 2015
day care is THE reason I only have one child
Feb 12th 2015
Why don't you guys send your kids to affordable daycares?
Feb 13th 2015

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