>what if education was sexy instead of sneakers?
There would be alotta bare foot people walkin around!!!HAHAHA!
On a more serious note, I see what your sayin, but i dont
think people buy sneakers(or anything) just to impress the
ladies, people do it to impress EVERYONE. The same goes for
gettin lots of cars and a big ol' house and lots of money, i
dont think most people are doin it for JUST the ladies, some
are, but not most. People want to have power, and to be
respected and noticed and envyed by EVERYONE. People equate
money with those things, and drugs is easy money. Plus theirs
people who just dont want a job, people who cant get a job,
people who want to feed their family, people who dont think
theirs any other way, who are also sellin drugs. I think what
your sayin is true to some degree and it would help(maybe in a
big way???) but I still think their would be lots drugs bein
sold. Your plan couldnt hurt anything though could it??? So
might as well try makin it happen.