72. "That is a different concept. I said that we can be equal and be" In response to In response to 70
You can't say a cube shaped tumbler is worthless because it doesn't match your set ovalware and then either marginalize it to use for the children or throw it out when it might have been made from cyrtal comparable in worth to the oval tumbler.
If that's the case, someone without the ovalware bias has to step in and say hey- don't be mad at the cubed tumbler for being cube shaped. You are misusing these items. Recognize them for their true worth instead of being mad that they aint oval.
"I liked it," Gilliam said of playing gunner on punt team. "It was the first time I did anything like that. It was fun. It felt like, if he wasn't fair catching it, he was disrespecting me, so I was trying to take a head off if I could." Response-ability