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Lobby Okay Activist Archives topic #26121

Subject: "RE: I've read the Grand Failure by Brezinski..." This topic is locked.
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Wed Mar-02-05 01:25 PM

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18. "RE: I've read the Grand Failure by Brezinski..."
In response to In response to 15


>Basically we knew they had hard times with the famine, and
>without Soviet help. So we told 'em, hey if ya'll go 'head
>and cease making Nuclear Energy to meet your energy concerns
>we'll give ya'll all the energy you need.

The policy really had to do with nuclear weapons rather than energy per se. Basically we wanted them to shut down their nuclear reactors, which they were using to produce weapons-grade plutonium, and in exchange we agreed to supply them with their energy needs. In addition to giving them oil we agreed to build two light-water nuclear reactors, which are much more difficult to use to produce weapons-grade nuclear material than the reactors they have.

>We lied.

They lied too - they agreed to stop developing nuclear weapons, when they were secretly developing enriched uranium the whole time. No honor among theives I guess.

>We aint gave them not near 25% of what we promised. Now,
>they got a FAMINE on they hands already so ole Kimmy aint
>trying to hear that folk have to go without power AND food.

I think we gave them the oil we promised, but we stalled on the reactors after they started bugging out with test-firing missiles over Japan and shit. As for the famine, ole Kimmy was pouring money into his military, developing missiles and nukes and whatnot, while his people starved - he don't give a damn about his people going without food or power as long as his army remains strong.

>All they really got going for them over there is a good
>sized standing army, and a not TOO shabby military complex.
>so, he said eff it. If ya'll won't help us with Oil then we
>making some Nuclear Energy. It's cheap and we need it.
>We told them NO. Clinton said: NO!

That's not what Clinton said no to; Clinton said no when they started processing spent fuel rods into weapons-grade plutonium.

>Bush said: Hell NO!

And Bush said hell no to the enriched uranium, which they were developing for weapons, not energy production.

>Kimmy said eff u.
>1.) you don't keep your promises.
>2.) you donp't like us and we don't like you.
>3.) you more worried about China's economy than us.

Kimmy didn't care about promises cuz he was breaking them himself from jump. What he really said eff u to was us telling him that he couldn't have nukes: when we confronted them with evidence that they were secretly developing enriched uranium, they basically said yeah so what u gonna do about it? And we started sabre-rattling, and they said eff it, kicked out the international nuclear inspectors from their reactors/enrichment facilities and started processing plutonium again. He was intent on getting nukes one way or the other.

>China is backing off cus they busy buying IBM and buying up
>City debt here in the states. If they rock the boat they
>will face tariffs that they can't afford to mess with in
>this stage of their economic "growth".

Yeah China's not trying to fight N. Korea's battles at this point, they got bigger fish to fry.

>So, N. Korea is on it's own. It figures it has no choice,
>so it not only makes Nuclear Energy but starts a weopons
>program to defend their right to make Nuclear Energy.

No, their weapons program is to defend their right to remain a crazy Stalinist dystopia.

> we got an issue. Are we gonna let China in on the
>Energy game? of course not.


I'm not following.

>We are fighting with Russia
>right now to make sure only Western Europe and the US has
>control over the world's energy.

Yeah, but we ain't actually going to war with them.

>Hell, Russia lost out when we went into Bahgdad. They lost
>ALOT of doe,

That's true.

>and when we stopped Iraq from all that Euro
>talk Britain needed us more than ever cus all of that
>infrastructure and stuff in the region after we go to war
>with Jordan, Syria, Iran, etc will be based on US dollars.

So why does Britain need us for that? They're not on the Euro.

And we're not going to war with Jordan. Iran and maybe Syria we might bomb though.

>Which frankly, the US Dollar NEEDS right now, cus the dollar
>is falling quite rapidly to the Euro, and China is Coming

That's true.

>If Japan ever gets over that contagion issue from back in
>'98 we can be in some real trouble economically- like the US
>will be in SERIOUS trouble. The type of trouble that
>changes world status.


Japan's economy had serious problems already, the contagion shit wasn't what caused that.

>So, we over there in the Middle East, we shipping folk off
>to N. Korea (if you know specialist in the Military they'll
>tell ya they gearing up for N. korea). It's weird to watch
>it all go down.

We ain't doing jack to North Korea.

>Only alternative is to beat it in the marketplace.
>but how?


You mean alternative energy and stuff like that?

"If your music was any good it would've been stolen by the white man by now."

- Triumph the Insult Comic Dog


Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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The race for oil & the dynamics of global energy policy [View all] , FireBrand, Wed Mar-02-05 07:05 AM
Subject Author Message Date ID
Provided by Marcus3x: Senator Cliton on Syria.
Mar 02nd 2005
Here is some in depth info from a reliable source.
Mar 02nd 2005
'98 Central Asia, Afghanistan and Russian Hegemony.
Mar 02nd 2005
A conservative article from 2001 on central asian oil.
Mar 02nd 2005
A socialist perspective from '97 on Central Asia.
Mar 02nd 2005
Facts on Central Asian fuels, and American/Taliban link.
Mar 02nd 2005
Background on the invasion on Iraq.
Mar 02nd 2005
Mar 02nd 2005
Ya'll lemme know when you are ready to start talking.
Mar 02nd 2005
what does the North Korea situation have to do with oil?
Mar 02nd 2005
      I've read the Grand Failure by Brezinski...
Mar 02nd 2005
                word...I don't totally agree...
Mar 02nd 2005
                     RE: word...I don't totally agree...
Mar 03rd 2005
Mar 03rd 2005
                          yeah you gotta beat them in the marketplace
Mar 03rd 2005
                     the german mark doesn't exist anymore
Mar 05th 2005
                          It did at the time that all this was coming to a head.
Mar 05th 2005
                               now i'm lost
Mar 05th 2005
                                    how so? The entire process for this was over
Mar 05th 2005
Mar 05th 2005
                                              Word? well then I am mistaken.
Mar 05th 2005
                                                   de rien. and
Mar 05th 2005
                                                        I see.
Mar 05th 2005
Mar 05th 2005
Mar 05th 2005
Mar 05th 2005
                                                                       I knew when I saw that Twinning, that u were bongo.
Mar 05th 2005
Mar 05th 2005
                                                                                 When they were talking about trying accomdate
Mar 05th 2005
Mar 05th 2005
                                                                                      Nah, it just looks effed up is all I'm sayin.
Mar 05th 2005
                                                                  I'm not laffin at u, I'm laffin at the fact that I had no clue.
Mar 05th 2005
                                                                       and you know what ?
Mar 05th 2005
                                                                            Well, I aint got to explain to you basic budgeting...
Mar 05th 2005
                                                                                 the u.s. is done
Mar 16th 2005
                                                                                      I agree that it CAN be. Why do you feel that way?
Mar 17th 2005
Question RE: Alternative fuels....
Mar 02nd 2005
You said it. It's about money. Think of the conversion.
Mar 02nd 2005
The knuckledraggers aren't even considering it...
Mar 02nd 2005
RE: The knuckledraggers aren't even considering it...
Mar 03rd 2005
      But if it is proven that the dollar is what drives
Mar 06th 2005
great question!!
Mar 02nd 2005
      Great answer. I remember we talked about this
Mar 02nd 2005
      Really, really a great answer.......
Mar 02nd 2005
Bush's record on energy policy and more...
Mar 04th 2005
Its the Culture and monitary system.
Mar 04th 2005
so what does one do?
Mar 04th 2005
      RE: so what does one do?
Mar 05th 2005
           so you will eat a cookie?
Mar 05th 2005
                RE: so you will eat a cookie?
Mar 10th 2005
                     So you come online to say that
Mar 10th 2005
                          RE: So you come online to say that
Mar 11th 2005
                               RE: So you come online to say that
Mar 11th 2005
                                    No, I read your comment wrong- forgive me.
Mar 12th 2005
Italy and the Iraq shooting (courtesy of 3X)
Mar 06th 2005
Russian/Iraqi relationship ( courtesy of 3x)
Mar 06th 2005
Mar 08th 2005
Egypt is about to hold elections...
Mar 09th 2005
hmmm.. Congo "held" election too
Mar 09th 2005
RE: The race for oil & the dynamics of global energy policy
Mar 09th 2005
What steps do you think we can take to win back
Mar 09th 2005
(ALJAZEERA) US Report Acknowledges Peak Oil Threat
Mar 09th 2005
Popular mechanics on 9-11 (originally posted by 3x)
Mar 10th 2005
House of Saud (originally posted by EAS)
Mar 10th 2005
Is this what they said? Much of this is suspect.
Mar 10th 2005
New FTW Article.....
Mar 12th 2005
Mar 16th 2005
this post says it all
Mar 16th 2005

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