As black women today, as well as minority women, it is up to us to change the face of feminism and the old school belief of what being an feminist is. For my women all the shit we have been fed by the white feminist movement was not in our best interest! You can still be a woman, indenpendant and still love and respect your man. Furthermore, we as women have to realize that we have more power than we choose to believe, when it comes to sexism and racism. *Note- If we do not show up to the video shoots half ass naked and ready to do anything for some attention, men will have to rethink concepts on how they represent women. If we don't show up back stage and at the hotels after concerts, preparing to give so freely of our bodies just to say we fucked this person. The mentallity will eventually start to change of performers towards women and how they view us. If we start loving ourselves and our sista's more, and showing it, and learning not only how to love our men, but respect them for the people that they are and not what we want them to be, or for what they have, men will have no other choice but to respect us. But it has to start with my women being responsible and addmitting our part in this process. It's just not all on the men. We mold and shape there ego's and then cry about the end result. If you ever asked a man why does he become a player or live his life a certain way, 9 chances out of 10 it's for the response of a woman. Women and men need to start talking HONESTLY, about what we feel deep in our hearts, in the back of our minds, and in the very depths of our soul. Mind you, the truth will hurt and we can not look down on each other based on what we have experienced. Lets be open with each other so we can start healing.