>for proving my point so well...
Response: How so? > > > >I didn't say that you put >your beliefs on anyone on >a personal level. My point >was that your error is >in interpreting African religious beliefs >from a Christian standpoint.
Response: Actually I'm not. I'm just trying to see why Africans believe this that's all.
You >can't do that & learn >from their theology. You have >to look at their religion >from their historical and cultural >standpoint and evaluate it from >there. You can't throw YOUR >scriptures into it. And if >you can't separate the two, >then IMO you shouldn't try >to have this discussion. This >attitude would be fine if >you were comparing Christianity to >African theology or explaining Christian >scriptures, but the point of >this post is to detail >an African-centered belief system.
Response: Cool, but if I gave this same explaination for Christianity on the "Bible Question" post you would have killed me, what I think the problem is you think I am ready to attack this theology from a skeptic standpoint and thats not the case, I just want to know why people believe this? > > > > >Again, these are your CHRISITIAN beliefs >interfering with an interpretation of >a totally different culture/religion.
Response: Must have misread your question, I thought you were saying Christians don't have an answer to the question about original sin for a person who never heard of Christ.
You >have to step outside your >box and see why this >system makes more sense to >them vs. Christianity. Why/How can >Christianity make sense to you? >Part of that acceptance is >the culture you were raised >in. If you were raised >in Africa or India or >someplace else other than America >or Europe, Christianity might not >be as clear cut as >you see it now.
Response: maybe, maybe not. I'm a critical thinker by nature. I use to question Christianity alot, I mean with some really hard sceptism, you would have thought I was an unbeliever. > >Why do you think it took >so long for Christianity and >Islam to penetrate Africa? And >when it did, it was >more so economic or social >pressures that caused the change, >not a true spiritual ephiphany/revelation. >Many of those cultures retained >(and still do) their traditional >beliefs while giving lip service >to the "new" religions.
Response: Oh I know, but all I was asking is like I ask anybody is why do you believe this.
------------ En arche en 'o logos, kai 'o logos en pros ton Theon, kai Theos en logos