Furthermore, these Afrakans were on the Gold Coast (modern-day Ghana), an area now known to consist of Afrakans belonging to the Akan family. Let me begin with:
Obi nkyere akwadaa Nyame.-> No one teaches the supreme being to a child.
This is a common saying in Akanland with multiple meanings. One interpretation is that even amongst the Akans, the conception of the divine is varied and diverse, which is the theme that we will try to follow for now.
According to Akan philosopher, Kwame Gyekye, the Akans make a conceptual distinction between the empirical (material) and nonempirical (spiritual) world, sharing in some features and interacting with one another, while Kwasi Wiredu suggests that the spiritual and material worlds compose a universe that is homogeneous. However one concept that is generally held by the Akans is the importance of “law.” “Law” or the “laws of nature” are heavily emphasized by the Akans as unchangeable and unyielding, as it (they) are the cosmic order which structure the universe. But it must be noted that in the Akan sense of “nature” no line is drawn between the material and spiritual and they all are part of the cosmic order.
Thus for the above meeting of the Dutch and Akans in 1603, the “Law” or cosmic order determines that the land must be sown, rain must fall, earth must be fertile and sun must shine in order for a proper harvest. Akan philosophy holds that “all things are part of a comprehensive universe”-Wiredu. This universe must then complement one another as this is proper order. A separate distinct “God” cannot provide them with everything they need to survive. In fact this would go against the “order,” which is impossible since the Law is indefeasible. To Western scholars the Akan God is thus limited by not being able to counteract the law when in fact God IS the LAW as is represented by the adinkra symbol, Gye Nyame (God is Omnipotent).
In closing, let me say that two Akan philosophers that I referenced, Kwasi Wiredu and Kwame Gyeke, both agree on the Akan consensus of “two heads are better than one.” This statement implies that no one’s explanation is taken as final. Thus we come full circle back to “diversity.” Diversity directly relates to the accepting of “change,” “adapting” and “evolving” that are held as essential qualities to possess in the Afrakan mind.
PEace Solarus
Further Reading:
Articles by Kwasi Wiredu, Kwame Gyeke, K.A. Busia <-Akan scholars
_The Akan Doctrine of God: A Fragment of Gold Coast Ethics_ by J.B. Danquah
***Words of Wisdom***
"Every time you rise from your sleeping state, you have been reincarnated. Every time you recover from a bad experience, you have been reincarnated. Every time you have been given a new lease on life, you have been reincarnated. Every time you breath in and out, take in the fresh breath of life and feel the divine intelligence flowing in and around you, you have been reincarnated."- Mfundishi Bakari
On "love":
"I am in love everyday, whether I am with someone or not. Why? All love is based on a search for spirit. For me love is timeless, transcendent, peaceful, freeing, soul-based, unifying, and enhanced evolution. This is the basis of my activism."- Nettrice, the embodiment of Oshun
"Since we all make up the rules as we go along, love can mean many different things to many different people. But, for me love is a total commitment to understanding that is not limited to just people but is open to the totality of life. As long as we approach love from a fear based mentality and perceive it through veils of guardedness and anxiety, it will always be restricted by our fears."- Mfundishi Bakari
____________________________ "the real pyramids were built with such precision that you can't slide a piece of paper between two 4,000 lb stones, and have shafts perfectly aligned so that you can see a tiny aperture through dozens of these mammoth blocks