HTP (Christianity and Afraka PT 1 of 3)
The origins of Christianity are definitely debatable. Either one chooses to belief the Biblical account of Christianity’s origins, or they don’t. But what are not debatable are the formative years of Christianity being firmly located on the continent of Afraka. This includes the majority of the earliest, most influential patriarchs of the Christian church such as Origen (Egypt), Tertullian (Carthage/North Afraka), Augustine (Carthage/North Afraka), to name a few.
According to Egyptologist, Samuel Sharpe: “At the end of the 3rd century, Hesychius of Alexandria had published a new edition of the Greek Bible with a corrected text, and such was the credit of Alexandria, as the chief seat of Christian learning, that all distant churches sent there for copies of the scriptures. When Constantine wanted copies of the Greek scriptures for Rome, he sent for them to Alexandria and received the approved text for Athanasius…Italy and the West acknowledged Egypt as their best instructess in all ecclesiastical matters. “
Considering the “God is IMMANENT” template that we established before, why did not the Afrakan patriarchs infuse this concept into Christianity? The answer is: they did. However it soon became “heretical.” In the beginning of the Common Era, which is distinguished as beginning at or shortly after the death of Jesus the Christ, Christianity already established in Egypt. Only by the second century CE (100 CE), did a clear delineation form between the mainstream Church and the “Gnostics.” The Gnostics believed all humans were divine and that salvation was reached through self-knowledge (gnosis). <- Clear effect of the “God is IMMANENT” concept and subsequently a carry-over from the belief systems of Ancient KMT,
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In the scholastic center of Alexandria, Egypt, Irenaeus and Titus Flavius Clemens, both of GREEK parentage, emerged as the leaders of the theological movement against Gnosticism, particularly against the Gnostic theologian, Valentinus of EGYPTIAN ancestry. (I emphasized their ancestry to highlight the basic cultural difference that would have influenced their positions. The "God is IMMANENT" concept is largely missing from the Western cultural ethos and thereby a Greek cultural ethos)
Not until the 325 when the Council of Nicea occurred and firmly established the Christianity and the state religion of the Roman Empire, was Gnosticism so vehemently attacked. The theological movement became one of murder, arrest and bloodshed. The Christian church had already destroyed the many of the temples of old KMT and now anyone opposing the new Christianized Roman Empire became targets of destruction. Much like the old “pagan” Roman Empire persecuted “Christians,” the new Christian (roman) empire (and subsequently “new Christians”) persecuted the “heretics.”
For further understanding, when studying the lives of the early patriarchs, the political implications of the stance against “heretics.” For instance, the general stance taken against Gnostics (Christian Gnostics or otherwise), one must understand how at the time believing in the divinity of oneself was detrimental to imperial rule. The church of the Roman Empire insured the “right” to rule of the emperor and established a hierarchal order to the faith. This church was beginning of papal authority that further developed later in the Catholic Church. Thus the idea of the divinity of oneself, negated the need for the church authority for salvation and the dictatorial rule of the emperor. Furthermore, the opponents of the acclaimed St. Augustine, the Donatists, were Christians who did not accept the papal rule of the Roman church. Augustine’s efforts against the Donatists significantly strengthened the authority of the Roman Church.
Let’s have a further look at “God is IMMANENT” concept among words of the Gnostics themselves and found in the Nag Hammadi Library, which is a collection of books found in earthen jars in a cave near what is now called Nag Hammadi, Egypt. Because of the Christian burning of the works used and/or written by Gnostics, much of their ideas had only been seen through the eyes of their mainstream Church opponents, until the finding of the Nag Hammadi texts.
“As for the incomprehensible, inconceivable one, the Father, the perfect one, the one who made the totality, within him is the totality and of him the totality has need. Although he retained their perfection within himself, which he did not give to the totality, the Father was not jealous. What jealously indeed (could there be) between himself and his members? For, if this aeon had thus received their perfection, they could not have come (…) the Father. He retains within himself their perfection, granting it to them as a return to him and a perfectly unitary knowledge. It is he who fashioned the totality, and within him is the totality and the totality was in need of him.” –Valentinus in The Gospel of Truth
“I will begin by invoking God, the Master and Maker and Father and Encompasser of all, who is both One and all things; not that the One is two, but these two are one; for the whole which is made up of all things is one. And I beg you keep this in mind, my King, throughout your study of my teaching. For if any one attempts to separate all things from the One, taking the term “all things” to signify a mere plurality of things, and not a whole made up of things, he will sever the All from the One, and will thereby bring to naught the All; but that is impossible. It needs must be that all things are one, if they exist (and they do exist, and never cease to exist), in order that the whole which is made up of them may not be dissolved.” Libellus XVI-Epistle of Asclepius to King Ammon from the _Corpus Hermeticum_ (This isn’t from the Nag Hammadi nor is it by Christian Gnostics. This is by Gnostics called Hermeticists but I thought it would be a good finisher!)
Further Reading:
_Nag Hammadi Library_ edited by James Robinson _Hermetica_ edited by Walter Scott _Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity with Their Influences on the Opinions of Modern Christendom_ by Samuel Sharpe _The Donatist Church: A Movement of Protest in Roman North Africa_ by W.H.C. Frend
PEace Solarus
***Words of Wisdom***
"Every time you rise from your sleeping state, you have been reincarnated. Every time you recover from a bad experience, you have been reincarnated. Every time you have been given a new lease on life, you have been reincarnated. Every time you breath in and out, take in the fresh breath of life and feel the divine intelligence flowing in and around you, you have been reincarnated."- Mfundishi Bakari
On "love":
"I am in love everyday, whether I am with someone or not. Why? All love is based on a search for spirit. For me love is timeless, transcendent, peaceful, freeing, soul-based, unifying, and enhanced evolution. This is the basis of my activism."- Nettrice, the embodiment of Oshun
"Since we all make up the rules as we go along, love can mean many different things to many different people. But, for me love is a total commitment to understanding that is not limited to just people but is open to the totality of life. As long as we approach love from a fear based mentality and perceive it through veils of guardedness and anxiety, it will always be restricted by our fears."- Mfundishi Bakari
____________________________ "the real pyramids were built with such precision that you can't slide a piece of paper between two 4,000 lb stones, and have shafts perfectly aligned so that you can see a tiny aperture through dozens of these mammoth blocks