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Fri Apr-18-03 09:44 AM

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19. "Robert Monroe Technique"
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First, it's good to see interest concerning the subject of the OOBE. Gaining an under/over/inner/outerstanding of the experience can greatly enhance your overview of who you are and the nature of your experience in human. Those who have consciously experienced the out of body state, generally come to KNOW that they will survive the death process and continue on. When you have it, nothing anyone can say will convince you otherwise...

B4 getting started;

- If you have any fear or doubt, you will not acheive the out of body state. As I mentioned previously, desire and will have a big part to play.
- make sure you will not be interupted by anything. Phone, children, music, etc. must not be allowed to distract you or you will go nowhere.
- Do not attempt if yur mind is heavy with worries about the bills or work or anything of that sort or if you're just stressed out.
- Heavy Meals b4 the attempt are a no-no.
- Make sure the room is at a temperature that is comfortable.

okay now....there are various techniques that can be done and each person is different. The first time i induced the state, I did somethings that I didn't do at all a few nights ago. Definitely research and find what method works for you...Here's what I did to bring on the first experience...

I had been reading the book "Journeys Out Of The Body" by Robert A. Monroe(The head honcho in the field of consciousness study and the OOBE...Hey Ioness, that name sound familiar)and I was in one of the last chapters of the book. He describes a state where the mind is fully awake while the body has gone asleep(hypnogogic state). With this state he mentions a detectable state of paralysis. Now I had been experiencing this at least twice a year since I was a child. Everytime struggling to move until I did, with nothing but WTF?!?!? feeling. My christian friends(yes i have a couple)would say they thought it was a demon holding them down. Monroe just shifted my whole perspective on the experience. He goes on to say that this is the point where it is possible to separate from the body. He says next time it occurs, do not fight it. Observe the feeling and become aquainted with it. That night(My desire was strong) after I read the chapter, that paralysis state came on and instead of fighting it, I observed the sensations. I was a series of waves or vibrations that were going up and down my body. It lasted long enough for me to completely feel them and then they subsided and I was able to move. Two weeks later, I had been wokin up early in the morning. My mind was fully awake, but I could feel that my body was still tired. I began reading more of the book and feel my consciousness become more relaxed. I thought that this would be the perfect time to attempt to leave my body. I easily acheived the hypnogogic state(mind awake/body asleep)then followed the steps described below, after achieving the state.

Robert Monroe's method

In his book, Journeys out of the Body, Robert Monroe describes a complicated-sounding technique for inducing OBEs. In part, it is similar to other imagination methods, but it starts with induction of the "vibrational state". Many spontaneous OBEs start with a feeling of shaking or vibrating, and Monroe deliberately induces this state first. He suggests you do the following. First lie down in a darkened room in any comfortable position, but with your head pointing to magnetic north. Loosen clothing and remove any jewelry or metal objects, but be sure to stay warm. Ensure that you will not be disturbed and are not under any limitation of time. Begin by relaxing and then repeat to yourself five times, "I will consciously perceive and remember all that I encounter during this relaxation procedure. I will recall in detail when I am completely awake only those matters which will be beneficial to my physical and mental being." Then begin breathing through your half-open mouth.

The next step involves entering the state bordering sleep (the hypnagogic state). Monroe does not recommend any particular method of achieving this state. One method you might try is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnagogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnagogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.

After first achieving this state, Monroe recommends to deepen it. Begin to clear your mind and observe your field of vision through your closed eyes. Do nothing more for a while. Simply look through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you. After a while, you may notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges and they have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls Condition C -- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts. The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning or after a short nap. With eyes closed, look into the blackness at a spot about a foot from your forehead, concentrating your consciousness on that point. Move it gradually to three feet away, then six, and then turn it 90 degrees upward, reaching above your head. Monroe orders you to reach for the vibrations at that spot and then mentally pull them into your head. He explains how to recognize them when they occur. "It is as if a surging, hissing, rhythmically pulsating wave of fiery sparks comes roaring into your head. From there it seems to sweep throughout your body, making it rigid and immobile." This method is easier than it sounds.

Once you have achieved the vibrational state, you have to learn to control it, to smooth out the vibrations by "pulsing" them. At this point, Monroe warns it is impossible to turn back. He suggests reaching out an arm to grasp some object which you know is out of normal reach. Feel the object and then let your hand pass through it, before bringing it back, stopping the vibrations and checking the details and location of the object. This exercise will prepare you for full separation.

To leave the body, Monroe advocates the "lift-out" method. To employ this method, think of getting lighter and of how nice it would be to float upwards. An alternative is the "rotation" technique in which you turn over in bed, twisting first the top of the body, head and shoulders until you turn right over and float upwards. Later you can explore further. With sufficient practice Monroe claims that a wide variety of experiences are yours for the taking.

...I gotta cut....more to come.

Truth 2 U

If you release what is within u, what u release will save you. If you do not release what is within u, what u do not release will destroy u.


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After leaving my body and hovering above my building... [View all] , Mau777, Thu Apr-17-03 10:24 AM
Subject Author Message Date ID
Apr 17th 2003
Apr 17th 2003
      RE: Nope.
Apr 17th 2003
           I read 'The Active Side Of Infinity'
Apr 17th 2003
                RE: I read 'The Active Side Of Infinity'
Apr 17th 2003
                check your inbox
Apr 17th 2003
                     RE: check your inbox
Apr 17th 2003
                RE: I read 'The Active Side Of Infinity'
Apr 17th 2003
                RE: I read 'The Active Side Of Infinity'
Apr 17th 2003
                RE: I read 'The Active Side Of Infinity'
Apr 17th 2003
thanxs for sharing, brotha
Apr 17th 2003
5 first outter body experience
Apr 17th 2003
RE: After leaving my body and hovering above my buildin
Apr 17th 2003
Someone want to hip me to some beginner
Apr 17th 2003
      I'm not sure about serious advers affects
Apr 18th 2003
      RE: I'm not sure about serious advers affects
Apr 18th 2003
           Hmmm, that just goes to show you the
Apr 19th 2003
                RE: Hmmm, that just goes to show you the
Apr 19th 2003
      RE: Someone want to hip me to some beginner
Apr 18th 2003
           RE: Someone want to hip me to some beginner
Apr 20th 2003
                Read my other responses for the steps.
Apr 21st 2003
Just wanted to know
Apr 17th 2003
I feel that its more than possible
Apr 18th 2003
To add
Apr 18th 2003
Without a doubt
Apr 18th 2003
      Don't take this as an insult
Apr 19th 2003
           RE: Don't take this as an insult
Apr 19th 2003
Apr 20th 2003
RE: After leaving my body and hovering above my buildin
Apr 18th 2003
Nope haven't read him
Apr 18th 2003
um....yeah ok
Apr 18th 2003
Apr 18th 2003
Apr 21st 2003
More on Robert Monroe
Apr 18th 2003
Great site w/ excellent Q&A section
Apr 18th 2003
I've never read anything on this, but as a child I
Apr 19th 2003
RE: I've never read anything on this, but as a child I
Apr 19th 2003
Apr 21st 2003
Yes, please archive
Apr 22nd 2003
Great Sig
Apr 22nd 2003
please archive...please? n/m
Apr 29th 2003
May 05th 2003

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