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Subject: "RE: Let's discuss subliminal racism = Peter Jackson's work." This topic is locked.
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Member since Dec 18th 2005
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Sun Dec-18-05 09:32 AM

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52. "RE: Let's discuss subliminal racism = Peter Jackson's work."
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Okay, before I start, I just want to say: This isn’t going to be the best thought out or most complete response. I just stumbled upon this discussion while looking for some tour information, and had to respond. But, it’s getting late, and I’m tired. So, I’m going to make this quick.

First of all, I can’t much respond to any of the talk about King Kong. I have never seen the original, the 1970’s remake, or the new version. But, from what everybody is saying, I gather the natives of the island where they find Kong are represented “badly” in everybody’s opinion. But, have any of you stopped to think that you saying the natives are being represented as savages is an extremely prejudice remark in itself. (Since some people have brought up sociology, so I’ll try and do this with sociology and anthropology in mind.) The simple fact is that throughout history there have been a lot of civilizations that practiced things like the occult, human sacrifice, did things like made jewelry from human bones, etc. And, the vast majority of those civilizations (who existed on all continents, mind you, except maybe Antarctica) existed before recorded history. From what little I know about King Kong, I’ve gathered that the island where Kong is found is a place that prehistory is supposed to have survived (i.e. there are dinosaurs, there are giant apes, and the people live in a way that nobody thought still existed). Also, I’ve gathered (and maybe I’m wrong on this) that the island is supposed to be fairly tropical. Now, if these people have been living on a tropical island for thousands of years, untouched by the rest of the world, I would assume they would adapt to their environment. Well, guess what, people in hotter tropical environments adapt by having darker skin. So, it is unreasonable to have these natives have paler skin. The reason people of Europe have paler skin is they adapted to a colder more overcast environment. The reason people of Central America, South America, and Africa have darker skin is they had to adapt to the exact opposite of environments, hot sunny climates. Now, since the island is supposed to represent pre-history and these people are living in a tropical environment it is not too unreasonable to make them people who are of darker skin and practice things like human sacrifice and the making of jewelry from bones. Also, modern sociology and anthropology teaches that there is no savage. Just because these people are shown as something that we would not normally associate with “civilization” does not make them un-civilized. But, instead they are simply civilized in a different way. Their civilization has gone through as much progress as any other; it just simply took a different direction. Now, if the characters in the movie call these people “savages,” then those characters are prejudice. But, that does not necessarily make the movie prejudice. The movie could simply be trying to paint the picture of a land radically different from our own. And, to say that these people are being shown as “savage” only shows your own bias about what you think civilization is. These people are only being shown as different, civilized in their own way. You put a negative connotation on how they act; their actions are not inherently negative. If people watch this movie and see a bunch of wild dark skinned savages attack a bunch of innocent pale skinned travelers, that only shows that the audience is prejudiced not the movie. The actions of the natives are only bad when we apply our own prejudices and pre-dispositions. But, if we see it as they are simply civilized in a different way and simply have different notions of morality. Then these people aren’t necessarily represented in the negative, but instead are represented as neutral (neither bad nor good, simply different). Now, I’m NOT saying the movie DEFINITLY isn’t racist. I can’t make that judgment; I’ve never seen it. I’m just saying: making the island natives act the way they do is not necessarily inherently racist and if you look at pre-history is maybe even understandable and realistic. And, making the island natives of darker complexion is very reasonable (that is, if the island does in fact have a tropical climate otherwise it probably is just racism). I’m just saying: is the movie racist? Maybe. But, don’t forget if you look for prejudice hard enough in a piece of media you’ll probably find it, even if it’s not actually there.

Now, as far as LoTR: Do I think Tolkein was a racist? He probably was considering the time in which he grew up. Do I think his story is racist or prejudice toward any group? No, and I think a lot of the arguments that claim it is are either a bit of a stretch or jumping to conclusions. First, some people have mentioned how all the heroes are white. Well, the story is set in Middle Earth. Middle Earth is a land that very clearly parallels feudal Europe, more specifically feudal Britain. Guess what, there weren’t many people of color running around feudal Britain, that’s just a fact. Pre-Globalization you didn’t get very many people of different skin colors in the same place. You are supposed to get that Middle Earth isn’t the entire world, but just the part of the world were the story takes place. And, in this part of the world the people just happened to be white (which is a reasonable choice for Tolkein to make since he was trying to parallel feudal Britain). Now, some may say, well the orcs aren’t white. But, if you remember that is explained. The orcs used to be elves, and since the elves are white then the orcs used to be white as well. They aren’t a people from another land or anything like that; they are simply altered elves. Other people have pointed out that the orcs have black skin, obviously racist. Well, how many people of African decent have you ever met with black skin? Because, maybe we are meeting different people, but every person I know and have met that is “black” actually has brown skin. Yes, some are darker than others, but they all definitely have brown skin. Actually, I think I can safely say if I ever meet a person with truly black skin I would probably shit myself a little bit just out of shear amazement. The orcs having black skin in LoTR has nothing to do with racism. It has everything to do with the old idea that white/light = good, and black/night = bad. And, that is an idea that is much older than racism (note I said racism not prejudice). Racism started in colonial times. There was prejudice before that, but it had nothing to do with race. Prejudice in pre-colonial times had to do with religion and culture. Take the Spanish Inquisition for example (pre-colonial times for those non-history buffs). The Muslims and Jews in Spain were heavily persecuted. But, if those Muslims and Jews converted to Christianity and adopted the culture of the country they were living in they were treated as equals. Their persecution had nothing to do with their race; the idea of “race” hadn’t even crossed the Inquisitors minds. The only thing that mattered was religion and culture. Skin color was a non-factor in those times. Skin color was only made a factor during colonial times, because the darker skinned slaves were converting to Christianity at a fast rate. But, the slave owners couldn’t just start giving up their slaves and treating them as equals because they had become Christian; they were too valuable to the economy. So, racism was created as a justification for the continued enslavement of Christians. So, racism is only a few hundred years old (and if you want to try to argue that go talk to a history or anthropology professor first, because he will back me up). But, the idea that white/light symbolizes good and black/night symbolizes evil is a very old idea. If anybody reads the Bible you will remember that Jesus. About 1500 years before colonial times, described himself as “the way, the truth, and THE LIGHT.” Also, the tradition of putting band of LIGHT or halo’s around holy people’s heads in art isn’t exactly a new idea. Also, many Eastern religions, which are as old and older than Christianity, will describe especially spiritual people as having a glowing LIGHT or aura radiating from them. White (along with Light) has been a symbol of purity in European cultures and cultures across the world for thousands of years, and it’s opposite black (along with Night) has been a symbol of corruption and evil. So, I think we can safely say that the idea of white/light symbolizing good and black/night symbolizing evil predates and has nothing to do with racism; it’s just old folklore. I think it is more than reasonable to believe that the orcs have black skin not for racist reasons, but because the color black had long represented evil especially in European tradition. This is also why Gandalf is made into the White wizard and much of his magic is manifested as beams of light. It is reasonable to believe that while Tolkein was trying to create a mythological story for Britain he would use themes from old European traditions and folklore. I really don’t think LoTR is meant to be racist. If anything it tries to teach that all races should work together, and try to defeat the real evils of the world. I mean, look at the fellowship. It is made up of elf, dwarf, hobbit, man, and wizard (I asked a LoTR nut about this once, the wizards apparently aren’t quite human. If you pay attention they mention that Gandalf is thousands of years old, obviously not quite human). This is trying to show different races how to work together, not trying to separate them. Now, as for the claims that LoTR is sexist and anti-feminist, I think it’s a bit of a stretch. Somebody made the claim that the ring of power (the object which’s destruction the entire story is based around) is vaginal. And, that the putting on of the ring represents penetration. Now, I see how this person can see this, but it just seems like a bit of a stretch to me. First of all, lets say the ring is vaginal. And, putting on the ring does represent women enslaving men with their “evil” vaginas. But, the story starts out by explaining that the elves received three rings, the dwarves seven (I think, maybe it was five), and the men nine. And, in those 19 (17?) rings was the will and power to govern all the races of Middle Earth. Now, these rings are obviously positive things. So, if the ring of power is vaginal. And, he wants to have the ring symbolize feminism and it’s threat to the world, why would he include 19 other rings (which if one is vaginal they all have to be vaginal) that are so obviously positive? Or, could it that he chose to make it a ring because of something much more rooted in European tradition? What did nobility in feudal Europe wear, besides a crown, to represent their lineage and power? A ring. Have you ever seen in movies a peasant or somebody get down on his/her knees and kiss a ring on the hand of a King/Queen? Do you know why they did that? Royalty wore rings that had their family crest on it. A King’s lineage was the reason he was ruling; it was the source of all his power. And, his family ring was a symbol of that lineage. So, basically, the family ring was a symbol for the source of royalty’s power. People would commonly be identified as royalty, because they wore a ring that bore the royal seal. I think it is fairly reasonable to believe that it is the RING of power and not the, oh let’s say, necklace or power, not because the ring is vaginal and meant to represent feminism. But, because rings were traditionally a symbol of lineage and therefore a source of power in European history. Also, the comparison between a sword and a penis is also made. The argument is that the sword is phallic, and these men are using “their manhood” to stop the power of the ring and restore peace to Middle Earth. Well, I guess I can see how the sword is phallic. But, lets not forget that Gimli uses and axe. Legalos uses a bow most of the time. And, actually, most of the soldiers used spears not swords. The swords are only actually used by the more important human characters. And, that’s just because traditionally, throughout history, most soldiers would use spears but the officers and nobles would use swords (swords were to expensive for most armies to equip all their soldiers with). So, they “saved” Middle Earth more with spears than with swords. Now, if you want to claim that spears are also phallic, again I can see it, I guess. But, can you name a weapon that isn’t phallic? (And, the whole point of LoTR is it’s an epic tale of war so don’t try to say, “Well, they didn’t necessarily have to use military force.) The sword is phallic, the gun is phallic, the spear is phallic, the double bladed war axe is probably the most phallic of them all, the arrow is phallic, the war-hammer is phallic, the mace is slightly phallic, really the amount of things you can say are slightly phallic is ridiculous if you really think about it. Maybe, just maybe, he was trying to tell an epic war story, and people just tend to read into the shape of weapons a little too much sometimes. Also, I think it is odd that a story that is so sexist would have to very strong female character. And, the story would have one of those female characters kill the King Wrath, something “no man could do.” Seriously, Tolkein always claimed that all he was trying to do was write a great epic, and that LoTR was not intended to be an allegory for anything. Just, when you really look for something in a well-told epic of the scale of LoTR, you’re probably going to find what you’re looking for. You’ll find it, even if what you’re looking for wasn’t really even there in the first place.

Wow, that turned out much longer than I intended. Anyway, that’s my two cents; I’m going to sleep.


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Let's discuss subliminal racism = Peter Jackson's work. [View all] , AquamansWrath, Fri Dec-16-05 02:04 PM
Subject Author Message Date ID
RE: Let's discuss subliminal racism = Peter Jackson's work.
Dec 16th 2005
I've been telling all my friends the LOTR series is racist as hell
Dec 16th 2005
RE: I've been telling all my friends the LOTR series is racist as hell
Dec 16th 2005
Yup it is.. .and exactly on point.
Dec 16th 2005
i'm not buying your take on LOTR
Dec 16th 2005
so you just argued and supported my post in one statement
Dec 16th 2005
when did i say it was *NOT* racist?
Dec 16th 2005
RE: i'm not buying your take on LOTR
Dec 17th 2005
      oh, there's nothing accidental about it.
Dec 17th 2005
it is, but your breakdown is completely wrong
Dec 16th 2005
i think this is true:
Dec 16th 2005
RE: i think this is true:
Dec 16th 2005
RE: it is, but your breakdown is completely wrong
Jan 05th 2006
RE: it is, but your breakdown is completely wrong
Jun 06th 2006
RE: I've been telling all my friends the LOTR series is racist as hell
Dec 18th 2005
hmm, didn't notice this post. there's so many mistakes though
Dec 21st 2005
you're absolutely right, but...
Dec 21st 2005
      other people might read the replies though
Dec 21st 2005
      yet your here... you read it... and you keep posting...
Dec 21st 2005
Dec 27th 2005
                Not to mention it borders Aryan mythology which could easily
Jun 06th 2006
If I was a racist
May 26th 2006
to be fair to Peter Jackson...
Dec 16th 2005
I've seen both of the earlier versions
Dec 16th 2005
sounds pretty bad.
Dec 16th 2005
RE: I've seen both of the earlier versions
May 25th 2006
Um. No.
Dec 16th 2005
Dec 16th 2005
I can't take Peter Jackson seriously as a filmmaker
Dec 17th 2005
I can't take him seriously as a non-biggot either
Dec 17th 2005
some issues with this...
Dec 17th 2005
RE: some issues with this...
Dec 17th 2005
then you didn't read the books
Dec 17th 2005
ah come on...
Dec 18th 2005
lol.. you seriously expect them to make LOTR a discourse on racism?
Dec 18th 2005
No, it wasn't faithful at all!!!
May 26th 2006
Check out this article
Dec 16th 2005
This is great!
Dec 16th 2005
RE: This is great!
Dec 16th 2005
Great article!
Dec 22nd 2005
Myth & Symbology: Constructed Meaning
Dec 16th 2005
oh dear god
Dec 16th 2005
      as if he would admit that and ruin his career?????? c'mon now...
Dec 16th 2005
      dude he saw the movie when he was like 7 years old
Dec 16th 2005
      Your missing the point... and he's not 7 NOW.
Dec 16th 2005
           no you're missing the point: he's NOT making the movie to promote racism
Dec 16th 2005
      RE: as if he would admit that and ruin his career?????? c'mon now...
Dec 16th 2005
           RE: as if he would admit that and ruin his career?????? c'mon now...
Dec 17th 2005
Dec 17th 2005
           Did your teacher own a map?
Dec 17th 2005
           are you really prepared to take it there?
Dec 18th 2005
                no one is claiming that the Empire St Building wasnt a huge penis.
Dec 19th 2005
                     fuck that... Egyptians were black...
Dec 19th 2005
                     like I said, you are a fucking hypocrite
Dec 19th 2005
                          truth must hurt...
Dec 19th 2005
                          yep, he's a racist and a hypocrite
May 26th 2006
                     There's actually some good points here
May 31st 2006
                          Um, actually it's the continuation and promotion of such
Jun 01st 2006
      RE: oh dear god
Dec 17th 2005
           You're part of the problem?
May 26th 2006
do you know why he remade King Kong?
Dec 16th 2005
it's all about the melanin
Dec 16th 2005
Why is the only good orc a dead orc? (Swipe)
Dec 16th 2005
Very good read
Dec 16th 2005
THANK YOU for this
Dec 17th 2005
Dec 17th 2005
      Good points..
Dec 17th 2005
      'you can't separate?'
Dec 17th 2005
      This is going way too far...
Dec 18th 2005
           This is not about prejudice
Dec 18th 2005
                So shouldn't your outrage be directed at Universal Studios?
Dec 18th 2005
                     I never attacked Jackson
Dec 18th 2005
Why pick on Peter Jackson?
Dec 18th 2005
RE: Why pick on Peter Jackson?
Dec 18th 2005
      We're gonna have to agree to disagree....
Dec 18th 2005
Dec 18th 2005
                I see no cop-out...
Dec 18th 2005
                     Popular Art and Racism
Dec 18th 2005
This post is fucking moronic at best...
Dec 18th 2005
Dec 18th 2005
Dec 18th 2005
Nettrice..I am not saying that there isnt racism in the King Kong film
Dec 19th 2005
      You know you don't have to participate?
Dec 19th 2005
           listen douchebag
Dec 19th 2005
                again... you don't have to participate...
Dec 19th 2005
                     amazing how you cannot grasp the simplist of concepts...
Dec 19th 2005
It's not moronic in an ontological sense
May 26th 2006
Dec 18th 2005
RE: counterpoint
Dec 18th 2005
      If the woman in the movie were black...
Dec 27th 2005
           RE: If the woman in the movie were black...
Dec 27th 2005
Simple question...
Dec 19th 2005
RE: Simple question...
Dec 19th 2005
Exactly. To even use those two examples...
Dec 19th 2005
RE: Simple question...
Dec 19th 2005
      actually bright spot the title says Peter Jackson's WORK...
Dec 19th 2005
some dumb ass questions...
Dec 19th 2005
      Your & You're
Dec 19th 2005
           okay let me try...
Dec 19th 2005
                RE: okay let me try...
Dec 19th 2005
RE: Let's discuss subliminal racism = Peter Jackson's work.
Dec 19th 2005
it's called liberal racism... let's discuss your 'hippie geek'
Dec 19th 2005
      Real Talk
Dec 31st 2005
           RE: Real Talk
Jan 06th 2006
RE: Let's discuss subliminal racism = Peter Jackson's work.
Dec 19th 2005
Hmmm... that was straight stupid...
Dec 19th 2005
      my point is why would it take that for you to get it?
Dec 19th 2005
      Peter Jackson is a Kiwi....
Dec 19th 2005
           so what your saying is...
Dec 19th 2005
                RE: so what your saying is...
Dec 19th 2005
                actually that's not what I'm saying at all...
Dec 19th 2005
                That was my entire point:
Dec 19th 2005
                     What? It's a topic... not a movement...
Dec 19th 2005
                          wow, you have no problem making shit up post after post after post
Dec 19th 2005
                               In My Head?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHa...
Dec 19th 2005
                                    RE: In My Head?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHa...
Dec 19th 2005
                                         uh no. You are.
Dec 19th 2005
                where did I say he was a brilliant film maker or person?
Dec 19th 2005
                     Actually you said he was a Kiwi
Dec 19th 2005
                          So you admit that I said he was a kiwi....
Dec 19th 2005
                               ayo what the fuck is your problem?
Dec 19th 2005
      RE: Hmmm... that was straight stupid...
Dec 20th 2005
RE: Who is Peter Jackson?-n/m
Dec 19th 2005
RE: Who is Peter Jackson?-n/m
Dec 19th 2005
Beyond Black and White: Postmodernism and Race in LOTR (swipe, long...)
Dec 19th 2005
Dec 20th 2005
i think it's pure coincidence he happens to take on these epics
Dec 20th 2005
since when do white men think of black men as sexually insecure?
Dec 20th 2005
Um, your reading it wrong Jon...
Dec 20th 2005
here is the real question
Dec 20th 2005
Who is the moron?
Dec 20th 2005
Dec 20th 2005
what for?
Dec 20th 2005
      do we?
Dec 20th 2005
      RE: do we?
Dec 20th 2005
           No one seems to go any further? You didn't read a damn thing..
Dec 20th 2005
                RE: No one seems to go any further? You didn't read a damn thing..
Dec 20th 2005
                     Um... actually genius... that wasn't the point of this post...
Dec 20th 2005
                     my point is you have no point
Dec 20th 2005
                          um, again... HIS WORK IS RACIST...
Dec 20th 2005
                               you are being obtuse
Dec 20th 2005
                               thanks for the observation. Everyone appreciates it.
Dec 20th 2005
                               Let me correct you
May 26th 2006
                                    RE: Let me correct you
May 26th 2006
                                         Wow... I posted this months ago
May 26th 2006
                                              Of course
May 26th 2006
                                                   RE: Of course
Jun 06th 2006
                     Actually there are studies
Dec 20th 2005
      RE: what for?
Dec 20th 2005
           trust me love... you have more than explained yourself
Dec 20th 2005
hey brightspot... read the title... "Peter Jackson's WORK" so...
Dec 20th 2005
RE: hey brightspot... read the title... "Peter Jackson's WORK" so...
Dec 20th 2005
      No I completely understood it... your the easy part...
Dec 20th 2005
           RE: No I completely understood it... your the easy part...
Dec 20th 2005
                Your too self righteous... and you didn't read a ounce of this post
Dec 20th 2005
                     RE: Your too self righteous... and you didn't read a ounce of this post
Dec 20th 2005
                          haha.. asshat...
Dec 20th 2005
Autonomy vs. heteronomy
May 26th 2006
what the hell happened in this post?
Dec 20th 2005
please... there are some great responses in this post...
Dec 20th 2005
      yes, there are... but they are obscured by all your bickering
Dec 20th 2005
           right... just me and me alone... wasn't provoked at all...sure.
Dec 20th 2005
                last response
Dec 20th 2005
                     nice of you to pick up on that after the fact... baiting people?
Dec 20th 2005
angel cake vs. devil's food
Dec 21st 2005
RE: angel cake vs. devil's food
Dec 22nd 2005
      stands up and applauds...
Dec 22nd 2005
      look at your bullshit reasoning
Dec 22nd 2005
           here's why YOUR Bullshit...
Dec 22nd 2005
           your reasoning boils down to this:
Dec 22nd 2005
           RE: look at your bullshit reasoning
Dec 22nd 2005
      RE: angel cake vs. devil's food
Dec 22nd 2005
           RE: angel cake vs. devil's food
Dec 22nd 2005
           RE: angel cake vs. devil's food
Dec 22nd 2005
           RE: angel cake vs. devil's food
Dec 22nd 2005
                RE: angel cake vs. devil's food
Dec 22nd 2005
                i said 'right wing' as a catchall for all the bad ideologies
Dec 22nd 2005
No your wrong
Dec 23rd 2005
RE: No your wrong
Dec 24th 2005
RE: No your wrong
Dec 24th 2005
RE: No your wrong
Dec 24th 2005
      RE: No your wrong
Dec 24th 2005
           RE: No your wrong
Dec 27th 2005
                RE: No your wrong
Dec 27th 2005
                     looking for racism
Dec 27th 2005
                     Right here
Dec 28th 2005
                          RE: Right here
Dec 28th 2005
                          Analyze the special effects
May 26th 2006
Exactly and you know what's funny...
Jan 04th 2006
fantastic response
May 26th 2006
in the Chronic(WHAT?)cles of Narnia,evil is personified by a WHITE Witch
Dec 30th 2005
Narnia is not American
Jan 05th 2006
The original king kong was somewhat of a protest against racism--
Dec 31st 2005
Jan 01st 2006
I mostly agree with this
Jan 01st 2006
LOTR doesn't portray people of colosur
Jan 01st 2006
And Eric Blair
May 25th 2006
May 26th 2006
RE: Let's discuss subliminal racism = Peter Jackson's work.
Jan 01st 2006
actually me and many scholars are saying it...
Jan 06th 2006
May 25th 2006
I'll agree with you on this one
May 25th 2006
ROTFLMAO!! Reminescent of "Revolutionary thoughts inside" post.
May 25th 2006
I saw this coming a mile away
May 25th 2006
Every once in a while something like this pops up
May 25th 2006
May 31st 2006
May 31st 2006
      which is my point... King Kong only adds to the problem...
May 31st 2006
LOTR and Kong are completely different. LOTR is steeped in
Jun 07th 2006
remember this?
Jun 09th 2006
      The Master Culture or canon
Jun 09th 2006
           great points... but we went through this before...
Jun 09th 2006
                RE: great points... but we went through this before...
Jun 09th 2006
                     but isn't that optimism at it's finest... and not completely realistic?
Jun 09th 2006

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