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Thu Oct-04-01 08:57 AM

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Let’s start at 963 BC, the year in which Solomon assumed the kingship in Jerusalem… the book of kings states that Solomon began the construction of the temple in the fourth year his reign completing it in his eleventh year…Kings I 6:1 also states:

“It came to pass in the four hundred and eitheieth year after the children of Yisrael came out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel… that he began to build the house of YHWH”

This statement is supported(with a slight difference) by the priestly tradition that there had been twelve generations of priests of forty years each, from the exodus to the time when Azariah “executed the priestly offive in the temple that Solomon built in jeruslamen.” (I Chronicles 5:36)

Both sources agree on the passageo of 480 years, with this diffreence, one counts from the start of the temple’c constrction(960 BC and the other from its completion(in 953 BC) when the priestly services could begin… And alas, SOLARUS what you have been getting at for quite some time, this would then set the Israelite exodus from egypt in either 1440 or 1443BC…the latter date has been proven to offer better synchronization with other worldly events…

Founded on the artifacts, cite excavations, numerous texts and etc…found at the beginning of this century, both egyptologists and biblical scholars worked together to reach the conclusion that eth exodus had indeed takenplace in the middle of the 15th century BC….but that wasn’t completely agreed upon by the scholars, who set the date at 13th century bc based on canaanite cite excavations, claiming that this happened in line with the canaanite conquest by Israel…(my mistatment did not become clear until I reread some of the papers that I wrote on this topic, and realized that claim was proven wrong…yet I hesitated in discussing it until I found this particular paper to give you the complete details)

The most notorious city seized by the israelites was jericho, and upon the excavation of KM Kenyon, it was concluded that the most pertinent destruction of Jericho occurred 1560 BC, well ahead of biblical events…However, archaeologist J.Garstang, had archaeological evidence that pointed to the conquest of jericho sometime between 1400 and 1385 BC, accounting for the forty years of Israelite wandering in the wilderness after the departure from egypt, he and others found archaeological evidence that support for an exodus date sometime between 1440 and 1425 BC….finding a middle date of 1433BC…you will soon see why…

Yes, for centuries scholars have been searching for proof through all the extensive egyptian records of such an exodus and its date…the only records that were found were in the writings of Manetho…Manetho states that
“After the blasts, God’s displeasure broke upon egypt,” a Pharoah named Toumosis negotiated with the Sheperd People(as you know this is what the hebrews were called by others as well as by Exodus)…”the people from the east, to evacuate Egypt and go whither they would, unmolested.” They then left and traveres the wilderness, “and built a city in a country now called Judaea…and gave it the name Jerusalem.”

Did this indeed happen? Or did the exodus occur under the reign of a pharoah named thothmes…thutmose???

Manetho referred to “the king who expelled the pastoral people from egypt” in a section devoted to pharoahs of the eigtheenth dynasty…egyptologists now accept as historical fact the expulsion of the hyskos( the eastern “Sheperd Kings”) in 1567BC by the founder of the eigtheenth dynasty, the pharoah Ahmosis(amosis in Greek)…this new dyansty, which established the New Kingdom in egypt, might well have ben the dynasty of Pharoahs “who knew not joseph” of which the bible speaks (exodus 1:8)

Theophilus, second century bishop of Antioch also referred in his writings to Manetho and stated tat the hebrews were enslaved by the king Tethmosis, for whom they “built strong cities, Peitho and Rameses and On, which is Heliopolis”, then they departed Egypt under the Pharoah whose name was Amasis…

Thus it appears from these ancient sources that the Israelites’ troubles began under a pharoah named thutmose/thuthmes and culminated with tehir departure under a successor named Amasis. What are the historical facts as they have been established by now?

After ahmosis had expelled the hyskos, his succesors on the throone of egypt, several of whom did bear the name thutmose as these ancient historians have stated…engaged in military campaigns in greater Cana’an, using the Way of the Sea as their invasion route…

Thutmose I(1525-1512 BC) a professional soldier put egypt ona war footing and launched invasions as far as the euphrates river- he feared Israelite disloyalty, we know this from egyptian inscriptions stating “when a war shall be called, they(israelites) shall join our enemies” and ordered therefore the killing of all new born israelite male babies…supported by bothe exodus -16) and the inscriptions of Thutmose I himself…

By calculation, made from genesis, Moses was birn 1513 BC, the year before Thutmose I was born…

Hatshepsut, was the eldest daughter of thutmose and the legitimate one that held the throne after he died…it was she who found and adopted Moses…her continued treatment of Moses as her adopted son canbe explained by the fact that she married Thutmose II, the succeding Pharoah, and her half brother…yet she could not bear him a son…

Thutmose II died shortly after, his succesor was thutmose III…with illigetimate origins…he was Egypt’s greatest warrior king….he was an ancient napolean as held by some scholars…

He made 17 campaigns against foreign lands to obtain tribute and captives for his major construction works, most were done in cana’an lebanon and as far as the euphrates river…egyptologists and biblical scholars had reached yet another conclusion together…
It was thutmose III that was the enslaver of the Israelites…for his campaigns drove so far northward they reached a city called naharin, the egyptian/kmtic name for the area on the upper euphrates, Aram-Naharim in biblical hebrew, this place is where some kinfolk of the Hebrew Patriarchs still remained who fought and protected their land against egypt’s invasions…and this explained the egyptian slab that was found with inscriptions that stated ““when a war shall be called, they(israelites) shall join our enemies”..

It was indeed Thutmose III from whose death sentence Mosese escaped to the wilderness of the Sinai after he had learned of his hebrew origins and openly sided with his people…

Thutmose III died in 1450 BC and was followed on the throne by Amenophis II- the Amasis named by theophilus qouting Manetho. It was indeed “after a long time, that the king of Egyot died,” Exodus 2:23 that moses dared to retrun to egyot to demand of the succesor Amenophis II to “let my people go”

Amenophis II reigned from 1450 to 1425BC, therefore the egyptologists and biblical scholars yet again came to the same conclusion that the exodus had taken place in 1433BC, exactly when Moses was 80 years old as supoorted by the bible…exodus ….

If you caught all of that, look for my next post on when teh israelites arrived in Egypt


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Ancient Civilizations [View all] , HalleluYAH, Wed Oct-03-01 10:27 AM
Subject Author Message Date ID
Oct 03rd 2001
Oct 03rd 2001
      RE: Kush
Oct 03rd 2001
      RE: Kush
Oct 03rd 2001
      south as in ethiopia
Oct 03rd 2001
Oct 04th 2001
Oct 04th 2001
                gen 10: 9
Oct 04th 2001
                No ACTUALLY
Oct 04th 2001
                     No ACTUALLY
Oct 04th 2001
                          CE not BCE
Oct 04th 2001
                               CE not BCE
Oct 04th 2001
                                    360 CE
Oct 07th 2001
Oct 04th 2001
           in the bible i have
Oct 04th 2001
Oct 04th 2001
                for example
Oct 05th 2001
                     What does your footnotes say
Oct 05th 2001
Oct 05th 2001
                     RE: ok.
Oct 05th 2001
                          I'm not "confused"
Oct 05th 2001
                     the rest of the notes
Oct 05th 2001
                          RE: the rest of the notes
Oct 05th 2001
Oct 05th 2001
                                    RE: *sigh*
Oct 05th 2001
                     RE: for example
Oct 05th 2001
Oct 05th 2001
                               RE: whoa...
Oct 05th 2001
      Kush and Axum
Oct 06th 2001
Oct 03rd 2001
Solarus, Infinite and Kemetian
Oct 04th 2001
Please I'm still confused
Oct 04th 2001
More later
Oct 04th 2001
      RE: More later
Oct 04th 2001
           RE: More later
Oct 04th 2001
Oct 04th 2001
more footnotes...
Oct 05th 2001
      RE: more footnotes...
Oct 05th 2001
           hold up....
Oct 05th 2001
                RE: hold up....
Oct 05th 2001
                     Zechariah Sichtin
Oct 05th 2001
                     RE: Zechariah Sichtin
Oct 05th 2001
                          U 1st
Oct 05th 2001
Oct 05th 2001
                                    RE: Cain
Oct 05th 2001
                                         no cain
Oct 05th 2001
                                         The Cultural Unity of Black Africa: The Domains of Matriarchy and of Pat...
Oct 05th 2001
Oct 05th 2001
                                              RE: The Cultural Unity of Black Africa: The Domains of Matriarchy and of...
Oct 05th 2001
                                                   I know that...
Oct 05th 2001
Oct 05th 2001
                          RE: again...
Oct 05th 2001
Oct 04th 2001
references a-d
Oct 05th 2001
references e-o
Oct 05th 2001
      references p-z
Oct 05th 2001
References Part 2 a-c
Oct 05th 2001
I'll stop here unless you all want me to cntnu dwn to z
Oct 05th 2001
For Future Reference
Oct 06th 2001

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