man, you need to go down to the Bodhi Tree on Melrose (between San Vicente and La Cienega) and get some tea and incense player.
i am all for self-expression, but I really hope you don't take these fans and their opinions personally like this man. I can tell you are a sensitive cat, but don't let folks script you prophet.
Point blank, a lot of people liked the site and when the administrator bounced people took it personally. The site did a lot to draw lovers of hip hop together and it was like a family in there (only everybody is under 35 agrees that De La Soul is the isht in this family) with you, Rhome and the strip itself forming some kind of holy trinity. So Rhome leaves (and by that I don't mean he quit or got fired or shapeshifted into lotus flower, i just mean he left the site behind) and people are a little bitter about losing their site. They speculate. They read into the words of Rhome and assume your silence is a guilty plea. But all of this jibber jabber ain't about you guys friendship, its about a bunch of 20 somethings and younger who have nothing better to do but post all day rather then get some work done (me included) and how they personally feel about losing the site. These folks don't really care about who was right or wrong or what went down from a compassionate standpoint. I mean, I think they feel close to you and Rhome and they want you guys to be happy and all that, but if they really cared they would just say a prayer for you guys and be done with it.
Well I know that the man who wants peace chooses it so I know you two are both where you choose to be right now wherever that is.
h20 ------------------------------------------------- if hip hop ever will be the day that all of us who fell in love with a new sound that was like nothing we ever heard before stop wanting to be challenged. the day those of us who nurtured