27. "HotStock app on my phone worked for me" In response to In response to 25 Mon Sep-20-21 06:30 PM by Nodima
I had it installed just over two weeks in mid-August before I caught a Walgreens drop. I got the disc-drive version so I spent a little more than I wanted to, and if I were patient I probably could've got the disc-less version (Walmart was selling both, alternating, the day I got mine) but I'll just consider that my scalper's fee. And who knows, maybe I'll get into the Criterion Collection at some point or whatever!
Edit: What took some getting used to was it seemed to send out alerts roughly 5-10 minutes before the drop actually happened, so initially it was frustrating seeing alerts at work and immediately seeing a sold out page. But once I finally happened to be home during one it was a pretty painless process honestly.