its basically like Valkyria Chronicles. the system is really tight too and a lot deeper than i think people are expecting. i really wanna play multiplayer.
There will be 16 playable characters and 4 Amiibo here are 9 leaked: http://i.imgur.com/82x4Od1.jpg
here's a bit from the Game FAQs thread:
Stun system (most of these are probably known, but it doesn't hurt to mention):
- Stun does not carry between turns. As soon as a turn ends, all characters become unstunned.
- Healing effects cure stun.
- When a character is stunned (be you or the enemy), all following damage hits are automatically critical hits (2x the weapon's damage). However, after that next attack ends, the character is not stunned anymore.
- I have the feeling that overwatch attacks have a higher chance to stun. Or maybe there's a hidden parameter in weapons.
Damage and Critical Damage system:
Now here things get interesting. By watching multiplayer footage and testing these myself (with friendly fire), I found the following.
- Lion's Courageous ability reduces all incoming damage on your characters by 20%.
- The enemy unit "Prowler" has an innate 50% damage reduction, except when hit on the weak spot.
- Critical hits dealing double damage happen either when you hit a stunned enemy or their weak point. Playable characters also have a weak spot, two in fact. But they behave differently. See below.
- Headshots exist! Hits on the head area have a 20% damage bonus (x 1.2), with red numbers appearing. This seems to be true only for playable characters (single and multiplayer).
- Your characters do have a weak spot just like the aliens: the back of your steam boiler. More specifically, the hole in the back which produces lighting. This is huge news for multiplayer, because you'll want to flank your opponents as much as possible. It also reinforces the importance of overwatch and unit facing.
- More interestingly though, sometimes hits on your characters deal less damage than normal. I wasn't able to reproduce this with friendly fire, but it's there.
- And regarding the Steam Crossbow, what it specifally does, it doubles all critical damage. Weak spot hits do 4x damage and headshots do 2.4x damage.
- The damage preview thing in the UI (flashing bars) do not predict these calculations. It only considers the weapon flat base damage.
You can test all of this by just shooting you own units. Since there's rounding during the calculation, results may be slighlty off sometimes.