>Virtue's Last Reward - visual novel/puzzle game with an >amazing story. > >Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies - better than the Layton/Wright >crossover. > >If you like Final Fantasy, Theatrhythm Curtain Call is >essential.
Gonna pick a few of those up after checking them out online due to your recommendation.
I kinda wanna check out a pokemon game to see how those are these days, may end up doing that also.
Man this thing is great! Pretty much stopped messing with Nintendo right after the Wii came out so its nice to see they're still going hard with the handhelds. Perfect for my on the go gaming needs.
================= Official Okay-Super Villain™
I only play the games that I win at - Gamertag: Innovator PSN: DurtyGambino Steam: Durty Gambino Twitch.tv/durtygambino