25. "Here's the games I own at the moment..." In response to In response to 0
Mario Kart 7 Zelda: OoT Super Mario 3D Land Resident Evil: Revelations
I haven't used my 3DS in two months now. I know Mario Tennis was recently released. I'm looking to get Kid Icarus. There's quite a few of launch games for selling for cheap now...£10-£15 at CeX.
I'm just occupied with other stuff, so haven't been keeping up with all the 3DS developments for the moment.
>Mario Kart too, I guess, the Online feature to Kart is worth >the price alone! Playing grand prix with folks from all around >the world is quite awesome and every player you interact with >will be in your Mii world.
I don't like that. There's to much added to your Mii plaza, after you play a few online games. I usually keep this option turned off.
>playing? Oh yeah, never sent a Swapnote in my life! LOL...
It's quite good, you should try it. I used it with two people on OKP (tapaz and some other guy).