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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWent to Raw last night.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2797863&mesg_id=2799859
2799859, Went to Raw last night.
Posted by magilla vanilla, Tue Nov-14-23 11:03 PM
Had seats even with the front edge of the big curved screen so we didn’t see everyone come through the curtain.

Some observations:

-while the entrance-break-segment-opponent entrance structure is weird, it IS good for bathroom breaks when you have kids with you.

- the people love them some LA Knight (or at least they love shouting YEAHHH even if he’s not on the show.

- but the people LOVE them some Jey. If people weren’t shouting YEAHHH or WOOOO when it was quiet they were shouting YEET

- the Miz’s face turn worked. There were people legit chanting for Miz in his match against Ivar.

- speaking of, him and Otis can MOOOOOVE. You don’t quite get on TV how agile those two big boys are.

-the Drew thing played pretty well live

- of everyone, Cody walks the character EVERY time he’s through the curtain. Dude jumped into the crowd to help get the cameras on a fan’s sign for the fan contest. He was CONSTANTLY working the crowd when he wasn’t involved in the action. That dude works hard even when he’s not working a hold.

- Dom’s heat is DEAFENING. Kudos to that kid for leaning into the skid there.

- Rhea’s promo went over REAL well with the crowd.

- but not quite as well as Becky’s

- they have to figure out how to make Xia’s kick look better (maybe the answer is putting her in with more accomplished workers because Indi … is a little ponderous out there still).