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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYEP
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2797863&mesg_id=2797891
2797891, YEP
Posted by jimaveli, Wed Oct-11-23 04:30 PM
>Felt like the Monday Night Wars again. Wish this was every

My 2-screen setup served me well. I was pausing and fast forwarding my azz off last night. It took me about 2.5 hours to 'watch' both shows with that setup and I still felt like I saw most everything that needed to be seen. I had a blast. I was also flat out tired afterwards! Rasslin overload!

They NEED to do something like this about quarterly. AKA they need to jackass their way into an 'accidental' war night and then do good stuff with whatever eyeballs they get on the product(s).

WWE took advantage of their killer rolodex and us it to try to make a lot of their upcoming people look as UPCOMING as possible. AEW tried to make a show that they could follow-up with a 'hey, we didn't need to cheat cuz this every week. If you're not watching us on Wednesdays and Saturdays, you're missing out'. Both achieved a lot of good last night no matter what the numbas will say. I'm guessing WWE 'beat' AEW AND what they normally get for NXT on Tuesdays.