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Topic subjectUntold - Johnny Football on Netflix
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2795510, Untold - Johnny Football on Netflix
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Aug-09-23 10:19 AM
Nothing really new if you followed his story from the beginning but it was interesting to see it all laid out
2795527, I didnt follow him much aside from ESPN coverage & watching games so....
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Aug-10-23 08:12 AM
it was surprising to see the whole "he comes from oil money" was a hoax and just a cover for the autograph scheme.
2795534, he's pretty unlikable
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Aug-10-23 05:03 PM
docs like this will usually help me empathize with players in a way I didn't before watching them.

I have no ill feelings towards him and never have. I def don't blame him for getting paid of his own likeness in college. overall i wish the guy well

but I just kinda generally viewed him as a douche, and felt the exact same way after watching.

good watch though
2795599, Completely unlikeable
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Aug-19-23 05:46 PM
Never understood the love he got on this board

Watched 30 min of the doc and didn’t feel like it was telling me anything I didn’t already know
2795600, wow. i completely disagree. i've said it 100x on these boards...
Posted by PROMO, Sat Aug-19-23 06:46 PM
and this documentary was pretty much just that theory in documentary form: many successful or famous athletes don't love this shit.

this documentary just showed me that he didn't really love the game, and when it took actual work to keep being successful (once he got to the NFL and he couldn't just solely out-talent the competition), that's when it went downhill for him.

i completely changed my feelings about him because i feel sympathy for those players. they just play cuz they are exceptional talents but not cuz they love it, or they play cuz it's the expectation, or cuz other people are counting on them to succeed, etc. and because they are exceptional talents, everyone wants them to meet THEIR expectations of them and if they don't, they suck or they are a bust or whatever. i think we are seeing this with Zion Williamson right now.

shit he even said he never expected to be an NFL player - he was just enjoying the ride and when the ride wasn't enjoyable anymore he was done with it. as he said, when he had the most fame and money ever is when he was the most unhappy.
2795569, Terrelle Pryor got kicked out of college and suspended from the NFL
Posted by guru0509, Mon Aug-14-23 12:27 PM
…For doing the same shit Manziel did in a much smaller fashion (75k vs 2500 and some tattoos)

Ncaa is worse than Al Qaeda

>Nothing really new if you followed his story from the
>beginning but it was interesting to see it all laid out
2795608, Moral codes tend to be selective
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Aug-20-23 04:08 AM
That entire fiasco ages worse and worse by day