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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: this drives me crazy!!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2789914&mesg_id=2791650
2791650, RE: this drives me crazy!!!!
Posted by calminvasion, Sat May-20-23 06:23 PM

>Im 45. In my prime I could jump out the building! Never had
>much of a jump shot, but could do any dunk you can think of
>(freethrow line, 360s, etc.) I have a 6 year old son and
>realized last year that he will never know just how athletic I
>was aside from my friends telling him stories. Last summer I
>tried to dunk for the first time in years and did it
>surprisingly easily. So I gave someone my phone so they could
>record it for me, and not only did I miss the dunk, I also
>blew my acl. SMH
>No country for old men I guess.....

Oh no! Man that's sad. Im the same age and was never at your level of athleticism, but was a pretty good HS bball player. Would love to have some video from back then to relive. Hope the rehab has gone well