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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI always wondered about that
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2789353&mesg_id=2795501
2795501, I always wondered about that
Posted by magilla vanilla, Tue Aug-08-23 12:14 PM
>Wrestlers are introduced, come to the ring and then just stand there for like 5-6 minutes doing
>nothing while we've just got video packages to watch, showing us the storylines of last week,
>two weeks ago, the limited edition merch, the wrestlers on reality/game shows, or my favorite
>the "Chop Cam" catching all these men, women, and children doing the DX crotch chop. That
>shit was hilarious.

It's WILD to me that they'll have an entrance lead to a break, but it might be something nice for the fans there in that they'll get an additional promo in while the home audience is waiting for the break to end. But nope. That's weird.

As far as LA Knight/Eli Drake, dude was fantastic on the NWA reboot when it started out. He's a fun promo and I feel like he mixes some stuff from Flair and some stuff from Rock while making it still his own. He can fumble a beat and make it work to his advantage ("Shoes of a Champion" promo being one of the loosest, most fun examples https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlYRqgn4HMo). And yeah, dude's not a super technician or flyer, but he can put together a damn solid match and make even weird shit like Pitch Black somewhat believable. Truth be told he hasn't really had a match with any stakes since he got the call-up. So we don't know what he has in terms of telling that kind of a story yet.