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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectA promo like that would boost his level of being a heel
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2789353&mesg_id=2795414
2795414, A promo like that would boost his level of being a heel
Posted by MaxPtah, Thu Aug-03-23 02:31 PM

>And, yeah, MJF's time as a face doesn't have to be that long.
>I'd be fine if he went back to being a heel at the start of
>2024, after they announce that he's re-signed with the
>company. He can give a promo saying essentially, "The only
>reason I was sucking up to your poors and Tony Khan was to get
>to more money. I'm better than you know and you know it, and
>now I've got the contract to prove it."

and he's the only heel who could pull this off. I'd like that.