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Topic subjectthe ass-kicking won me over
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2795351, the ass-kicking won me over
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Jul-31-23 07:04 PM

>YES. And even better...when they hit the ring, they are
>obviously in the business of kicking people's asses. So I can
>tolerate some mild amounts of ooga booga if they keep having
>grand matches. And hell, I know how to hit fast forward! Even
>with badass Collision, I will skip a picture in picture as
>long as I can be aware of who is on offense before and after.
>Or if Miro is talking at the sky..same thing.

the first Buddy-Andrade match was an eye opener, Buddy hitting the ring with malicious intent during Andrade's match set the hook, and everything else has slowly drawn me in. the ladder match got a little "modern" for me in the 2nd half (and the power bomb should have been an injury angle lol), but even the contrivances paid off in fun ways at the end .

>It is AMAZING how good basically everyone comes off on this
>show. Starks is a star without eating up the whole show. The
>big hosses get treated just like that. FTR is the featured act
>and wow. Jay White looks like a brilliant signing now too.
>Christian fits right in here doing his horrible person deal.

my wife has watched a full 2/3 of the episodes in entirety with me! on a Saturday!! and Ishii popped her for real the first time he dropped Darby Allin with one shot. that was a tremendous match, and did more for him in my eyes in 10 minutes than the rest of his appearances combined.

there's really no other way to say it...everyone is coming off like pro athletes in the only sport that will tolerate their outlandish behavior, which is just the way I like it.

>I love it so much
>that it is the only thing I watch from front to back EVERY
>week without fail. I'm excited for multiple people on it.


>If not that,

Its definitely "that" and FTR is a major major reason why.

>Side: LA Knight being stupid over in-spite of WWE's failed
>attempts to ruin him makes my heart grow 3 sizes. Now, they
>have to figure out how to steer into the skid and make it seem
>like they always knew he was great.

im headed to the Slams Saturday night, and I really hope they have a spot for him. I really wanted him and Logan Paul, but I have a feeling Ricochet is gonna take an L so maybe thats for the best.