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Topic subject30 points.. Knuck f you Buck.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2753454&mesg_id=2753562
2753562, 30 points.. Knuck f you Buck.
Posted by guru0509, Fri Dec-24-21 01:08 AM
>Lol watching the lakers be this bad is so rewarding bc it
>rarely happens but this is great
>>About 2 months of the season has been played, and no team -
>>in my opinion -
>>is a shoe-in to win or get to the championship. There are a
>>hand full of top teams
>>that are playing at a high level, and either one of those
>>teams has the potential
>>to run the table. They all have the potential to beat each
>>Golden State, Phoenix, and Utah are the top 3 teams in the
>>And Brooklyn, Chicago, and The Cavs are the top 3 teams in
>>Every one of those teams has a “closer” or “closers”
>>except for the Cavs - in
>>my opinion - so I think that might hurt them come PO time.
>>They are a very good
>>team, but are they better than a fully loaded Bucks team
>>has 3 closers?
>>I don’t know. We shall see. I smell a Chicago/Milwaukee
>>P.S.: Thank you Lakers Nation for dinner the other night. WE