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Topic subjectNBA All-Star Game format changing in honor of Kobe (swipe)
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2711483, NBA All-Star Game format changing in honor of Kobe (swipe)
Posted by pretentious username, Thu Jan-30-20 03:32 PM
and it's the most confusing shit ever


NBA changing All-Star Game format, adding a Kobe tribute

The NBA announced major changes to the All-Star format on Thursday, turning every quarter into a mini-game for charity before an untimed final quarter with a target score that will decide which team wins. Scores will be reset — back to 0-0 — at the start of the second and third quarters, then restored to begin the fourth quarter.

That’s where the tribute to Bryant and the No. 24 jersey he wore for the last decade of his NBA career comes into play. The team that wins the All-Star Game will be the first to reach a target score, determined by the total points the team in the lead scored in the first three quarters combined — plus 24, the obvious nod to Bryant.

The NBA said there will be multiple tributes to Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and the seven others who lost their lives in Sunday’s helicopter crash throughout All-Star weekend, including the showcase game on Feb. 16. The target score is just one of them.

“We spent a lot of time considering the right target number to use for the fourth quarter,” said Byron Spruell, the NBA’s president for league operations. “Through the events of this week it became clear to us that the only appropriate number for this season’s All-Star game is 24.”

The target score is the latest addition to the NBA’s quest to make the game more competitive, something that players have wanted for some time.

This is the third year where the NBA has had a format where captains — it’ll be the Los Angeles Lakers’ LeBron James and the Milwaukee Bucks’ Giannis Antetokounmpo in those roles this year, just like last year — get to draft their teams, something that will take place next week.

“We’ve been very focused on making it more competitive, making it more exciting and making it fun,” Spruell said. “And we’ve had a great collaboration with the union. For this year’s game, we really focused on what new things we could do to make it a really competitive game where each quarter mattered in this case.”

It’ll matter to Chicago-area charities, which will benefit from however many quarters Team LeBron and Team Giannis win that night.

The team that has the most points after the first quarter will win $100,000 for its charity. The same will apply to the second and third quarters. The scores get added for the fourth to set the target score — for example, if the score is 100-95 at that point, then the team that wins the All-Star Game will be the first to reach 124.

The target score concept is something that the NBA has been considering since last summer, when National Basketball Players Association president Chris Paul — a big fan of The Basketball Tournament, a winner-take-all $2 million event composed mostly of college alumni teams — reached out to say the league should explore the concept. The Basketball Tournament uses what is called the Elam Ending; the game clock is turned off at the first stoppage with 4:00 or less in the fourth quarter, and the target score there is eight points more than the leading score at the time.

Paul coached in the TBT last season.

“It almost takes us back to when we would play on the playground,” Spruell said. “We’d go up to 15 or 21 or what have you. This time it’ll be 24 with someone hitting a gamewinning shot.”

There’s at least $500,000 for charity at stake from the game alone. Each of the first three quarters is worth $100,000 — if there’s a tie, the money rolls over to the next quarter — and the final score is worth another $200,000. If one team sweeps all four quarters, the other team will receive $100,000 for its charity regardless.

All-Star weekend generates more than $1 million over the three days for Chicago neighborhood non-profit organizations, through the game itself and other events held under the NBA Cares umbrella.

For now, this is a one-year change, though the NBA is hopeful that the quarter-score for charity element and the target-score ending become part of the All-Star Game on a long-term basis.

“If successful, I would imagine we keep it moving,” Spruell said.
2711486, RE: NBA All-Star Game format changing in honor of Kobe (swipe)
Posted by allStah, Thu Jan-30-20 04:03 PM
This is too much and tacky, just like the logo idea. A tribute can be done to honor him before and after the game, but this is going way overboard to the point where it dilutes the honor.

You can have something set up where the Kobe 24 allstars vs the Kobe 8 allstars, and then wear jerseys with those numbers on the back with their names on it.

- Pre-game tribute

- halftime show and celebration

- Post Game Closure.

2711487, this sounds absolutely awful
Posted by CherNic, Thu Jan-30-20 04:13 PM
2711491, are they gonna play some defense? if not im still out.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jan-30-20 04:51 PM
2711508, Right, I been out for years and this won't bring me back. RIP KB
Posted by Beezo, Thu Jan-30-20 07:42 PM
2711496, This is Star Wars Christmas Special levels of bad. SMH.
Posted by Castro, Thu Jan-30-20 05:52 PM
Just make half court a 5 point line and Alley oops 3 points keep everything else the same.
2711497, So, unless I'm misunderstanding this (which is certainly possible)....
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jan-30-20 05:59 PM
...All the team that's leading after three quarters has to do is score 24 points to win?

Like, even during a regular game on a Wednesday night most NBA teams can do that in like eight minutes. During an All-Star Game, where scores are in the 170s, that takes five minutes of play.
2711498, I don't think they want the game to be long
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-30-20 06:01 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2711499, But the game moves pretty briskly now
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jan-30-20 06:06 PM
Even with the scores in the 170s/180s/190s. It's not like there's many time stoppages due to fouls or for the coaches to draw up plays.

I just don't really see the point of this other than making the final quarter REALLY short.
2711551, I don't see the downside
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Jan-31-20 06:47 PM
even if it's short, if you wanted to incentivize defense, this does it.

no possibility of OT, which no one wants


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2711500, What is the point of resetting scores to 0 in the 2nd and 3rd?
Posted by Oak27, Thu Jan-30-20 06:13 PM
2711510, Cool they’re doing something immediately but this seems overly convoluted.
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Jan-30-20 09:02 PM
2711512, -
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jan-30-20 09:39 PM
2711531, right. I think renaming the All-Star MVP award after him
Posted by pretentious username, Fri Jan-31-20 12:37 PM
would've been perfect. They can loop in charities in another fashion. This is such a mess.
2711533, The league is doing a really poor job explaining it.
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Jan-31-20 01:16 PM
I think when you get into it, it's not as complicated as they're making it sound.

It's just going to make a really short fourth quarter. I'm assuming these guys really don't feel like playing the game given what just happened, so I do understand.
2711547, it's not that complicated, the people explaining it just suck
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Jan-31-20 04:30 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2711518, So it appears this is just a modified "Elam" ending
Posted by josephmurf2384, Fri Jan-31-20 06:19 AM

2711542, more or less but why reset the scores if cumulative score matters?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Jan-31-20 03:38 PM
this seems rushed and i wouldn't be surprised if the final version is a bit different.
2711544, because it still makes each individual Q more important
Posted by Deebot, Fri Jan-31-20 03:52 PM
and it means each Q will have a 4th Q kind of feel to it.
2711559, yeah, small games. if you're coming in off the bench
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Jan-31-20 09:31 PM
you can definitely go off and help your team win a quarter, instead of just getting lost in the whole game

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at