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Topic subjectNFL Conference Championship Day
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2710881, NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jan-19-20 03:13 PM
Titans on the board.
2710882, 10-0 lets get another stop and bleed some clock
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jan-19-20 03:30 PM
2710883, Great start for the Titans. This ain’t the Texans.. KC better score soon
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jan-19-20 03:36 PM
2710885, They too fast. We gotta keep putting points up
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jan-19-20 03:47 PM
2710886, They bodying the clock on this drive
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jan-19-20 04:03 PM
2710887, chiefs d loves keeping their own offense off the field huh?
Posted by Reeq, Sun Jan-19-20 04:04 PM
2710888, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 04:05 PM
2710889, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 04:09 PM
That’s how you stop a great offense. You keep them off the field.

Titans can run out an entire Fucking quarter.

Henry is insane. You know the run is coming, but you can’t stop it.

Still more football to play though. Just keep running the ball and controlling the clock.
2710893, No lead will work
Posted by Ceej, Sun Jan-19-20 04:32 PM
2710895, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 05:09 PM
Stay tough titans. Down by 4
2710897, Every time there is a chance to put a hit on mahomes we let up
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jan-19-20 05:17 PM
Like damn I know this nigga is nice but make him earn it. Have him struggling to get out of bed tomorrow
2710898, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 05:24 PM
It’s going to be really tough now.

They have to score on this drive.
2710899, Game over...good year, Tennessee
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jan-19-20 05:38 PM
2710900, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 05:38 PM
That’s game.

Good run by Titans. And Henry.

2710901, Terrible PI call right there.
Posted by Beezo, Sun Jan-19-20 05:56 PM
2710902, Titans will be deadly with a real quarterback.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Sun Jan-19-20 05:59 PM
2710903, been thinking that since mcnair
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jan-19-20 06:03 PM
Idk where we get one this year though. Tannehill is coming back next year to run it back
Mariota trash and gone
2710916, I actually think they'll go after GOAT Brady
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Sun Jan-19-20 06:40 PM
2710904, I'd still ride with Tannehill....
Posted by blueeclipse, Sun Jan-19-20 06:06 PM
People are going to overreact like crazy to this shit. Deshaun Watson lost to the Chiefs too. They lucked out with this shit after Mariota bombed now you just throw that away and start over with a rookie? If they want to bring in another guy for competition.....fine. But Tannehill better be the starter next season. Getting rid of him would be some dumb ass Brian Billick shit. Fuckin threw Trent Difler away for Elvis Grbac. Then drafted Kyle Boller. GTFOH.
2710913, I agree with you almost verbatim, here...
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jan-19-20 06:35 PM
only thing I fear is they are going to “overpay” Tannehill and they have to pay Henry. But, I guess that’s simply the cost of doing business.
2710915, His numbers dropped immensely in the Playoffs
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Sun Jan-19-20 06:39 PM
Henry played so well it kind of masked the fact that he wasnt nearly the same QB in the Playoffs. If youre gonna keep up with the Chiefs and Ravens going forward you gotta get a more dynamic passer
2710960, Or just have a better team and scheme....
Posted by blueeclipse, Mon Jan-20-20 02:25 AM
Kimmy G hasn't had to carry shit and he's in the SB.....
2710905, Mahomes > Boody
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Jan-19-20 06:08 PM
fuckin league had to give that fraud 6
here's the real deal
2710906, !!!
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sun Jan-19-20 06:10 PM
2710907, They finally made it to the Bowl, man
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Jan-19-20 06:11 PM
2710920, 50 years
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Sun Jan-19-20 07:15 PM
and Mahomes is the truth
2710908, The Titans' cinderella run has come to an end.
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Sun Jan-19-20 06:12 PM
Great run.
2710910, I hate when QB’s dont throw it up on 4th down
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jan-19-20 06:14 PM
You can’t get a first down with a sack.

Throw that shit

2710912, only the Niners can possibly stop them
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Jan-19-20 06:19 PM
Packers play inverse of the Chiefs.
2710914, last game, Kittle absolutely dominated GB...
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jan-19-20 06:37 PM
I’m willing to bet they have a better plan for him, tonight. Combine that with better protection for ARod and the fact that Jimmy will give you one or two and I think GB has a puncher’s chance.
2710919, Aaron can’t hold on to that rock.
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jan-19-20 07:03 PM
2710917, Chefs are too strong. Thought the titans had a chance but kc had too much
Posted by mista k5, Sun Jan-19-20 06:41 PM
2710918, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 06:47 PM
Come on rodgers.

I’m a bears fan, but dude is one of my favorites.
2710921, gashin the shit outta these boys
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jan-19-20 07:22 PM
2710922, double post
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Jan-19-20 07:54 PM
2710923, Making Rodgers look down right pedestrian out there.
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Jan-19-20 07:54 PM
Good. Keep beating the brakes off of these MFs.
2710924, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 07:56 PM
I know that look. He does not want it anymore. I think he is ready to walk off into the sunset.

“I can see the 18th hole”.

Anyway,Green Bay’s defense all year long ...getting torched by running backs .
2710925, Motherfucking Mostert.
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Jan-19-20 07:59 PM
Best thing Chip Kelley did for the Niners was bring him in.
2710927, RE: Motherfucking Mostert.
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 08:03 PM
Moestert, last week it was Coleman ....might be Bredia in the super bowl.

It doesn’t matter. Their run blocking schemes are insane ...huge holes
2710926, No more Aaron Rodgers top tier all time talk. FOH
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Sun Jan-19-20 08:01 PM
He cant blame this on Mike McCarthy anymore.
2710929, RE: No more Aaron Rodgers top tier all time talk. FOH
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 08:10 PM

Get out of here.

Father Time has settled in. That’s all.

He is still the greatest qb I have ever seen. Too many miracles from that dude. It’s just his time has come to past. And he has no receivers, except one.
2710931, Most entertaining regular season QB. That's about it.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Sun Jan-19-20 08:25 PM
2710932, Huh? NFCCG with a new HC.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jan-19-20 08:30 PM
Not sure this is the time to talk shit about Rodgers

2710938, When he's getting blown out??
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Sun Jan-19-20 09:02 PM
If we're talking about GOATs, making it to the conference championship game and getting waxed isnt some measure of success.
2710973, Losing to a better team playing at home happens
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jan-20-20 01:19 PM
Never understood the debates on a player based on a single elimination playoff.

He doesn’t play defense.

I think GB exceeded expectations this year. I damn sure didn’t think they would make it this far.
2710937, Niners are giving him the business though.
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Jan-19-20 08:44 PM
Second fumble was all Rodgers. But the Niners have spent most of the game all of over his ass.
2710950, dude hes running for his life lol
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Jan-19-20 10:53 PM
2710933, We are still alive!
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 08:31 PM
Packers should have 14 points.

Defense has stop the run though.
2710935, A Bears fan pulling for GB?
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jan-19-20 08:39 PM
2710934, SF blocking is gorgeous...cavernous holes to run through
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Jan-19-20 08:36 PM
2710939, RE: SF blocking is gorgeous...cavernous holes to run through
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 09:03 PM
Representing the central.

Hate the color red and the 49iners. Was a cowboy fan when I was a kid , back when you rooted for either the Steelers or cowboys ...because they played in the super bowl all the time and they were always on Monday night football.

Huge Rodgers fan except when they play the bears of course.
2710936, Extra Mostert on that, yatches.
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Jan-19-20 08:43 PM
And to think, he was almost a surfer/skater.
2710940, Too early for onside kicks.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jan-19-20 09:04 PM
It does shorten the clock a bit. Still gotta get stops.

2710941, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 09:17 PM
Aaron Fucking Rodgers!

Man if he pulls this shit out.

Haters nervous as fuck right now.
2710942, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 09:17 PM
Aaron Fucking Rodgers!

Man if he pulls this shit out.

Haters nervous as fuck right now.
2710943, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 09:27 PM
Bullshit as PI call. but that packers defense has been shit all season.

Also the offensive linemen was down the field blocking before the pass ...that should have been a penalty.
2710944, It will be a Chiefs vs. 49ers Super Bowl.
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Sun Jan-19-20 09:46 PM
2710945, Yep, Rodgers definitely going to cry in the car.
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Jan-19-20 09:47 PM
2710946, This doesn't feel real. From 4-12 to this.
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Jan-19-20 09:49 PM
Probably said it here many times: I would have considered an 8 win season a success back in the fall. Now we're going to the Superbowl. With a shot to win. Love this shit.
2710962, Man it's fucking crazy and the dominance in the turn around to
Posted by josephmurf2384, Mon Jan-20-20 02:44 AM
not just like they had a soft schedule and squeaked by to get here. Every loss was on the final possession and we destroyed a lot of good teams on the road here. Crazy that i have gotten to chop it up with older Shannahan at the beginning of the season. Great to see him present the trophy to Jed & Kyle. Gonna be a great SB.
2710947, RE: NFL Conference Championship Day
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 10:02 PM
Fuck the chiefs and the 49iners

Chiefs a wack ass old AFL team no real nfl history , and 49iners before the 80s was a loser ass franchise going back to fucking 40s..

Nobody want to see that Super Bowl...

2710949, ikr? Give us Browns vs. Lions!
Posted by dagu, Sun Jan-19-20 10:51 PM
2710955, RE: ikr? Give us Browns vs. Lions!
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 11:34 PM
2710952, guess who's bizzack
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Jan-19-20 10:54 PM
still smell the crack in my clothes
dont make me have to relapse on these hoes
2710954, RE: guess who's bizzack
Posted by allStah, Sun Jan-19-20 11:31 PM
2710953, jimmy garoppolo has more superbowl appearances than tom brady
Posted by Reeq, Sun Jan-19-20 11:09 PM
this decade.
2710957, JimmyGOAT? GaroppoGOAT?
Posted by dagu, Sun Jan-19-20 11:37 PM
2710956, As a Seahawks fan, you'd think I'd want the Niners to lose this...
Posted by PROMO, Sun Jan-19-20 11:35 PM
but I hate Aaron Rodgers SO MUCH that I really enjoyed the Niners D terrorizing him for 60 minutes. Thanks for that. I can only hope Rodgers cried after the game. Massive L's like this can't happen to a more deserving person.

Now that this is over, go out there and lose to Kansas City!
2710958, RE: As a Seahawks fan, you'd think I'd want the Niners to lose this...
Posted by allStah, Mon Jan-20-20 12:26 AM
Why do you hate Aaron Rodgers?

Brady I can understand, but Rodgers? Humble dude, never talks shit , keeps a low profile compared to Brady and Manning.

2710959, you think Aaron Rodgers is humble?!!?!?!?!
Posted by PROMO, Mon Jan-20-20 01:01 AM
whooooooooooo boy.

that's the exact reason i hate him. he's an arrogant prick who talks shit.

are you sure you've watched Aaron Rodgers before?
2710966, lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jan-20-20 07:56 AM
2710968, RE: you think Aaron Rodgers is humble?!!?!?!?!
Posted by allStah, Mon Jan-20-20 09:56 AM
Don’t you talk about the GOAT like that!

I will not have it.

: )
2710969, i thought i would be split on this game
Posted by mista k5, Mon Jan-20-20 10:12 AM
hate for both but nope watching rodgers get destroyed felt so good.

chiefs 100% in the sb though.
2710963, the holes this o-line creates ...
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Jan-20-20 04:54 AM
can't forget about how important kyle JUICE CHECK and Kittle are in setting the edge on these run plays

no one can stop that shit
2710967, One of my best friends is a Vikings fan, another friend is a Packers fan
Posted by auragin_boi, Mon Jan-20-20 09:50 AM
and my Uncle is a Chiefs fan.

I'm losing a lot of family and friends this winter. Guess we'll be cool again around NBA allstar game lol

Niners fan since '87...the great, the good, the bad.

Let's get #6.
2710976, i'm legit happy for andy. i hope they win. also, p mahomes is out here
Posted by poetx, Mon Jan-20-20 04:43 PM
doing nba point guard moves on people and it's not fair.

he hit dude with a hesi on that td run (with the look over the shoulder to the inside) that was just filthy.

then euro stepped to get into the end zone. he on some other shit.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
2711007, Stephen A has to be trollin' - right?
Posted by The Real, Tue Jan-21-20 11:57 AM
When he says that Alex Smith would be doing the exact same thing as Mahomes.

2711008, Lmao.. Alex was scared to go downfield.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jan-21-20 12:14 PM
2711009, yup
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Jan-21-20 12:39 PM