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Topic subjectLords of the Board: Andre Drummond , Kevin Love
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2706464, Lords of the Board: Andre Drummond , Kevin Love
Posted by allStah, Mon Nov-04-19 03:42 PM
Dennis Rodman is considered the greatest rebounder of all time, and I don't have a problem with that. I'm from Chicago, so I watched this guy throw his body all over the court to get a rebound. However, there are times when I wake up, and I say Charles Barkely is the greatest rebounder of all time, considering he was 6-3/6-4 and pulling down 14 rebounds a night ( that being his highest average for a season).

He averaged double digits in rebounds in all but one season of his career, his rookie season. Rodman didn't avg double digits in rebounds in his first 4 seasons. Rodman avgeraged double digits in rebounds in 10 seasons. Barkley had double digits in 15 seasons, and in those last 5-6 seasons his back was dead. Rodman played for 14 seasons. Barkley played for 16 seasons.

So some days I think it's Rodman. Some days I think it's barkley.

In this day and age, when I think of the best rebounders in the game, only 2 come to mind: Andre Drummond and Kevin Love. Andre Drummond just had his third game of getting 20 boards, and is avg 18.7 a game. Kevin Love has been on a tear with or without Lebron, currently avg 15.7 a game. Both are Lords of the Board.

Their understanding of positioning is a science and an art, so it's not just about power, but they have a great understanding of what the ball is going to do when it comes off the rim.

Drummond currently has a career rebounding avg that is the highest of all time(13.8), even higher than rodman's (13.1). His rebounding percentage is the highest of all time as well. He has already won 4 rebounding titles, and he is 26 years old. I don't think I will ever consider him the greatest of all time because of his height and the height of rodman and barkley. But if he keeps this up as he enters his prime, ( which should go for 6 years, 26-32), it will be almost impossible to not consider him. And if he goes beyond 32 still putting up insane numbers, just thinking about that is mind blowing..

2706465, Guys play longer nowadays but at 32 he'll be well out of his prime
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Mon Nov-04-19 04:54 PM
Otherwise, I hear you.

"To Each His Reach"


Fuck aliens.
2706466, RE: Guys play longer nowadays but at 32 he'll be well out of his prime
Posted by allStah, Mon Nov-04-19 05:05 PM
32 is way out of prime years? I disagree with that.

32 is when players start to lose their prime or a miss a step. From 26-32, players put up
Their biggest numbers.

After 32 or at 32 is when the fall off happens.

Lebron will be 35 this year. He started losing a Step about 2 years ago

Chris Paul is about the same age, and he started losing a step a few years ago.

32 is far from being way out of prime years in basketball and baseball . Soccer and football, yes.

All the great ones were still playing at a high level at the age of 32..
2706468, Stats on losing teams don’t mean as much
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Nov-04-19 06:20 PM
2706472, wtf does that even mean?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Nov-04-19 07:34 PM
Rodman goes 1-81 as his team's best player so your argument is rather specious
2706476, wtf does THAT even mean? You could say the same for Bill Russell...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Nov-04-19 08:39 PM
>Rodman goes 1-81 as his team's best player so your argument
>is rather specious

We’re literally seeing that RIGHT NOW in GS that teammates matter for anybody dipshit that doesn’t change anything I said.
2706477, lmao are you drunk?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Nov-04-19 09:51 PM
what does bill russell have to do with dennis rodman? one guy won 5 MVPs and the other averaged 7 ppg, so your reasoning seems...poor.

and what part of being the best rebounder (or shot blocker, or steal swiper, or 3pt shooter, or whatever) of all time requires your teammates to be good?

its literally only saying someone is the best at acquiring a single statistic, so what the fuck else matters except that statistic?
2706484, Are you? I know you're a Detroit guy so what about Ben Wallace?
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Nov-04-19 10:48 PM
Is he considered an all-time great at anything if he spent most of his career on losing teams?

Kevin Love went from a "Top 5 PF" to almost an afterthought
2706486, luckily, they keep track of stats and who is the best at them
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Nov-04-19 11:03 PM
hence, why they are called "stats"

its not a philosphical debate to decide who the best rebounder is...its just the guy who gets the most
2706488, Drummond is good but he's a ways away, look at where Dwight was...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-05-19 12:11 AM
5 years and where his career is today
2706501, lot of evidence that their approaches to the game are very different
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Nov-05-19 10:40 AM
Dwight set his career highs in FT% and assists by year 3

Andre set his in year 6

dude is a worker and takes care of his body, and is probably a better basketball player today than Dwight ever was
2706517, Are you high right now?
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-05-19 03:00 PM
>Dwight set his career highs in FT% and assists by year 3
>Andre set his in year 6
>dude is a worker and takes care of his body, and is probably a
>better basketball player today than Dwight ever was

How many DPOY awards does Drummond have? How many first team All-NBA awards? How many first team All-Defense awards?
2706662, what Drummond is right now, Dwight never was
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu Nov-07-19 07:40 AM
eons better as a passer, rebounder, and ball handler

not a better shot blocker, but certainly a more responsible one

yeah...Drummond today > Dwight ever
2706665, so you're just going to ignore my questions? okaplayer.
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Nov-07-19 09:40 AM
>eons better as a passer, rebounder, and ball handler
>not a better shot blocker, but certainly a more responsible
>yeah...Drummond today > Dwight ever
2706669, your questions were irrelevant to my statement, so yes.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu Nov-07-19 10:16 AM
2706670, okayplayer. n/m
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Nov-07-19 10:21 AM
2706679, i love Drummond but this is revisionist
Posted by Kungset, Thu Nov-07-19 02:51 PM
we are forgetting that peak Dwight bested Lebron in a 7 game series. he was a top 3 player at that point. Drummond isn't even close to that
2706680, let him cook lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Nov-07-19 02:58 PM
2706688, when was he ever better than Bron/Wade/Paul/Dirk/Duncan/Kobe?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu Nov-07-19 05:38 PM
talk about revisionist

the magic had the better coach and 3 of the best 4 players in the series

that whole conference was mess and SVG rightfully decided to launch a million 3s so they won a lot. *shrug*
2706692, the year he made it to the finals and was 3rd in win shares
Posted by Kungset, Thu Nov-07-19 07:30 PM
and 1st in defensive win shares. i know you're trying hard to gloss over a finals appearance, so *shrug*. i bet Drummond would've gotten them past the Lakers too

whatever metric you want to use. playoff success, individual awards, stats, prime Dwight comes out on top
2706704, but you didnt say he had a top 3 season, which i would've agreed with
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Nov-08-19 09:42 AM
you called him a top 3 player, which was never EVER true
2706708, spin it how you want, Dwight was top 5 in MVP voting 4 years straight...
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Nov-08-19 11:53 AM
from 08 to 2011 including finishing 2nd in 2011. Only other players in the top 5 all those years were Kobe and Lebron.
2706487, RE: Are you? I know you're a Detroit guy so what about Ben Wallace?
Posted by allStah, Mon Nov-04-19 11:42 PM
Man, dude you’re scaring me.

Kevin love an afterthought? An argument can be made that he won the 2008 draft.

Walking double double / ring/ one of the best shooting big men of all time . And is currently averaging 20/15!

This is about individual stats and abilities.
2706489, That entire franchise became an afterthought when Lebron left
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-05-19 12:13 AM
>Man, dude you’re scaring me.
>Kevin love an afterthought? An argument can be made that he
>won the 2008 draft.
>Walking double double / ring/ one of the best shooting big men
>of all time . And is currently averaging 20/15!
>This is about individual stats and abilities.
2706491, I wonder how pace is factored
Posted by AtoZ 0toInfinity, Tue Nov-05-19 08:18 AM
I'm not a big analytics person but Barkley's rebs at his
size and during a slower era might weigh more heavily in
comparison to Drummond and Love.

I'm not taking anything away from those two guys cuz rebounding
is something you cant teach, dudes are literally making the
correct split second judgement on the balls trajectory EVERY time
down the court, insane.

But considering Drummond and Love are almost always the biggest
guys on the court in todays small ball fast paced era has to have
some weight. But then again they have to be ultra effective to
stay on the court doing what theyre best at when they are almost
always going to get dragged into mismatches with quicker skilled


But damn Barkley was a wrecking ball
2706498, Andre's agility is really underrated
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Nov-05-19 10:34 AM
also, thru each of their first 8 seasons, Andre's rebounding percentage is significantly higher than the Mound's. thats mostly a tempo-free statistic.
2707288, Obviously guys in the 60s who averaged 20+ boards a night wouldnt now
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Nov-18-19 01:39 AM
I'd have to look at the 80s in terms of pace but in the 60s there was a ton of FGAs and FTAs in games. Plus guys played more minutes if they were stars, generally. Some of these eye-popping totals are definitely lower when adjusted for era.
2706495, Rodman was off the bench first few seasons....and what about Russell and Will?
Posted by Castro, Tue Nov-05-19 09:55 AM
Wilt? I get mentioning Barkley's height, but let's factor in that he was 260lbs, has a long wingspan and had the hops of an athletic shooting guard. So it wasn't like he was at a disadvantage in the paint.
2706506, RE: Rodman was off the bench first few seasons....and what about Russell and Will?
Posted by allStah, Tue Nov-05-19 11:43 AM

Read the title of that video.

Wilt main comp was Russell. Russell main comp was bill.

Rodman and Barkely played in the same era, the era of the dominating big man....and Rodman destroyed them on the boards every time he played them.

Watch that video and look at all the great centers and power forwards that he destroyed.

Go watch videos of Russell and wilt and how they were towering over players when they weren’t playing themselves

Rodman had to work harder and jump higher being 6’’7 and doing it in a valley of great centers.

And Rodman didn’t start playing basketball until he was 19. No one taught him. He learned as he played.
2706497, Folks need to research before they post
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Nov-05-19 10:26 AM
>Drummond currently has a career rebounding avg that is the
>highest of all time(13.8), even higher than rodman's (13.1).
>His rebounding percentage is the highest of all time as well.
>He has already won 4 rebounding titles, and he is 26 years
>old. I don't think I will ever consider him the greatest of
>all time because of his height and the height of rodman and
>barkley. But if he keeps this up as he enters his prime, (
>which should go for 6 years, 26-32), it will be almost
>impossible to not consider him. And if he goes beyond 32 still
>putting up insane numbers, just thinking about that is mind

Drummond is not the career rebounding avg leader of all time. There is no way possible that Rodman or Barkley are the greatest rebounders of all time. People are waaaay to drunk off of the 80’s and 90’s era in terms of basketball.

2706502, i think he did it and mixed it up a little
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Nov-05-19 10:44 AM
Andre and Rodman are 1 and 2 in career reb%
2706504, to quote all stah when anybody disagrees with him:
Posted by Vex_id, Tue Nov-05-19 11:00 AM
he "must not watch sports, at all"

2706505, RE: Folks need to research before they post
Posted by allStah, Tue Nov-05-19 11:24 AM
Andre Drummond has the highest percentage. He has the highest percentage. Slight error with career rebound avg. I meant to say it’s higher than Rodman which it is.

Rodman on every list is considered the greatest rebounder of all time. No one in the history threw their body around the court for a board or out jumping 7 footers at 6’7.

Wilt and Bill were the biggest players on the court during their era . They weren’t not playing with highly athletic and tall players that replicated them. They were the first of their kind!

Barkley and Rodman were battling in the biggest era of the big man and power forwards

David Robinson
Patrick Ewing.
Karl Malone

Rodman was winning rebound titles avg 17 and 18 boards a game in back to back seasons

Barkley avg double digit rebounds in all but one season, his rookie season!!

Barkley was like 6’4. Rodman was 6’ 7 and his was dominating the league even before the muscular years in Chicago.

Being undersized in a land of some of the greatest centers of all time is way greater than 7’1 - 7’3 centers in a more limited playing era ....and doing it while guarding positions 1-5 and winning defensive player of the year!

There is nothing to talk about here.

Rodman would out jump any and everyone
2706507, You’re correct... there is nothing to talk about
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Nov-05-19 11:50 AM
>Andre Drummond has the highest percentage. He has the highest
> percentage. Slight error with career rebound avg. I meant to
>say it’s higher than Rodman which it is.

Slight error? That’s an understatement when Wilt and Russell both averaged over 22 rbg for their career

>Rodman on every list is considered the greatest rebounder of
>all time. No one in the history threw their body around the
>court for a board or out jumping 7 footers at 6’7.
>Wilt and Bill were the biggest players on the court during
>their era . They weren’t not playing with highly athletic
>and tall players that replicated them. They were the first of
>their kind!
>Barkley and Rodman were battling in the biggest era of the big
>man and power forwards
>David Robinson
>Patrick Ewing.
>Karl Malone
>Rodman was winning rebound titles avg 17 and 18 boards a game
>in back to back seasons
>Barkley avg double digit rebounds in all but one season, his
>rookie season!!
>Barkley was like 6’4. Rodman was 6’ 7 and his was
>dominating the league even before the muscular years in
>Being undersized in a land of some of the greatest centers of
>all time is way greater than 7’1 - 7’3 centers in a more
>limited playing era ....and doing it while guarding positions
>1-5 and winning defensive player of the year!
>There is nothing to talk about here.
>Rodman would out jump any and everyone

These people that put these stupid lists together are from the 80’s and 90’s. The best rebounders from Barkley and Rodman until now don’t compare to Russell or Wilt. They don’t even stack up well against Unseld or Thurmond. During Rodman’s “more muscular years” he was still nothing to Wilt when comparing strength.

2706508, the error was indicating raw #s when he pretty clearly meant %
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Nov-05-19 12:08 PM
if that one semantic "point" is your major contribution to this post, hes doing a LOT better than you are
2706515, RE: You’re correct... there is nothing to talk about
Posted by allStah, Tue Nov-05-19 01:35 PM
So let me get this right. Dennis Rodman who constantly played against 7 footers and top power forwards on a daily basis, out rebounding them all..,would not stand a chance against Wilt, Russell, Wes(lol) all in their prime?

You’re entitled to your opinion, for sure, but no need to be empower it with exaggeration.

In the 97 -98 year:

Rodman dominated the following players on the boards :



During most of wilt’s career there were only 9 nba teams! Nba had yet to merge with The ABA. So him and Russell dominated everything ...same reason why Boston won every year.

Go look at the stats from the 60s and all the small players on that list who were getting 17 -14 boards! Rodman and Barkely would have eaten those cats alive
2706918, RE: You’re correct... there is nothing to talk about
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Nov-12-19 07:13 AM
>So let me get this right. Dennis Rodman who constantly played
>against 7 footers and top power forwards on a daily basis, out
>rebounding them all..,would not stand a chance against Wilt,
>Russell, Wes(lol) all in their prime?
>You’re entitled to your opinion, for sure, but no need to be
>empower it with exaggeration.

It’s not an opinion. All of this rebounding percentage stuff that you talk about wasn’t an actual stat until ‘70. For sure Rodman had no chance against Russ, Wilt, or Wes. Wilt is known as the strongest player to ever play the game.

>In the 97 -98 year:
>Rodman dominated the following players on the boards :

This nigga said Sabonis!!!!! Lol

Duncan was just a rookie coming into the league and doesn’t belong on this list. When Rodman was in SA he could do nothing against Hakeem in the ‘offs during Houston’s title run.

>During most of wilt’s career there were only 9 nba teams!
>Nba had yet to merge with The ABA. So him and Russell
>dominated everything ...same reason why Boston won every
>Go look at the stats from the 60s and all the small players on
>that list who were getting 17 -14 boards! Rodman and
>Barkely would have eaten those cats alive

People love to run with this. During that time it was the best of best playing. Russ and Wilt were a class above everyone else. Rodman might not have even made a time during that era. Rodman had no offensive ability and might not have gotten on the floor then. Russ could at least get buckets along with being an elite rebounder.

2706512, no possible way?
Posted by Kungset, Tue Nov-05-19 01:03 PM
didn't Rodman lead the league in reb% a record amount of times, and owns most of the top 10 seasons?
2707289, I mean they are up there and I'm looking at the full span of the NBA
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Nov-18-19 01:40 AM
They are both top 10 IMHO. Rodman was pretty exceptional. Barkley was an exciting AF rebounder, especially in terms of guys we actually saw.
2706516, RE: Lords of the Board: Andre Drummond , Kevin Love
Posted by allStah, Tue Nov-05-19 02:01 PM
Another 20 rebound night for Drummond. That’s 4 straight.

More than likely he is going to opt out and test FA next year.

2706518, exactly, its a contract year for Drummond, let see what he does after he...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Nov-05-19 03:03 PM
gets or doesn't get what he feels like he's worth.
2706525, RE: exactly, its a contract year for Drummond, let see what he does after he...
Posted by allStah, Tue Nov-05-19 06:01 PM
Lol. He does this every year.

Come on my guy.
2707196, RE: exactly, its a contract year for Drummond, let see what he does after he...
Posted by ThaTruth, Sat Nov-16-19 09:32 AM
>Lol. He does this every year.
>Come on my guy.

And what’s his playoff record?

2706666, i want drummond in CLT
Posted by fontgangsta, Thu Nov-07-19 09:45 AM
2707287, Chamberlain, Russell, Thurmond, Unseld ... can't sleep on other guys
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Nov-18-19 01:37 AM
Ben Wallace was a helluva rebounder. Jayson "shotgun" Williams, too.

Rodman was very special he had this crazy sense of where the ball would go. He did a lot of walking around the offensive end and just had a knack for where the shot was coming. It came off the rim and there he was. He wasn't much of a leaper when he got older and his boards didn't really diminish.

Barkley was not a technical rebounder like him or Love, he said something to the effect of one of his coaches (at Auburn maybe) saying "just go up and get the damn ball." And he was the best at that. Aggressive AF.

Unseld was more in the Love mold, I guess Wallace and Russell were kind of a combination. Jerry Lucas and Nate Thurmond were amazing rebounders. From the SF position Dr J could really tear them down. Guys like Baylor and Oscar were freaks on the glass.

It's a fascinating skill, I too love watching a great rebounder. Even in pickup games I like bammas who hustle for boards like crazy and have no touch. I always pick them up because you can't under-estimate energy and in a disorganized game there will be PLENTY of rebounds. There is some tall, goofy white guy where I play often who has no concept of how to shoot even layups but he's in great shape and hustles his ass off. I have taken to calling him the worm and always pick him up. I took a few minutes to show him how to square his shoulders and extend fully, now he's starting to score a little in addition to generating a ton of extra possessions.