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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectGoodell is a coward and a liar
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2686037, Goodell is a coward and a liar
Posted by The Real, Thu Jan-31-19 10:20 AM
If you didn't see his press conference yesterday he basically said a team would sign Kaep if they thought he could help their team. Let's ignore the fact Sanchez got signed.


I wish the timing was better but after this press conference, a story broke on how NFL ran a survey asking for input on Kaepernick.


Oh, and let's not forget this is the same guy that was pressuring teams to sign Michael Sam because Goodell has a gay family member:

2686038, Shouldnt the SEC DPOY got a shot based on that alone?
Posted by Ceej, Thu Jan-31-19 10:31 AM
2686045, Don't get me wrong, I thought Sam was done dirty
Posted by The Real, Thu Jan-31-19 11:59 AM
But there is hypocrisy in Goodell claiming he has no influence in decisions but obviously did in the Sam case.

2686039, easiest job in the world.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Jan-31-19 11:04 AM
whiffed on everything from bountygate to spygate to deflategate to raygate to kapgate but his job is in zero jeopardy because owners are still making a shit ton of money.
2686044, indeed. this is the 'both sides have fine people' answer
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jan-31-19 11:43 AM
>whiffed on everything from bountygate to spygate to
>deflategate to raygate to kapgate but his job is in zero
>jeopardy because owners are still making a shit ton of money.

motherfuckers brickin' uncontested layups
2686226, According to the Denver Post, 18 owners want him removed
Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Fri Feb-01-19 12:14 PM
We just have to get to 24

He also lied in saying he talked to Saints players after the NFC championship gaffe, only allowed one question from New Orleans media on the game 10 DAYS LATER. Carefully orchestrated and protected bullshit from a guy making 40 million dollars a year.

He's the cowardly worst leader of a professional league since Bud Selig was ignoring the Steroid HR binge for ratings after the strike. Mugfucker needs to go.
2686042, and the masses continue to watch
Posted by Beamer6178, Thu Jan-31-19 11:22 AM
it's one thing to support something that doesn't seem to be on your side or in your best interest. but when it tells you quite clearly it doesn't give a FUCK about you, well, that's something else.
2686046, You have to define the "you"
Posted by c71, Thu Jan-31-19 12:32 PM
>it doesn't give a FUCK about you, well, that's
>something else.

The NFL probably doesn't give a .... about Black people who want to take a knee during the National Anthem.


is that ALL Black people?


It might be said the NFL only cares about the Black people who have no problem saluting the flag, staying upright during the anthem.

If the majority of players are doing that (saluting the flag and staying upright during the anthem) the NFL can say they care about those players, and those players are showing they appreciate that care too.

Why should those players who are saluting the flag and staying upright during the anthem be thought of as not being fully "okay" with doing that, since that's is what they've been doing all season, right?

2686058, NFL dgaf about anybody or anything except $$$
Posted by Selah, Thu Jan-31-19 02:02 PM
when has it EVER done anything that wasn't directly tied to the already rich owners getting richer?


from treating the employees (players, coaches, trainers, cheerleaders, support staff) as COMPLETELY disposable

from taking money from cities/citizens hand-over-fist (rights fees, licensing, stadium deals, ticket prices and PSLs) then moving when any hint of a better deal is found

and by extension they aren't any different than any other for large profit company

i think expecting otherwise is pretty naive
2686227, yep, plus the U.S. defense money propaganda
Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Fri Feb-01-19 12:15 PM
2686052, So who you got in the superbowl
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jan-31-19 01:35 PM
2686333, $44 million a year. LOL.
Posted by Castro, Sun Feb-03-19 01:00 AM
2686334, He also said he spoke to players on the Saints.
Posted by High Society, Sun Feb-03-19 01:31 AM
Mike Thomas said that was not true.

coward & liar.
2686336, Water is wet.
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Feb-03-19 02:36 AM