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Topic subjectSecondSpectrum CourtVision for LA Clippers. Has anyone else tried this?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2682977
2682977, SecondSpectrum CourtVision for LA Clippers. Has anyone else tried this?
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Sat Dec-29-18 07:59 PM
It's basically footage of the game with NBA2K style graphics overlayed it.

The 'Coaches' version includes 'diagrammed' graphics such as those for screens and dribbling and passes. The graphics fade away after about three players have touched the ball.

Also the screen will superimpose a graphic 'above' a player showing a recent accumulation of a counting stat (PTS, R, TO, etc)

It's nice to look at it although it did take me out of the normal experiencing of following the play develop. I found myself watching the graphics to recount what happened rather than just watching the players.

Maybe in subsequent revisions there might be an option to turn the feature off and on so that the footage would be 'normal', but on replays you could go back and watch the play with the graphics.

I don't think I'll use this to watch every Clippers game but it is novel and there's definitely room to grow the technology into something less intrusive.

2683244, Nobody watches the Clumps, so no
Posted by justin_scott, Mon Dec-31-18 08:00 PM
2683245, I just saw it today while looking for some tix for tomorrow, pretty cool
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Dec-31-18 08:14 PM