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Topic subjectFormer Bruins/Kings player, Tyler Honeycutt dead after police standoff
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2667489, Former Bruins/Kings player, Tyler Honeycutt dead after police standoff
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Jul-07-18 12:56 PM
2667497, damn...
Posted by Kungset, Sat Jul-07-18 02:34 PM
2667498, Sounds like suicide. How horrible.
Posted by Ryan M, Sat Jul-07-18 02:45 PM
Dude must have been going through it. Jesus.
2667519, crazy....
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Sat Jul-07-18 04:12 PM
a real tragedy....

I think back to his time with UCLA …. one of the reasons he left early was he was getting harassed by Reeves Nelson... Howland tried to make that young crew fit together and kept giving Reeves chances, but eventually kicked him off the team.... Tyler left at the end of that year, but never fully evolved into the player he could have been...

2667527, Weird shit, I wonder what he was going through
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jul-07-18 05:20 PM
I've seen a lot of guys come out of their careers early--whether they went to college or junior and didn't get further or kicked around the low-level pros--and have big problems. You focus so much on one thing and then it doesn't materialize. You feel young but there's a weird dualism of on one hand feeling like it's all over, as someone would in their old age, and also being relatively young but being kinda far behind other people your age because you sink it all into something that cannot continue. A lotta substance abuse problems arise from this and if someone already has psychological issues it can snowball fast. A lot of guys I have seen make the transition smoothly or at least eventually, but I think it's overlooked how dangerous that phase can be for a young athlete.
2667536, Tragic
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Sat Jul-07-18 07:08 PM
He showed out in the tourney and bolted early imo. Would've went first round if he stayed another year. Had a feeling his development would be hindered going 2nd Rd to an awful franchise that changed coaches every season. Interested to see the details unfold and why this happened.
2667544, He would have been close to a lottery pick had he stayed
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Sat Jul-07-18 10:32 PM
for 1 more year....

he would have moved to shooting guard....he would have had the ball in his hands a lot.... Its crazy because I was just talking to my UCLA homie about how guys like Aaron Holiday and Thomas Welsh benefited from staying an extra year....and guys like Leaf and Akingubu hurt themselves by coming out a year too soon....

Tyler Honeycutt was best example of a guy going too soon... he was the target of a lot of Reeves Nelson crazy behavior with his teammates...kind of fukked up his college experience.....

1 more year in college and he would have really bubbled...