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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectpeyton manning is a fucking cheater.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2660496
2660496, peyton manning is a fucking cheater.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Fri Jun-01-18 11:04 PM
2660497, nfl knew it and the media protected him better than any o-line ever.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Fri Jun-01-18 11:05 PM
2660498, Must have been the kind that wears off in the playoffs
Posted by J_Stew, Fri Jun-01-18 11:37 PM
The easy way out is to say the man who doesn't exist made him do it, I mean of course he would die shortly after making such a claim. Priorities I guess.
2660505, lol. yeah. because Peyton's last ring was the best performance
Posted by Dr Claw, Sat Jun-02-18 10:29 AM
of a "done" QB I've ever seen. even though the defense carried that team, Peyton still game managed his ass off, which is more than I can say for healthy QBs (still pissed at 2016 Assweiler, Texans should have been in the Bowl)
2660525, a "one hot album every ten year average"?
Posted by J_Stew, Sat Jun-02-18 05:21 PM
if you're gonna ride with that until the wheels of the Volvo come off, I'm not going to stop you.
2660546, rather him than bitch-ass league-protected system QB Brady
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Jun-03-18 01:18 PM
which is worse and less likely to be seriously scrutinized.

for example, I will forever ride for Bonds because PEDs don't guarantee success, and the intensity was NEVER kept for his contemporaries who did the same but weren't at all good. Peyton should have 99 rings if that brand of "cheating" ever worked

I'm willing to accept he takes his playoff Ls. because that just proves that "Cheating" wasn't really shit.

2660531, SHIT. LMAO
Posted by kayru99, Sat Jun-02-18 09:05 PM
2660544, Brady partying off this
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sun Jun-03-18 12:28 PM
2660569, not tripping
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jun-03-18 06:05 PM
2660681, too late
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Sun Jun-03-18 09:56 PM
2660691, Man if steroid use is rampant in BASEBALL, what do you think of the NFL?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jun-03-18 10:52 PM
That shit being praised as a "model policy" is such a joke. If you played any kind of decent HS football or spent any time around a college program, you know how much juice is flowing. Now you mean to tell me that when shit gets much more competitive and lucrative, there isn't a lot more? FOH. This shit is funny to me mainly because I hate Papa John's Pizza, but that's about it.
2660745, I think 80% minimum are using in the NFL
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Jun-04-18 06:22 AM
With a policy so ambiguously defines and inconsistently enforced, why wouldn’t you?
2660739, Duh, NFL hid Joe Montana's positive steriod test back in the day
Posted by The Real, Mon Jun-04-18 05:20 AM
So not shocked by this.
