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Topic subjectJosh Allen...the internet will see you, now...
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2652944, Josh Allen...the internet will see you, now...
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Apr-26-18 06:05 AM
right this way
2652948, not even Johnny 8-Ball
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Apr-26-18 07:15 AM
the funny thing, reading that makes me think he's the type of dude like Seth Green in that one movie about the teenagers, more than a right-wing cross-burner

the bubble college athletes live in, man

that being said, confirms that the Washington Football Team picks him in a late round
2652983, I could see Pats taking him
Posted by go mack, Thu Apr-26-18 10:20 AM
and they might be the team that leaked it.
2652964, This is so fuckin ridiculous......
Posted by blueeclipse, Thu Apr-26-18 08:52 AM
Man we live in a bitchmade society right now.....
2652969, why? dude has to play with black teammates.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Apr-26-18 09:18 AM
i dont think he is a blatant racist (at least not from these tweets).
im pretty sure a lot of black players would (rightfully) be offended tho.

but i doubt he gets labeled a possible cancer/distraction to the same degree as josh rosen for his fuck trump shit. theyll still dismiss this shit and try to shoehorn allen into a potentially affected locker room regardless of how those black players feel.

meanwhile these same front office people labeled colin kaepernick a cancer/distraction the same year his teammates gave him the eshmont award.

but even riley cooper had the support of his coach and front office and kept his job for 3 more seasons.

itll be really interesting to watch this double standard play out with this allen shit.
2652997, man...
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Apr-26-18 11:07 AM
>but even riley cooper had the support of his coach and front
>office and kept his job for 3 more seasons.

...that dude was the first Eagle since maybe Romanowski I wanted TFO the team. fuck Chip Kelly in the goat ass (still).
2652965, Hebrew Josh told you he'd be waiting in the wings for times like this
Posted by T Reynolds, Thu Apr-26-18 08:57 AM
2652967, Laremy Tunsil all over again - this was a calculated sabotage by a front office
Posted by Ceej, Thu Apr-26-18 09:09 AM
He should be leary of which ever team drafts him, cuz they most likely put this out there.
2652968, You got it twisted
Posted by The Real, Thu Apr-26-18 09:15 AM
He shouldn't be leery of teams, teams should be leery of him because he sucks.

2652970, Great point.
Posted by Ceej, Thu Apr-26-18 09:21 AM
But there is definitely a team that wants him for some reason.
2652981, ^^^
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-26-18 10:18 AM
2652992, 1-8 TD/INT in 3 games vs Power 5 schools, never completed 60% of passes
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Apr-26-18 10:55 AM
at any level, including community college, HS varsity, and even JV:


I don't care how strong his arm is, how the hell is he projected to be the #1 overall pick when he's putting up completion percentages from the 1960's?
2652971, Just looked up the town he grew up in
Posted by T Reynolds, Thu Apr-26-18 09:22 AM

Not for nothing but I remember traveling very far just to play teams of rednecks from middle of nowhere towns like this in CA and they would throw every slur imaginable at us as we whooped their ass, to the point where the coach wouldn't let me go up for hand shakes after the game.

So I 100% believe he was not innocent when he was doing this, but I also think he's probably not the same person he was back then.
2652975, this part definitely reminds me of some towns in tx..
Posted by houston_hardhead, Thu Apr-26-18 09:45 AM
On their 1985 album Wönderful, the Circle Jerks, an influential Los Angeles-based punk band, recorded a song entitled "Firebaugh". The song's lyrics portray a dystopian vision of racial tension, violence, alcoholism, and boredom. Listeners are warned, "If your car breaks down, don't take a tow to Firebaugh..
2652978, lol damn
Posted by T Reynolds, Thu Apr-26-18 10:07 AM
you know it's bad when your dusty two-bit town, population 7,549 gets put on blast by the Circle Jerks
2653000, Kids nowadays grow up on the internet
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Thu Apr-26-18 11:17 AM
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Apr-26-18 10:55 AM
Like, the *second* you enter college. Scrub everything. You're about to be on the big screen. Everyone knows high school kids tweet shit that ranges from stupid to deplorable. Delete ALL of it.
2652999, Wyoming even have Wi-Fi yet?
Posted by Ceej, Thu Apr-26-18 11:17 AM
2653020, seems like his connection only works about 50 percent of the time
Posted by J_Stew, Thu Apr-26-18 01:29 PM
2653022, *chuckles*
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Apr-26-18 01:38 PM
2653067, Well played
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Apr-26-18 04:31 PM
2653002, I'm still wondering what happened here because the article says
Posted by T Reynolds, Thu Apr-26-18 11:22 AM
the tweets were deleted

He got haters saving them down to their local drives and shit or what?

Did someone purchase copies of these tweets on the dark net?

what gives?
2653016, NERD
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-26-18 12:50 PM
Nothing ever really deleted

2653028, When did he delete them? If the answer isn't "before Signing Day"...
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Apr-26-18 02:01 PM
... then he absolutely waited too fucking long and of course someone from a rival school saved them.
2653011, Issa sabotage. But I'm not surprised a HS kid said racist shit on the internet
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Apr-26-18 11:47 AM
2653023, This the shit Kaep was talking about.
Posted by Tw3nty, Thu Apr-26-18 01:39 PM
2653027, Someone's still gonna trade up and take him
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Apr-26-18 01:54 PM
But fuck this overrated dude
2653032, #1 thing to do with any young person you meet
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Apr-26-18 02:55 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2653263, unscathed.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Apr-27-18 03:37 PM
2653264, he respects the troops and our boys in blue
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Apr-27-18 03:38 PM