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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthe fact that a tweet can cause this much of a reaction
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2648572&mesg_id=2704842
2704842, the fact that a tweet can cause this much of a reaction
Posted by Beamer6178, Wed Oct-16-19 11:44 AM
speaks volumes about the tenuous nature of this relationship and the one sided compromising necessary to make it work.

>Morey didn’t start this. This situation has always been on
>the backburner, and it was
>just a matter of time that the NBA was going to have to deal
>with it. Morey just sped it.
>Stern knew it was going to rear it’s ugly head, but also
>knew he wasn’t going to be the commissioner to have to deal
>with it...so he focused on making money for the owners. Smart
>“That’s because the N.B.A. has always known that its
>efforts to cultivate a foothold in China, which began more
>than 30 years ago, exposed a league that has long championed
>social justice to precisely this sort of philosophical
>quandary. As the great Jack McCallum, one of my foremost
>mentors, wrote in a 2006 Sports Illustrated article on David
>Stern, then the N.B.A. commissioner: “China presents an even
>greater conflict for Stern because it has both colossal
>business potential and a terrible human rights record.”
>“Believe me, the China situation bothers me,” Stern told
>McCallum at the time. “But at the end of the day, I have a
>responsibility to my owners to make money. I can never forget
>that, no matter what my personal feelings might be.”
>Lets not act like this shit is new and just happened..... this
>is an issue that the nba kept kicking the can over. Now
>you’re fucked because America fully knows about it. So if
>you kiss up to the commies, you’ll be seen as traitors in
>America, and then your product will really go out the window.
>And other democratic countries will frown upon your products
>as well.