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Topic subjectNo violations for UNC. Just like I told yall. Glad that's over (swipe)
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2625681, No violations for UNC. Just like I told yall. Glad that's over (swipe)
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Oct-13-17 09:21 AM

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – The University of North Carolina's years-long NCAA investigation has finally come to an end. The NCAA announced it could not conclude academic violations occurred in its ruling on the University of North Carolina’s athletic department on Friday. The NCAA enforcement staff alleged five Level I violations in December related to the lengthy investigation into academic irregularities in the formerly named African and Afro-American Studies department.


“While student-athletes likely benefited from the so-called ‘paper courses’ offered by North Carolina, the information available in the record did not establish that the courses were solely created, offered and maintained as an orchestrated effort to benefit student-athletes,” said Greg Sankey, the panel’s chief hearing officer and commissioner of the Southeastern Conference. “The panel is troubled by the university’s shifting positions about whether academic fraud occurred on its campus and the credibility of the Cadwalader report, which it distanced itself from after initially supporting the findings. However, NCAA policy is clear. The NCAA defers to its member schools to determine whether academic fraud occurred and, ultimately, the panel is bound to making decisions within the rules set by the membership.”
2625699, Paper courses is some BS and it should never happen again
Posted by auragin_boi, Fri Oct-13-17 10:10 AM
nor should it ever have in the first place.

With that said, the program is responsible for making sure these kids get some sort of tangible degree for post graduate life given MOST kids don't go to the NBA.

But per the ruling, no penalty/violation assignment so move past it and fix what's not right.

Oh...and see the sig.
2625700, NCAA didn't wanna see the Supreme Court. Simple.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Oct-13-17 10:30 AM
Predictable result. Once it became clear UNC would sue, that was that.
2625702, The NCAA never had a case w/ us to begin with
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Oct-13-17 10:36 AM
they basically wasted a lot of time and money on something they had zero chance at nailing because it was out of their purview.

but yeah they didn't want to see the Supreme Court...
2625703, They fucked up in their approach, no question there.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Oct-13-17 10:42 AM
Now UNC has put the template down. If Pitino had bought hookers for and paid Adidas money to a few non-athlete Louisville students, he'd still be coach of Louisville right now. Some UNC fans may think that's a reductive or mad argument, but it's 1000% the truth, and if I'm some shady booster for a big basketball program, I'm finding a few discreet non-athletes to support financially.
2625708, nah i think that'd still be an NCAA violation.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Oct-13-17 10:54 AM
cant pay the players or give them benefits at all.
2625710, "Our academic fraud was far more widespread...
Posted by Walleye, Fri Oct-13-17 11:01 AM
... than just the athletic department" is a pretty strange thing for a school to be excited about.

2625714, the athletic department perpetrated no fraud.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Oct-13-17 11:10 AM
2625718, Hooray?
Posted by Walleye, Fri Oct-13-17 11:25 AM
Translate that to Latin and they can put it on the university stationary.
2625751, Riiiiight.
Posted by bignick, Fri Oct-13-17 03:14 PM
Nobody not swathed in Carolina Blue believes that shit.
2625760, doesnt matter what you believe. the facts are the facts.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Oct-13-17 03:58 PM
2625761, They sure are. Y'all cheated.
Posted by bignick, Fri Oct-13-17 03:58 PM

2625762, *pats you on the head* if it makes you feel better to believe that go ahead
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Oct-13-17 04:10 PM
2625756, It shows you the school's priorities.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Oct-13-17 03:42 PM
Some of the statements and the things they revealed were *beyond* embarrassing. But they were happy to cop to them because banners get to stay hanging if they do. Name of the game for the Tar Heels celebrating today.
2625722, come on Frank....
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Fri Oct-13-17 12:06 PM
you can honestly say that if Pitino had done that for non-athletes he'd still be the coach??

come on man....

2625753, "As long as your actions don't benefit ONLY athletes..."
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Oct-13-17 03:40 PM
"... then you're good."

That's the new precedent. Because that's literally the crux of the argument.
2625767, you're purposely taking that too literal....
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Fri Oct-13-17 04:30 PM
that doesn't mean that as long as your "illegal actions" don't benefit only athletes, you're fine...

because providing prostitutes in the state of Kentucky is illegal..whether you're the coach at Louisville or a street sweeper..

and that illegality goes beyond any NCAA violation...
2625824, The payments then. I notice you're not disputing that charge.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Oct-14-17 11:49 AM
If a booster paid non-athletes to go to a big-name university too, the NCAA couldn't claim improper benefits, because you couldn't prove that the payments were designed specifically for athletes. That was genuinely UNC's argument, and they won.
2625832, I didn't mention the money, because that's a
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Sat Oct-14-17 01:12 PM
reasonable example of the hypocrisy you're trying to point out...

paying for hookers isn't...

even with the money...you got to remember.... the NCAA has to base it's decisions on what they would be able to defend in court on an appeal... That's going to lean them towards giving a pass on things that cannot be 100% tied to actions that benefit athletic programs exclusively... because on appeal..if something is available to non-athletes, the likelihood of winning on appeal is good enough to give the NCAA pause on applying sanctions.

its interesting to me that there are certain things that go on in recruiting that someone would think is against the rules, or even illegal....and actually they aren't against the rules, and are perfectly legal... particularly in basketball .... that grey area has a lot going on...and a lot of money involved
2625709, https://twitter.com/JayBilas/status/918846670019989504?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Oct-13-17 10:55 AM
2625725, SMH, we all knew it was coming. But, SMH.
Posted by DJR, Fri Oct-13-17 12:43 PM
2625727, Shit is bogus but I’m not surprised
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Oct-13-17 12:50 PM
So fucked up how they used AA studies
2625733, so what does the NCAA do these days?
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Oct-13-17 01:29 PM
seems like, just collect checks and fuck w/individual student athletes.

When it comes to regulating or checking actual institutions it seems they can't or won't do shit.

2625735, organize tournaments and determine who is eligible for them
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Oct-13-17 01:52 PM
2625742, RE: organize tournaments and randomly decide eligiblity
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Oct-13-17 02:24 PM
based on nebulous self serving criteria, while wrapping themselves in the cloak of protecting the student-athlete experience

2625869, Fuck over young Black athletes.
Posted by Castro, Sat Oct-14-17 09:47 PM
2625853, if Penn St can have a football team, and Baylor a men's athletic dept
Posted by J_Stew, Sat Oct-14-17 06:31 PM
I'm ok with just about anyone else getting off easy.
2625979, Those two programs are reason one and two why I gotta ask
Posted by GOMEZ, Mon Oct-16-17 02:21 AM
Wtf is the NCAA even good for? If as a supposed governing body you can’t legislate against gang rapes, murder cover up and child molestation on a pretty massive scale then wtf do you do?

Oh that’s right make sure a kid can’t transfer without sitting out for a year, even though the coach that recruited him left, because the kid had the nerve to attend the first week of classes.
2625972, Cuse should’ve NEVER sat Fab Melo for the NCAA’s
Posted by DJR, Sun Oct-15-17 10:57 PM
Looks like they’ll go down as the last school to moronically self-report violations.
2625977, I'm Saying
Posted by RexLongfellow, Sun Oct-15-17 11:15 PM
This is ridiculous. No "lack of institutional control"? Even former athletes said that UNC was dirty?

Man, trying to figure out if the NCAA will be consistent with their rulings is like the NFL trying to figure out what's a catch