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Topic subjectWhat would Iverson be in today's NBA?
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2620051, What would Iverson be in today's NBA?
Posted by cantball, Sat Aug-12-17 09:19 AM
Obviously, he couldn't shoot. And even with him taking a ton of free throws, his TS% sucks and his usage was through the roof. Add in his "defense", and you have a dude who was kinda good in a real bad era.

But I digress. Does he start for a good team today? Or is he a worse Jamal Crawford?

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2620053, What would Shaq be in today's NBA?
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Sat Aug-12-17 09:23 AM
Obviously he couldn't shoot threes or handle the ball on the wing.

Also, you don't see Bron or Durant making rap albums and clothing lines. And he was out of shape so he couldn't handle the pace of the game.

Would he be Tristan Thompson or closer to a Greg Monroe?

2620054, Shaq will always be able to dunk
Posted by cantball, Sat Aug-12-17 09:27 AM
AI...can always run at people? Carry the ball real good?

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2620075, Magic/pre-KobeGOAT Shaq would crush this league
Posted by Nodima, Sat Aug-12-17 12:00 PM
So would Hakeem. Shaq was so fast and athletic with his size that, just like then, he would just go around and through people. The only difference is he'd probably have an easier time because the centers are 10 pounds lighter now and the PFs aren't low center of gravity bullies with trees for legs.

(Didn't notice you made the next two posts also and are in clown mode. Oh well.)

It makes sense that people fantasize yearly about a next gen Shaq entering this version of the NBA. If anything would course correct the trend away from the basket I think it'd be him/his heir.

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2620207, lmao!
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Aug-15-17 01:38 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2620063, RE: What would Jordan be in today's NBA?
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Sat Aug-12-17 10:46 AM
He stayed hand checking, so that's out, prolly get cooked on D. Plus all those midrange jumpers, not passing, alienating teammates…not to mention Sessions justice department would be looking closely at his gambling.

Would he bounce around the league like Rudy Gay, before being indicted under RICO statutes?
2620065, RE: What would Jordan be in today's NBA?
Posted by murph71, Sat Aug-12-17 11:03 AM
>He stayed hand checking, so that's out, prolly get cooked on
>D. Plus all those midrange jumpers, not passing, alienating
>teammates…not to mention Sessions justice department would
>be looking closely at his gambling.
>Would he bounce around the league like Rudy Gay, before being
>indicted under RICO statutes?

2620104, DED
Posted by astralblak, Sun Aug-13-17 12:09 AM
Posted by Castro, Thu Aug-17-17 12:40 AM
2620311, haha
Posted by Cenario, Thu Aug-17-17 08:35 AM
2620390, LMAOOOO
Posted by Government Name, Fri Aug-18-17 09:50 AM
2620414, LOL
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Aug-18-17 02:34 PM
2620071, RE: What would Bill Russell be in today's NBA?
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Sat Aug-12-17 11:32 AM
Probably living from 10-day contract to 10-day contract, with stints in Israel and China to help make ends meet?
2620076, this is not your thing. stick to inane comments no one replies to.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Aug-12-17 12:03 PM
2620200, A less efficient Isaiah Thomas
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Aug-15-17 11:51 AM
2620212, kyrie irving?
Posted by Cenario, Tue Aug-15-17 02:51 PM
2620215, Kyrie can shoot
Posted by cantball, Tue Aug-15-17 02:58 PM


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2620218, Waiters+
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Tue Aug-15-17 03:24 PM



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2620333, SAG? Jeremy Lin?
Posted by Kira, Thu Aug-17-17 10:06 AM
Irrational fan base check... CHECK
Highlight plays... CHECK
Plays enough defense to stick in the league during his latter years... CHECK
Iconic hairstyle... CHECK

Only issue is Jeremy Lin doesn't show up to practice smelling like liquor with hangover.

SAG is meets the reckless gunner requirement.

Russell is the best comparison I can think of but Russ likes to practice.
2620366, Most great players would be great no matter the era
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Thu Aug-17-17 06:03 PM
AI could get to the lane with ease and if DeRozen's and Aldridge's games could work today, I would think Iverson could thrive if he could play in the right system.

2620370, wait, so you under the impression that this era is better?
Posted by ne_atl, Thu Aug-17-17 10:35 PM
2620383, Than Iversons? That's a joke right?
Posted by cantball, Fri Aug-18-17 09:13 AM
There's way way way more quality players and teams now than there were in the early aughts

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2620410, I would say it's better, not worlds better, but clearly enough to say
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Aug-18-17 01:29 PM
The league is deeper now
2620411, I think the game is significantly better, the talent is just slightly better though
Posted by DJR, Fri Aug-18-17 01:44 PM
The game's improvement is more due to the style of play and rules changes that happened.

I assumed this post was just to get the Philly contingent riled up at a slow time of year. But if serious.....Iverson's otherworldly athleticism and quickness translates to any era. A guard that can go by anyone and create offense is always going to be a problem.
2620412, The PGs in this era are, right?
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Aug-18-17 01:46 PM
2620391, Demar Derozan at worst
Posted by Government Name, Fri Aug-18-17 09:52 AM
2620633, A scrubby ass gunner with "steals crowns"
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Aug-22-17 05:14 PM
2620775, or the best player the knicks would have had since clyde frazier
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Aug-22-17 11:52 PM
please regale me with tales of two guys who had bad knees and never won anything.
2620781, or the player glorified for taking his team as far as Sprewell did
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Aug-23-17 12:59 AM
>please regale me with tales of two guys who had bad knees and
>never won anything.

Iverson had two good knees and never won anything. Sad!