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Topic subjectNFL: Protest, jerseys, & Kaep...
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2619355, NFL: Protest, jerseys, & Kaep...
Posted by Creole, Fri Aug-04-17 10:48 AM
I was thinking last night about ordering a Ravens jersey and having it personalized with Kaep's name and number. It doesn't matter if he's signed by the Ravens or not. It's in support of him as well as the point(s) behind his protest.

What if others followed suit and ordered a personalized jersey from their favorite team(s)?
What would be the upside of this sort of protest?
What would be the downside of this sort of protest?

My quick answers:
I think it would be dope as a sign of support for the brother as well as a slap in the face of those NFL owners who know good and damned well what they are doing.

Upside is that it would bring attention to the support he has from real people.

Downside would be that he doesn't see any of the money and that the league and owners will.

Just a thought. What say you?
2619357, i dont even own any jerseys of the players on the Titans i like
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Aug-04-17 10:58 AM
why would i get one of somebody that aint even on my team.

this would be a better idea on some Free Gucci TShirt shit. Kap or some enterprising young tshirt designer should open up a lil storefront online. the nfl gets no money off this and the spotlight shines even hotter on them.
2619358, Nor do I but I like the idea about not letting money flow to the NFL...
Posted by Creole, Fri Aug-04-17 11:03 AM
I don't own a Ravens jersey either but I feel strongly enough about this issue to want to piss people off while also bringing awareness to the support this brother is getting from the people.

2619359, that's not how it works...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Aug-04-17 11:24 AM
..its not a protest if you're spending $$$.

while i'm sure your sentiment is understood (and shared), you'll be drawing attention to kaep, but giving the league/your respective team $$$.

the same team(s) that won't sign kaep.

that's a WIN for the league (and your respective team), not kaep. the same league that really doesn't care about your thoughts on the matter (ie: that team in washington).

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2619360, The league would shut it down like the "Ron Mexico" falcons jerseys
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Fri Aug-04-17 11:26 AM
2619361, also this
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Aug-04-17 11:28 AM
2619547, The protest I wanna see (and will participate in) is boycotting that shit
Posted by Beamer6178, Mon Aug-07-17 11:24 AM
TV contracts are kind of locked for awhile, BUT low ratings may effect future revenues when contracts are re-upped.

However, game attendance and merchandising could take a major hit were all those behind Kaepernick to stop spending money towards NFL.
2619549, ^^^^This. As of right now, my Sundays are free.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Aug-07-17 11:28 AM
I can easily just watch my fantasy squads get pts and not watch games. And do other shit.
2619550, It's easy to not care about NFL Sundays in LA
Posted by RandomFact, Mon Aug-07-17 11:47 AM
Sunshine and warmth October thru February >>> sitting on your couch all day watching a shitty league.