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Topic subjectLaVar Ball to female ref: Love me or leave me alone
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2618844, LaVar Ball to female ref: Love me or leave me alone
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-28-17 12:05 PM
man, this dude is setting a bad example for these kids. You can't quit every time there is a bad call.


LAS VEGAS -- LaVar Ball threatened to pull his Big Baller Brand AAU team off the court on Friday morning after receiving a technical foul, eventually leading to the female referee being replaced mid-game.

"She's got a vendetta," Ball told ESPN after the game.

"She needs to stay in her lane because she ain't ready for this," he added.

The referee declined comment on what happened.

Adidas said it was their decision to replace the referee.

"There was some miscommunication," said Chris Rivers, Adidas Director of Global Basketball Sports Marketing.

Ball was given a technical foul in the first half of Big Ballers' game against Team BBC at the Adidas Summer Championships. He pointed to the official and yelled, "We need to get someone else in here."

Minutes later, Ball looked at his team and said "Let's go." The players began to pick up their bags and walk off the court.

After a long delay in which coaches from the two teams, along with representatives from Adidas and the referees, met on the court, the game resumed -- with a different official.
2618847, what a dick and fuck adidas for kowtowing to this clown.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Jul-28-17 12:10 PM
2618849, Money talks. BBB the main attraction of the AAU circuit rn.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Jul-28-17 12:12 PM
2618921, that's understood but not accepted or supported.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jul-29-17 06:33 PM
2618932, Then teams should boycott until he acts right
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jul-30-17 12:35 AM
But they not because they love the attention playing vs BBB gets them.
2618953, Right - you don't see any of those teams complaining
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Jul-30-17 01:41 PM
2618924, And they are sorry as shit, which says a lot about some so called bball fans
Posted by Beezo, Sat Jul-29-17 07:35 PM
2618925, Yeah somebody fucked up letting them in.
Posted by Beezo, Sat Jul-29-17 07:39 PM
2618853, ESPN and Adidas get the Gas Face for enabling this bozo's bad behavior
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Jul-28-17 12:32 PM
Dude really is sitting a shit example for these kids.
2618856, LaVar Bell is a piece of shit
Posted by RobOne4, Fri Jul-28-17 01:06 PM
he is a friend of my brother in laws family. I first met him about 6 years ago and i thought he was a piece of shit then. So did much of the family. But he was good friends with one or two of them so everyone else tolerated him. But yeah this dude has always been a dick. Now he is just a dick with a bigger stage.
2618858, this asshole.
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Jul-28-17 01:12 PM
wonder how the lakers plan on dealing with him.
2618860, Outside of running his mouth
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Jul-28-17 01:21 PM
>wonder how the lakers plan on dealing with him.

what can he do to the Lakers? In any event, it would probably serve that franchise the best and just ignore this dude and focus strictly on his son.
2619277, right, ignoring him will be the best route.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-03-17 01:54 PM
but I just feel like he's gonna be a distraction at some point.
2618873, There's nothing to deal with.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Jul-28-17 04:41 PM
2618922, eh, i dont think they have much to worry about
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat Jul-29-17 06:33 PM
2618862, RE: LaVar Ball to female ref: Love me or leave me alone
Posted by murph71, Fri Jul-28-17 01:33 PM

Like I said...bravo for him setting a path for his boys....But that dude is BAMMA Trash....
2618937, I dunno even know about that, really
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jul-30-17 08:35 AM
Seems like the kids have a lot of talent and largely will set their own path. Especially once they hit the college ranks, you wonder how much of this will become a hindrance.
2618952, Lol o cmon - give credit where it's due
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Jul-30-17 01:40 PM
He's done a great job of raising those kids and certainly has played a significant role in their path. Lots of uber-talented kids who don't make it anywhere because they don't have the guidance and structure around them.
2618992, Diminishing marginal returns
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Jul-31-17 10:33 AM
You're setting up a dichotomy between some parentless kid from the bottom rung of society and this. Plenty of gray area in between. I'm not trying to knock him as a parent, really not my place, but to say these guys wouldn't have made it without him is a stretch. Quantifying his value over replacement parent is not something that can be done, but yeah I think there are plenty of basketball dads out there that could have guided elite talent to elite levels.
2618863, Com'onow, you fucking this up B.
Posted by ceeq9, Fri Jul-28-17 01:54 PM
Life in the completeness of its unity is negative. (c) ABK
2618923, And some actually think this clown is entertaining and funny
Posted by Beezo, Sat Jul-29-17 07:33 PM
2618929, its honesly a total disgrace to basketball and sports in general
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sat Jul-29-17 11:01 PM
the idea that a coach can have a ref replaced is honestly farcical
2618934, RE: its honesly a total disgrace to basketball and sports in general
Posted by Beezo, Sun Jul-30-17 01:53 AM
2618948, Broke people gonna hate, but not the BALLERS!
Posted by isaaaa, Sun Jul-30-17 11:42 AM

Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

Just trying to share the world - www.JySbr.net
2618954, Pretty ridiculous. Not surprised Adidas gave in
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Jul-30-17 01:42 PM
BBB is selling out arenas, for better or for worse.
2618956, it's AAU. there literally is no bottom to the cesspool.
Posted by will_5198, Sun Jul-30-17 01:54 PM
2619016, Sad, but true
Posted by Selassie I God, Mon Jul-31-17 03:42 PM
He's a dick, and they'll ride that dick until it becomes financially non-feasible.
2619049, exactly....pops wrong for that....but
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Tue Aug-01-17 12:31 AM
the "Who refs what games" part of AAU...and really Prep sports in general has some shadiness to it...

but he does need to chill..
2619040, Yea
Posted by Beezo, Mon Jul-31-17 10:51 PM
"LaVar Ball has shown himself to be a misogynistic buffoon that is unworthy of our time and attention. I'm done." (c) Bilas
2619041, he should get at his own employer then.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Jul-31-17 10:52 PM
2619131, Did Mrs. Ball have any part in raising the Ball kids???
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Tue Aug-01-17 09:49 PM
Just curious because I've heard/observed a lot of folks giving Lavar a ton of respect for his part in raising his kids and being a great father. I can't say I've noticed anyone give respect or praise to their mother.

I've observed so many "but, he's a great father" comments used to excuse his disrespectful, self-seeking attention behavior. As CC said, that's setting the bar pretty damn low for us fathers out there.
2619137, you gotta figure she provides some balance, right?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Aug-01-17 11:03 PM
either that or every time she opens her mouth, he raises his hand and says "i'm not dealing with you" or some other such nonsense.
2619188, Or Lavar in private is different from his public persona
Posted by LA2Philly, Wed Aug-02-17 12:02 PM
Which I thought was pretty obvious from the start and has been echoed by many people who know him well.
2619203, except Rob up there. He says otherwise.
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Aug-02-17 01:48 PM
2619208, of course he is different, but how different?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Aug-02-17 01:54 PM
lonzo has talked a lot about him and obviously he puts on a show
2619272, nope this is him turned up to 11
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Aug-03-17 12:57 PM
2619187, Lonzo has talked about it
Posted by LA2Philly, Wed Aug-02-17 12:01 PM
Their mom was the main driver on their academics, their dad was the main driver on the sports aspect. Of course there was some overlap but each played a significant role.
2619204, I have to believe she's the driving force of them not being like him.
Posted by Basaglia, Wed Aug-02-17 01:51 PM
2619209, exactamundo (c) jules
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Aug-02-17 01:55 PM
2619283, Except LaMelo is just like him...
Posted by wallysmith, Thu Aug-03-17 02:56 PM
and genetics also play a role
2619211, so a regular degular family
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Aug-02-17 01:57 PM
2619237, if you read some of the articles written by people
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Aug-02-17 04:31 PM
who actually went to the house, there's more about her, but that went away after her stroke because they didn't really mention her.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2619270, the cynic in me wonders if she is out of the spotlight
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-03-17 12:05 PM
because she would tear down this bad guy persona he puts on.

he prolly a big ass teddy bear when she is around.
2619275, that seems unlikely. she had a stroke.
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Aug-03-17 01:32 PM
she was visible right up until that point.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2619276, nah man she's really sick
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Aug-03-17 01:42 PM
he brought her to one of the aau events a few weeks ago and he basically had to hold her up.
2619278, Mutliple events now where he was helping her walk
Posted by LA2Philly, Thu Aug-03-17 02:05 PM
as she recovers from her stroke. Has that torn down his "bad guy" persona? Lol, good grief.
2619190, Lavar needs to stay in his lane
Posted by DJR, Wed Aug-02-17 12:07 PM
Meaning sit in the bleachers and watch, and make dinner plans with the other HS parents.

He's not a real coach or athletic apparel mogul. Stay in your lane. Sit in the bleachers.
2619238, this isn't good.
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Aug-02-17 04:31 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at