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Topic subject1/22 NBA Zach Attack Holding Minny Back. b/w Kyle Lowry..smh
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2591313, 1/22 NBA Zach Attack Holding Minny Back. b/w Kyle Lowry..smh
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Sun Jan-22-17 09:59 PM
Minny is a lot better with a lot less Zach. When he's treated like a 3rd option, they're a legit team.

Don't talk to me about no Kyle Lowry. E-Bled hit him up for 40 and 13 like it was nothing.
2591321, But he jumps really really high tho
Posted by Beezo, Sun Jan-22-17 10:05 PM
.>Minny is a lot better with a lot less Zach. When he's treated
>like a 3rd option, they're a legit team.

2591325, kyle lowry went upside BK Broiler head and got ejected
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jan-22-17 10:14 PM
2591342, They dug in his ass so bad, he laid hands on BK & got ejected. Smh
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Sun Jan-22-17 11:18 PM
2591330, would read again
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jan-22-17 10:29 PM
2591343, Don't talk to me about Zach any more.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Sun Jan-22-17 11:18 PM
2591345, LMAO...i'm talking as soon as he start balling again.
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jan-22-17 11:22 PM

you act like this works another way. fuck outta here.
2591421, Let's just hope there aren't many more days when he holds..
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Jan-23-17 10:26 AM
the team back, losing can be directly linked to his return, he plays like trash, Wiggins hoops, Zach plays like trash vs Jamal Murray who hoops, and it's during a stretch when Devin is hooping.

Let's just hope all of that doesn't happen.
2591429, ANYWAY...i'll talk again when he gets his rhythm back
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Jan-23-17 10:35 AM
2591467, Hey man, don't get sassy...lol you started this.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Jan-23-17 12:37 PM
2591471, yeah...3 years ago. and you didn't care. now you worried about booker
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Jan-23-17 12:48 PM
so you care
2591478, You started throwing shots at Booker & KAT 3 yrs ago?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Jan-23-17 01:09 PM
You've been scared that long?

I thought this was recent.
2591484, i didn't throw shots at booker....that poll threw shots at booker
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Jan-23-17 01:26 PM
2591507, Like you didn't say zach was better than KAT? C'mon...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Mon Jan-23-17 03:29 PM
I ain't got time to be bookmarking all these posts.

Next thing you know, you gonna be claiming you like Murray.
2591393, Zach has been shaky since he missed those games they won
Posted by okayplayery, Mon Jan-23-17 04:19 AM
Looks like the talk got to him a lil bit, he'll be fine.

Dunn looked like a legit PG tonight, Rubio out for "personal reasons". That's the real controversy, not the Zach-Wiggy staff... yet.
2591425, Rubio is out because they are trying to move him
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Jan-23-17 10:29 AM
2591427, and cause his grandmother died
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Mon Jan-23-17 10:32 AM
there wasnt a lot of news on it but his brother apparently posted about it on IG

2591469, Well damn :(
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Jan-23-17 12:39 PM