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Topic subjectMerry Christmas boys. No NBA post?
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2584462, Merry Christmas boys. No NBA post?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 03:14 PM
Early game was fun
2584463, we don't care.. kinda like both the teams in this game.. lol
Posted by LegacyNS, Sun Dec-25-16 03:22 PM
Bos/NY played hard.. GS/CLE looks like both of them would rather be elsewhere.
<---- 5....

2584465, Looks like kyrie cares. He's definitely playing hard.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 03:27 PM
2584464, 13-7 Dubs 2nd qtr
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Dec-25-16 03:24 PM
Without Step OR Slim Reaper
2584466, LIGGINS SOME SHIT!!!!! DAMN!!!!
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Dec-25-16 03:30 PM
game too big for him.
2584468, He gets after it, but they are 4v5 on offense
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 03:33 PM
2584489, Curry 2-8 right now. Why you mad bro?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Sun Dec-25-16 04:21 PM
2584467, Cavs really have Shang tsung'd steph
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 03:31 PM
2584470, Even missed a ft
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 03:39 PM
2584469, Bron sits. KD and Steph enter
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Dec-25-16 03:34 PM
Yikes at the depth disparity
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 04:49 PM
>Yikes at the depth disparity
2584471, Next open 3 RJ bricks, Bron may stab him
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 03:40 PM
2584472, Kev should go at Kev more
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 03:42 PM
2584473, No Pipe, mo problems.
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Dec-25-16 03:42 PM
2584474, Did we talk about Kyrie's assist numbers as of late?
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 03:45 PM
2584481, His drive and kick today has been on point
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:15 PM
2584490, That was a fuckin dime
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:22 PM
2584491, no doubt
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:24 PM
2584475, Bron just reminding yall
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 03:46 PM
2584477, Zaza needs to dunk that
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Dec-25-16 03:50 PM
Going up for a layup like a pussy
2584478, they wanted to recreate the scene from white men cant jump
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Dec-25-16 03:56 PM
bron and zaza will be at a park later tonight betting paychecks
2584480, Klay fuckin Thompson...his J just looks more sure than Steph
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:14 PM
2584492, Sheesh
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:25 PM
2584482, cavs/warriors is always reffed so bizarre to me
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 04:16 PM
like that last layup from dray on liggins. that's either a block or a charge. but it can't be nothing.
2584485, Looked like a charge to me
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Dec-25-16 04:17 PM
2584487, And then the makeup on the other end
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:20 PM
Ref blew the whistle before the contact
2584484, FRAUD out there getting exposed
Posted by mashpg89, Sun Dec-25-16 04:16 PM
KD's team
2584486, Bron and KD game within the game...man.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:17 PM
2584488, DeAndre Liggins! #BBN
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Sun Dec-25-16 04:20 PM
2584493, Nerd Alert. (tweet)
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Sun Dec-25-16 04:25 PM
Mike Prada @MikePradaSBN

Coming into today’s game, Steph Curry is shooting 29.9% on 3s after one or more dribble.

Shot 43% on those shots last year.

His game has suffered the most out of the Warrior's Big 4. His shooting with the ball added a dynamic to the Warrior offense which hasn't been there this year.
2584494, lol...Pachulia some shit
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:29 PM
2584495, Is anything a bad shot for KD?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:30 PM
2584496, everything KD shoots is a good shot...whether he makes it or not
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:31 PM
2584497, LMAO my man
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:33 PM
2584499, damn...just saw that...so true, though...dude is just a freakshow
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:35 PM
2584515, twinnin'
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 04:52 PM
2584498, Iggy looks washed
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:33 PM
2584500, Am I being picky or...
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:35 PM
Is there not really an excuse for Bron not to hammer that down?
2584501, no idea why kyrie not using the 3. he refuses to shoot it
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Dec-25-16 04:42 PM
2584502, christ. durant makes it look *so* easy. what a player.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 04:43 PM
if you hate on this guy, you don't like basketball.
2584503, don't count 'cause JR hurt.
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Dec-25-16 04:44 PM
i'm mad.
2584504, Ill questo kyrie commercial
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:44 PM
2584505, Questlove with the Christmas Nike check.
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 04:44 PM
2584506, that nike kyrie/questlove commercial is sick (link)
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 04:45 PM
2584514, damn. that was lit.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 04:51 PM
2584691, nicely done...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Mon Dec-26-16 11:39 AM
..keep it simple.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2584783, The Delly1's tho!
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Tue Dec-27-16 12:13 PM

I didn't know English was his second language.
2584507, refs gotta stop with these dumb ass calls, man
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:46 PM
2584508, Lolsmh @ RJ
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:47 PM
2584509, Richard Jefferson with the highlight one point dunk.
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 04:47 PM
2584512, LOFL
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:49 PM
2584510, RJ and Shump are 1-16
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:48 PM
2584513, Love a nonfactor
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 04:50 PM
2584516, DADDY RICH!!!
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 04:59 PM
2584518, The vicious dunk and run!
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 05:00 PM
2584519, senior citizen RJ still catching bodies
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 05:00 PM
2584520, air ghey outchea PED'ing these cats.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 05:00 PM
2584522, Richard Jefferson out here yamming
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Dec-25-16 05:02 PM
2584523, Kyrie: 4 straight games with double-digit assists
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:03 PM
2584524, what a young legend...such a worthy king's hand
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Dec-25-16 05:05 PM
2584525, LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:05 PM
2584526, cmon iggy. dafuq kind of defense is that? do better.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 05:06 PM
2584527, How is Bron wriggling on the rim not a tech?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Dec-25-16 05:06 PM
If they're gonna call the RJ stare down
2584531, because one is Lebron and the other is RJ
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 05:07 PM
2584534, and Draymond Green isn't involved
Posted by celery77, Sun Dec-25-16 05:10 PM
2584528, seems like the Warriors could use some rim protection
Posted by celery77, Sun Dec-25-16 05:06 PM
2584529, And boom goes the dynamite.
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 05:07 PM
2584530, Dubs shook like the Cavs at this point last year
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 05:07 PM
2584532, And just like that lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 05:08 PM
2584533, great recovery by klay on that kyrie block. steph with the clutch trey.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 05:08 PM
2584535, That quick score-stop-score 5 point sequence is a salty fuckin papercut
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 05:10 PM
2584536, Iggy stone-washed, man
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:11 PM
2584537, The Christmas gift of a free timeout!
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 05:11 PM
2584538, free timeout for cleveland. this is so stupid.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 05:11 PM
i'm totally with JVG on this.
2584539, kerr dumb. why is iggy initiating offense there.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 05:11 PM
steph or kd only. preferably kd.
2584576, ^^^^^^just a terrible possession
Posted by DJR, Sun Dec-25-16 06:23 PM
2584577, They could have even called a timeout if there was confusion.
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 06:28 PM
2584540, watch
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Dec-25-16 05:11 PM
2584543, yup. lolz.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 05:12 PM
2584541, and now a free TO for CLE? come the fuck on, NBA
Posted by celery77, Sun Dec-25-16 05:12 PM
2584545, it also allowed GS to pull Steph, so...
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:13 PM
2584542, Best player on the team subbed out...Ky puts one in Klay's eyeball
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:12 PM
2584544, klay got sauced in them ugly shoes lmao.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 05:13 PM
2584546, LOL...sorry, Kev
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:14 PM
2584547, fantastic fucking game. are you not entertained??!?!
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 05:14 PM
2584548, lmaooooo kd.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 05:15 PM
2584549, That's a Christmas classic
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 05:15 PM
2584550, McRae to Kyrie: "you a bad mufucka, boy!!!"
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:15 PM
2584552, nice shove in the back, RJ
Posted by J_Stew, Sun Dec-25-16 05:16 PM
only someone as dumb as Mark Jackson would say that isn't a foul
2584557, that aint a foul on the last play of the game.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Dec-25-16 05:17 PM
kd need to toughen up
2584558, shut up kid.
Posted by J_Stew, Sun Dec-25-16 05:18 PM
joking, you're prolly 30 by now
2584559, lulz.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Sun Dec-25-16 05:19 PM
2584562, In addition
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 05:23 PM
it looked as if Jefferson stepped on one of Durant's feet as well; the overhead view of the replay is the best angle to see it.

The Warriors screwed up on their own in numerous ways in that fourth quarter, so I can't get too many at the refs for that non-call being the sole deciding factor.
2584566, not the sole deciding factor at all, Irving went bananas when it counted
Posted by J_Stew, Sun Dec-25-16 05:28 PM
2584573, And the Warriors did enough in that fourth quarter
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 05:44 PM
to shoot themselves in the foot.

The ensuing Draymond Green post-game diatribe should be memorable though.
2584556, smh....that's a foul on Jefferson...
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Sun Dec-25-16 05:17 PM
he tripped him..

and not calling the T on Lebron is some bullshat too...
2584560, or the charge on Draymond, etc, etc...damn
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:19 PM
2584561, Hell of a game
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Dec-25-16 05:21 PM
Ky ky came up big against us once again

2584569, Lebron still scared of Riley, or naw?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Dec-25-16 05:37 PM

You apologize yet?
2584563, warriors risked a technical foul to take Curry out the game
Posted by Kungset, Sun Dec-25-16 05:26 PM
for the most important play of the game
2584567, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pay attention to this
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 05:29 PM
2584572, So he still hasn't improved his one-on-one defensive?
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Dec-25-16 05:43 PM
I thought getting exposed like he did during last year's Finals would have motivated him to improve in that regard. Durant is nice and all with the scoring punch he adds, but it's going to be tough to hide behind the fact he can't defend on the wing. He can only hide behind Klay Thompson defensively for so long.
2584574, What "MVP" has this ever been the case for? Pathetic.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Dec-25-16 05:54 PM

Dude's game is so riddled with little unforgivable

Meanwhile, Lebron does everything possible for his
team to win and was shitted on routinely


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2584663, Dirk? Nash?
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Dec-26-16 06:11 AM
2584675, Nah, they were hid on defense, but not like THIS
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Dec-26-16 10:23 AM

2584564, goddamn I love LaMarcus Aldridge
Posted by celery77, Sun Dec-25-16 05:26 PM
Pop is gonna make mid-range matter again, watch. You have to attack from the entire floor, you can't just let defenses ignore a big slice of it.
2584568, fucking spacing clinic. how did CHI even win 14 games?
Posted by celery77, Sun Dec-25-16 05:32 PM
2584666, Dude is Hyde-Jekyll of the NBA
Posted by FILF, Mon Dec-26-16 07:06 AM
He looks unstoppable like prime Kareem one game then he can't score on Pierce the next night. Dude is just the ultimate front runner, you can tell what type of game he's going to have based on the first quarter b/c he isn't the type of dude that fights through adversity.
2584570, The New Agenda: LeBron:Wade :: Durant:Steph
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Dec-25-16 05:40 PM
2584586, YUP. IMMEDIATELY the best player on the dubs
Posted by kayru99, Sun Dec-25-16 08:09 PM
And he still soft, lol
2584575, KD that Somali dude from Captain Phillips...
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 06:06 PM
"Look at me!!! I am the captain, now"
2584578, Russ: "Thank you, Kyrie!"
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Dec-25-16 06:29 PM

2584581, I can't
Posted by bshelly, Sun Dec-25-16 06:53 PM
2584587, Russ: "Fuck I look like saying another man's name"
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Dec-25-16 08:11 PM

2584638, Yeah, he's clearly saying Jamie.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Dec-26-16 12:36 AM
2584660, Russ is my favorite player right now hands down Kobe 2.0
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Dec-26-16 05:48 AM
2584775, He couldn't be as corny and disliked as Kobe if he tried
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Dec-27-16 10:56 AM

Just saying in terms of personality


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2584776, right.
Posted by Cenario, Tue Dec-27-16 10:59 AM
2584788, How is he Kobe 2.0?
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Dec-27-16 12:30 PM
2584604, Petty media awill be the end of sports. So, so, so pathetic.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Dec-25-16 09:01 PM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2584583, these dudes literally do not try on defense like one out of four
Posted by RandomFact, Sun Dec-25-16 07:24 PM

It would be great to see Rondo fight thru a screen.
2584584, I hope this is the permanent Christmas uniform format
Posted by pretentious username, Sun Dec-25-16 07:37 PM
glad it made it to a 2nd year. No more pajamas please.
2584619, Warriors Bulls and C's looked SO sharp
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Dec-25-16 10:34 PM
2584644, I loved the Spurs jersey too. n/m
Posted by pretentious username, Mon Dec-26-16 01:22 AM
2584601, damn, Kanter ballin
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 08:40 PM
2584616, What a game! Salute to both teams
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun Dec-25-16 09:52 PM
2584617, damn, Billy had to bring Russ back in so we aint fuck off a 14 pt lead
Posted by Dstl1, Sun Dec-25-16 10:17 PM
2584618, Wiggins needs some help!!
Posted by Beezo, Sun Dec-25-16 10:28 PM
2584624, Damn y'all heard Kerr OPENLY shitting on Steph!?!? WOOOW
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Dec-25-16 11:38 PM

2584670, What he said was facts
Posted by b2thej, Mon Dec-26-16 08:18 AM
He has bad turnovers and his defense is trash but everyone gets blinded by half court threes. What pisses me off is people criticize Russy like he doesn't pass the ball when Steph has three all stars and isn't even top ten in the league in assist. The only year Steph has averaged more assist than Russy was the year Russy was hurt.
2584632, Quietly Deng has been kinda ballin lately.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Dec-26-16 12:23 AM
2584634, So Luke coaching good tonight?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Dec-26-16 12:26 AM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2584705, even at his worst, he'd still be light years better than Byron
Posted by justin_scott, Mon Dec-26-16 02:56 PM
2584774, Lulz. *Raises a glass to fairness*
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Dec-27-16 10:55 AM



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2584649, Finally found his confidence on the jumper, more mins at the 4 spot
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Dec-26-16 01:32 AM
He really hit a downward spiral early when he had the knee issues, was coming up short on everything, lost confidence and starting hitching on his jumper. He's finally gotten through it, shooting without hesitation and naturally, it's back to his 1-motion release.

In terms of position, he's far more effective as a small 4 (his Miami splits between 3/4 were significant) because he cannot move laterally with 3's and he's an effective rebounder with his awareness, leverage, reaction time, and length. Luke tried to jam a triangle into a square there but the adjustment has now been made.
2584637, Nice to see some effort tonight, despite the Clips JV squad.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Dec-26-16 12:33 AM
2584639, These blown leads are absolutely killing me.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Dec-26-16 12:43 AM
2584646, They won tonight. Luke's coaching, right?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Dec-26-16 01:28 AM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2584648, It's Christmas. Take your mad to bed.
Posted by Ryan M, Mon Dec-26-16 01:30 AM
Ps - not replying to this bullshit anymore so bye!
2584650, : - ) You sound scurred
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Dec-26-16 01:37 AM
>Ps - not replying to this bullshit anymore so bye!


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2584695, typical sign of inexperience...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Mon Dec-26-16 12:02 PM
..building a lead is a sign of talent and execution.

maintaining that lead is a sign of poise and maturity.

hopefully, they'll turn that corner soon.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2584706, How about when you blamed Byron last year?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Dec-26-16 03:05 PM

When he was asked to Tank and coddle a Kobe farewell?

Did you blame inexperience then? The you guys were, by
definition, younger last year.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2584651, Nice to play a team wo their two key cogs lol
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Dec-26-16 01:38 AM
CP3 in particular would have annihilated us bc of our inconsistent PnR defense and subsequent scrambling. Everyone for the Clips was forced to overextend and it showed...once we finally starting getting over the top on JJ's curls, we got enough stops to get a lead. Combination of good shot-making and bone-headed decisions to give the Clips 10 straight in 3 mins to open the 4th but we responded multiple times and forced non-shooters to make shots.

I was very happy to see Luke freakin finally pull Clarkson after he forced another runner in the lane.

Nice to win period...regardless of how you get it lol.
2584654, http://i67.tinypic.com/zin1hc_th.gif
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Dec-26-16 01:55 AM
2584674, That LeBron on Donkeylips dunk is one of the best things ever.
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Dec-26-16 10:12 AM
I can't stop watching that, LOL.
2584680, eerily similar to this:
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Dec-26-16 10:31 AM

2584764, nba admits refs blew two calls down the stretch on xmas
Posted by Cenario, Tue Dec-27-16 10:12 AM
the bron tech for hanging on the rim and RJ stepping on Durant's foot.
2584766, dang...now, i feel bad about kyrie outplaying steph again
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Dec-27-16 10:14 AM
2584767, lol smh
Posted by Cenario, Tue Dec-27-16 10:24 AM
2584770, To paraphrase the word you used in the off-season
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Dec-27-16 10:40 AM
he did look pretty fraudulent yesterday. Him and Draymond really under-performed pretty much the whole game. I sound like a broken record since I'm sure I've typed this out two or three times already on this message baord, but it's a damn shame Steph didn't get better on the defensive end since he got exposed in about two or three of the Finals games last year.
2584773, Draymond played fine, Steph was godawful
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Dec-27-16 10:54 AM
>he did look pretty fraudulent yesterday. Him and Draymond
>really under-performed pretty much the whole game. I sound
>like a broken record since I'm sure I've typed this out two or
>three times already on this message baord, but it's a damn
>shame Steph didn't get better on the defensive end since he
>got exposed in about two or three of the Finals games last

Draymond just got two bad call fouls early
2584777, RE: Draymond played fine, Steph was godawful
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Dec-27-16 11:00 AM
>>he did look pretty fraudulent yesterday. Him and Draymond
>>really under-performed pretty much the whole game. I sound
>>like a broken record since I'm sure I've typed this out two
>>three times already on this message baord, but it's a damn
>>shame Steph didn't get better on the defensive end since he
>>got exposed in about two or three of the Finals games last
>Draymond just got two bad call fouls early

He also turned the ball over twice in the fourth quarter during the period the Warriors started to blow their 14 point lead. Him and Steph had some careless turnovers.
2584768, What happens to the refs that make these mistakes?
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Dec-27-16 10:27 AM
Does the NBA punish them somehow0? Demote them to less meaningful games? I just wonder if these mea cuplas have any teeth to them or if this is just the NBA's way of saving face.
2584769, Nothing
Posted by cgonz00cc, Tue Dec-27-16 10:40 AM
2584771, What a damn joke.
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Dec-27-16 10:41 AM
I'm guessing this is something in response to social media somehow.
2584772, the refs have always gotten reviewed and critiqued after each game
Posted by Cenario, Tue Dec-27-16 10:42 AM
I'm sure they have some sort of internal rating system thats used to dole out future assignments.

But the refs have always made multiple mistakes per game. We might only be aware of or focus on the major ones but there may be another 20 mistakes in 1 game that isn't even realized ie, incorrect positioning, incorrect substitutions, missed violations, improper inbound spot, poor clock management, rule misapplication, etc. and that doesn't even touch on incorrect judgment calls.

The NBA refs are the best referees the country has to offer. Its not like there are better options available than the nba's current officials, so a ref that has a bad season is likely to not get key playoff games but its not like they are going to get entirely removed bc there aren't better officials to bring on and you can't overwork the ones you currently have.

The sole purpose of the nba coming out with this is to be more transparent and move the conversation from arguing whether it was a missed call or not. Its not to put the focus on the referees though. You'll notice they never identify which referee made the incorrect or missed the call because that's not the point.
2584786, man, ever since they came out and said the refs blew like 37 calls...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Dec-27-16 12:25 PM
at the end of that OKC/Spurs playoff game last season...I just said fuck it. I figure, whichever team you root for...there's gonna be calls that go your way and calls that don't. I mean, Liggins drew to charges. One was called nothing, the other was called a blocking foul.

I do know:

Klay once again showed he's just a better all-around player than Steph.

Bron shot better from 3 than everyone NOT named Klay.

The two time MVP got benched when the game was on the line, because he can't guard anyone. Kerr was literally like, we gotta get this dude out of here. He also had a couple of costly turnovers down the stretch cuz he still on that Curly Neal.

As I said last season during the Cavs/Pistons series...Kyrie is a fucking demon. Klay could not have defended him ANY better on that last shot. Imagine he'd done that to Steph...AGAIN.

KD, one of the most lethal scoring machines the league has ever seen...had 33 points with 9 minutes left in the game...and finished the game with 36. Also...he had the ball in his hands at the end and drew 36 year old Richard Jefferson, but proceeded to dribble AWAY from the basket.
2584787, RE: man, ever since they came out and said the refs blew like 37 calls...
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Dec-27-16 12:28 PM
>Also...he had the ball
>in his hands at the end and drew 36 year old Richard
>Jefferson, but proceeded to dribble AWAY from the basket.

Some of that could have been poor spacing/execution from the Warriors in general though, not just on Durant. Catching the pass where he did on the court didn't leave him with much room to operate given the amount of time on the clock.
2584790, man, the Thunder fan in me LOVES KD...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Dec-27-16 12:35 PM
but he left to do a new thing, I'm not letting up on him when I see the same old shit happening.
2584795, I'm no fan of Durant myself
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Dec-27-16 12:44 PM
so I'm sure I dislike him more than you currently do, but he played too well yesterday to get blamed and fried individually for the loss. Even though he moved away from the basket like you said, he was still able to draw contact from Jefferson, so he did something right despite how broken that play was.