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Topic subjectUgh. NBA could possibly talk expansion after new CBA.
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2569690, Ugh. NBA could possibly talk expansion after new CBA.
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu Oct-13-16 01:45 PM
I love the idea of Seattle getting a team back but I think the NBA is diluted enough as it is. But it's more money for the owners and more possibilities for million dollar employment for the players so I can't imagine the "It's diluted" argument will hold much water.

Where would you want to see the NBA go? Of the ones mentioned, I'd rank them:

1. Seattle
2. Vancouver
3. Vegas
4. Omaha
5. Louisville
6. Pittsburgh
7. Mexico City

I might throw St. Louis #4 though. Any other cities that should be in the running?


The NBA could open up expansion bidding once a new collective bargaining agreement is in place.

Seattle has been without a franchise since the Sonics left for Oklahoma City in 2008 and would figure to be a leading candidate to receive an expansion team.

Louisville, Pittsburgh, Omaha, Las Vegas, Vancouver and Mexico City are other candidates for a team.

The NBA's new television contract reportedly has expansion escalators that would further incentivize the league to add teams on top of the expansion fee though they would have two additional revenue partners.
2569691, see survivor post
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu Oct-13-16 01:48 PM
You have all the details right?
2569693, Please 6lb 8oz baby Jesus give me my Sonics back.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Oct-13-16 01:55 PM
2569696, Seattle for sure. No to Vegas. Maybe STL or KC for the 2nd team.
Posted by Oak27, Thu Oct-13-16 01:59 PM
2569700, If they've got to expand, Seattle's a shoe-in
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Oct-13-16 02:09 PM
STL and KC would both be fine, Omaha would low-key be a pretty decent choice. Never Vegas, though.
2569705, RE: Ugh. NBA could possibly talk expansion after new CBA.
Posted by DJR, Thu Oct-13-16 02:27 PM
In order I would go....
>1. Seattle
>2. Louisville
>3. Pittsburgh
>4. Vegas
>5. Vancouver
>6. Omaha
>7. Mexico City
2569706, Seattle, STL
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Oct-13-16 02:33 PM
2569707, seattle the only team that should get a team.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Oct-13-16 02:34 PM
but i guess they have to add 2 at once? so they shouldnt add any at all.
2569712, if only they weren't so against moving a team
Posted by Oak27, Thu Oct-13-16 02:52 PM
the Bucks or Kings should have already been sent to Seattle with complimentary umbrellas.
2569708, Seattle & Louisville
Posted by Boogiedwn, Thu Oct-13-16 02:41 PM
2569709, Seattle or Mexico City
Posted by TRENDone, Thu Oct-13-16 02:43 PM
2569710, vancouver probably should have a team but that failed once
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Oct-13-16 02:46 PM
Seattle definitely, mexico city would be dope

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2569713, Seattle and New York
Posted by B9, Thu Oct-13-16 02:55 PM
It's high time that both got a basketball team again.
2569715, RE: Seattle and New York
Posted by murph71, Thu Oct-13-16 03:12 PM

2569725, Yuck to Vancouver...no
Posted by auragin_boi, Thu Oct-13-16 03:42 PM
Mexico City would be fun since Canada already has a team but drug cartels would probably corrupt the whole org lol

Seattle is obvious
Then I'd say a 3 way tie between Pittsburg/St. Louis/Vegas.

Vegas is highly unlikely because...gambling
STL isn't on the list (should be)
So that leaves Pittsburg as the most likely choice for me (one new team per conference so no need to realign...Memphis and NO would need to move into the eastern conference if it were say Seattle and Vancouver or Vegas).

I actually don't think it'll be a worse product with 30 additional players to account for though. With the influx of international players and a viable developmental league, there's probably a lil more talent out there to field a few more competitive teams.

2569766, Seattle. The end.
Posted by bignick, Thu Oct-13-16 06:48 PM
2569778, Vancouver would be fine too
Posted by bshelly, Thu Oct-13-16 08:55 PM
It didn't work out before, but it's the same thing as Seattle, and it's 20 some years since the Grizzle left.

Rest of this list? Not major league except Mexico City, and no way any US based league is going into Mexico until the country is stable for 10 years.
2569936, Did the Grizz do some shady shit to get outta Vancouver?
Posted by bignick, Fri Oct-14-16 12:09 PM
I gotta be honest. That team was such a dud, I never even paid attention to why they were leaving.
2569776, seattle & pittsburgh.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Oct-13-16 08:48 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2569783, Has Pittsburgh ever been in the running before?
Posted by DJR, Thu Oct-13-16 09:03 PM
They've got pro teams in 3 of the 4 sports, but I don't ever remember them mentioned as being a possibility for an NBA franchise.
2569801, Pittsburgh would not support an NBA team
Posted by bshelly, Thu Oct-13-16 10:13 PM
I love the Burgh, but it's a white, provincial city. The teams there do so well because they've always been the teams, and the region is generally not real friendly to new jacks. Unless they land a Duncan or a Durant, a NBA team is not going to establish itself in the fabric of that city.
2569842, Kansas City needs our team back.....
Posted by KCPlayer21, Fri Oct-14-16 12:21 AM

We the children of the Light, you know what I mean?
That's why I'm hating on the darkness like Paula Deen
Cause in my hood they masked up like it's Halloween
We going hard for the Rock, but we not some fiends
- Andy Mineo
2569864, Seattle definitely, and what's everyone's beef with Vegas?
Posted by mtbatol, Fri Oct-14-16 09:17 AM
Is it the gambling stigma? Is it the worrying that it's a recipe for diaster with the strippa groupies + millionaire athletes eventually mixing together after home games & practice? Maaaaaaaan kill alla that. Let them get a sports franchise or two. We all obey their sports lines, let them cook.
2569937, All of this.
Posted by bignick, Fri Oct-14-16 12:10 PM
>Is it the gambling stigma? Is it the worrying that it's a
>recipe for diaster with the strippa groupies + millionaire
>athletes eventually mixing together after home games &

If I'm the NFL or the NBA, I can see thinking it isn't worth the risk.
2569982, They couldn't even sell out the All Star Game
Posted by Marauder21, Fri Oct-14-16 12:34 PM
How are they gonna do for a mid-January game against the Kings? It's a huge transplant city that I can't see actually supporting an NBA team of their own. I'm not even that high on Vegas as a destination for the Raiders, but at least that's only 8 home games a year they have to sell out.
2569988, Vegas for NFL is perfect. NBA is tougher
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Oct-14-16 12:39 PM
8 weekends for LA and Bay Area people to flood Vegas? It's going to be huge for the city.

NBA is tougher since people aren't flying into Vegas for regular season games.
2569989, because they wouldn't have a fan base
Posted by Oak27, Fri Oct-14-16 12:40 PM
at best they would hope their games would sell tickets to visiting fans, but who the fuck would go to Vegas just to see their team play a road game when theirs literally a million other things to do in Vegas that they can't do in their own city?
2570036, Vegas is tourists and transplants
Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Fri Oct-14-16 01:18 PM
might support a winner, but allegiances to UNLV basketball is probably a priority

I'd let the NHL and NFL take the risk first
2570048, RE: Ugh. NBA could possibly talk expansion after new CBA.
Posted by DeepAztheRoot, Fri Oct-14-16 01:34 PM
1. Seattle or Vancouver (Don't think you would do both with territory)
2. Kansas City or Omaha (See above and Omaha's metro area is only 900,000 + Lincoln's 300,000 45 minutes away)
3. Louisville (Like Omaha, you could get the Salt Lake City, Sacramento only pro game in town dynamic)
4. Pittsburgh
5. Las Vegas
6. Mexico City (Does the average citizen have enough coin to afford this? Same issue MLB is going to have)

Other cities:

I like the St. Louis idea
Austin, TX? (Spurs make this problematic?)
El Paso? (If we are going to mention Omaha....)
Does Montreal care? Seems like the Expos are on back burner until Oakland and Tampa MLB stadium situations are resolved
2570124, Good call. Another issue. Do you move Memphis to the EC?
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Oct-14-16 07:23 PM
Louisville and Pittsburgh are the options east of Memphis. St. Louis is close.

But if you do two of the western options, do you move Memphis to the Eastern Conference?
2570051, personally, would love to see seattle and vancouver
Posted by justin_scott, Fri Oct-14-16 01:53 PM
esp since i travel to vancouver once or twice every year, but i wouldn't mind somewhere like kansas city either.