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Topic subjectLogic dictates that every black athlete standing during anthem is a coon
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2563871, Logic dictates that every black athlete standing during anthem is a coon
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 01:35 PM

Dumb niggas have gotten what they wanted.
2563873, Are people really saying that?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 02:00 PM
I just think other athletes that go all in and come out against Kaep are kinda questionable.

Let him cook. He's not bothering nobody. It's not against the rules.

That's it.
2563874, Ba just mad Cam can't stop sayin dumb shit
Posted by bshelly, Fri Sep-09-16 02:09 PM
that's all this is.
2563877, more accurately: I'm mad dumb niggas mad he won't be black FOR them
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 02:25 PM

All I saw was niggas on Twitter acting like he deserved blows to the head last night and suggested it was cause he wouldn't protest like Kaep. As for the "dumb" shit he said...matter of opinion, but partying because he was possibly concussed...aight, a tone has been set.

Gloves off. Every nigga who stands for the anthem and gets fucked up this year? Party time for me. Watch how salty niggas act.
2563880, Well yeah, that's ridiculous. But you're acting like dudes...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 02:44 PM
on Twitter are reasonable.

As a collective they're ridiculous people spouting off dumb shit 140 characters at a time.

I didn't see any of that. I don't read most of my timeline though.

I was concerned for Cam, no matter how much dumb shit he says. He's always said dumb shit though. And that's why I dig him. He's like a caricature of a ridiculous athlete.

He's like Damon Wayans is The Last Boy Scout without the coke problem.
2563885, what's infuriating is they'll try to be friends if he wins a ring this year
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 02:54 PM

2563891, They definitely will.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 03:09 PM
I rock with all of them from Tyrod to Jameis to Russ. All of them.

I remember in the 80s when we had Warren and Randall. And I still rocked with Don Mcphereson, Vince Evans, you name it...Rodney Peete.
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-09-16 03:37 PM
<something about you not riding for the Latino Freedom Fighter Carmelo Anthony for all of his natural Latin life>

2563911, Lmao...don't get me started.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 05:08 PM
2563936, lulz
Posted by dula dibiasi, Fri Sep-09-16 06:55 PM
><something about you not riding for the Latino Freedom
>Fighter Carmelo Anthony for all of his natural Latin life>
2563990, Oh, RealBilly is a real solid nigga. I never said otherwise.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Sep-10-16 10:19 AM

His Carmelo stance is pretty unforgivable, though.

You can't be a hoop head and love Latin American athletes
and not love Carmelo. He's the best Latino to ever lace
them up. And he's a leader.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2564047, *sees three Eagles on that list, smiles*
Posted by Bombastic, Sat Sep-10-16 03:53 PM
>I rock with all of them from Tyrod to Jameis to Russ. All of
>I remember in the 80s when we had Warren and Randall. And I
>still rocked with Don Mcphereson, Vince Evans, you name
>it...Rodney Peete.
2563918, RE: what's infuriating is they'll try to be friends if he wins a ring this year
Posted by murph71, Fri Sep-09-16 05:50 PM

Now...THIS^^^^is true....
2563890, :-D
Posted by dula dibiasi, Fri Sep-09-16 03:02 PM
>He's always said dumb shit though. And that's why I dig him.
>He's like a caricature of a ridiculous athlete.
>He's like Damon Wayans is The Last Boy Scout without the coke
2563893, lol...right
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Sep-09-16 03:13 PM
2563912, Fam...everything he does or says I feel like he's trolling.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 05:11 PM
Or he's in a mock-umentary.

Certain outfits. He dyed his beard. He dances for 3 minutes after a td. It's so authentically stupid.
2563915, We gotta stop grading Cam on a curve.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Sep-09-16 05:28 PM

Boy, oh boy is he a fantastic athlete.

But he's goofy and says coon shit.

Somehow, Black America think he's a "realer nigga"
than Russ.


Russ is a more thorough, strong, progresive black man
in every conceivable way.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2563926, Lol...who is saying these things?
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 06:06 PM
I'm sure somebody has said them. But you act like this is the consensus.
2563939, you gotta just let O say stuff at this point.
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 07:00 PM
2563981, LMAO!!!! O the drunken uncle at the family reunion picnic???
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Sep-10-16 08:54 AM
2563989, I'm the drunken uncle with doe and bad biches
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Sep-10-16 09:51 AM

That's me


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2563992, damn, man...I thought you stood up for women. They bitches, now???
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Sep-10-16 10:37 AM
2565161, it all makes sense now...
Posted by thejerseytornado, Fri Sep-16-16 06:43 PM
i'm ANGRY i never thought of that before.
2563921, He's Gronk except people ask him about real shit.
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Sep-09-16 05:57 PM
The bar for black athletes speaking coherently about politics is WAY higher than it is for white guys. Cam's a big dude having fun and living life as a millionaire 20-something. He should pull a Jordan and avoid political questions. Honestly, nobody really cares what he thinks, they just want to hear him say what they already believe.
2563923, i WISH he would say "no comment" on this shit. he'll learn.
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 06:01 PM
lotta niggas gettin passes right now because cam taking the heat.

fuck odell beckham think about all this shit?

ain't heard from dez.

what julio think?

what von miller think? his ass was standing.

what jameis talmbout? does his country ass have a nuanced take on all this?

now, i gotta be an asshole and point fingers at these dudes' silence and suggest they're cowards for not speaking up, JUST LIKE idiots have done to Cam.

2563924, Pretty much.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 06:02 PM
2563944, This
Posted by bshelly, Fri Sep-09-16 07:30 PM
2563938, i was frying that lil shabba-doo headband he was rocking last night.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Fri Sep-09-16 06:59 PM
had my girl howling.
2563945, He was so Flash Dance with it....smh
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 07:39 PM
2563952, Dude did look like he was going to grab a broom and poplock
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Sep-09-16 08:07 PM
2563982, LOLOLOL....breh, I was doing the SAME thing...
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Sep-10-16 08:59 AM
told my wife he looked like Ned from South Park. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/4/49/NedG_2.png/revision/latest?cb=20120719134554&path-prefix=protagonist
She was like 'lulz...leave that boy alone'
2563903, I'm always torn on reaction to Twitter
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Sep-09-16 04:23 PM
On one hand, it is a way to see what many people are thinking. On the other, that "many people" likely represent a vocal minority of idiots and not what most people are thinking.

Either way, if even 1000 people on a site with 60 million users spout some nonsense, I don't think we should say "Well, TWITTER said this so...."

Twitter has definitely lowered the bar for how many people have to say some dumb shit before it gets picked up by the media as a widespread idea.
2563947, nope...it's was consensus on "black twitter"
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 07:51 PM
it was a party. the "coon" got fucked up and they partied off it.

i have noted it.
2563887, Did you re-tweet them? Folks like that should get exposed.
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Sep-09-16 02:59 PM
Partying off someone getting hit with helmet to helmet contact in 2016 is pretty evil.
2563894, nope. I just read 'em, got ma, and vowed vengence...like always
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 03:18 PM
2563943, Theyre not out in the press saying racism is dead
Posted by bshelly, Fri Sep-09-16 07:29 PM
Cam just needs to learn how to say nothing.
2563946, yeah, he literally did not say that. you're part of the problem
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 07:50 PM

EVEN IF HE DID, it's cool to party off the way he skull kept rattling last night.

COOL...watch how i troll niggas on twitter when a "real" "woke" guy gets fucked all the way up.
2563975, pretty close
Posted by bshelly, Sat Sep-10-16 07:39 AM

People were stupid for partying on Twitter, but that's Twitter assholes. Mainstream opinion has been that it was totally fucked up the way the refs let Cam get fucked up.

So you're just mad.
2563980, already said i was mad. but let's go over it again.
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Sep-10-16 08:27 AM

i read the interview. been over it. he was speaking about race within the context of him being a black QB.

he was not talking about police brutality.

he was not talking about housing discrimination.

he was not talking about affirmative action. h

he was not talking about voter suppression.

he was asked about criticism he receives as a black QB and to any CALM, DEDUCTIVE, RATIONAL, OBJECTIVE, UNEMOTIONAL, NOT-LOOKING-FOR-OUTRAGE FODDER person, his answer had everything to do with what he was asked.

<<<Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton doesn't believe race is a factor in the criticism he receives, he told GQ.

"It's not racism," Newton, who is African-American, told GQ for a feature in the magazine's September issue. "Everybody's entitled to their own opinion. I don't want this to be about race, because it's not. It's not. Like, we're beyond that. As a nation.">>>

Do you know how petty and agenda-driven you have to be take that response and make it "racism doesn't exist"?

Like, do you understand that him believing the criticism he gets isn't race-based does not EXTEND into very real racist shit black people are facing?

Groupthink is some powerful shit, dogg. I have trained myself to be skeptical of every bit of outrage I see on social media, because, sadly, I've found most of it to be purposely misleading or happily misinformed.
2563888, that's not how logic works, fyi
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Sep-09-16 02:59 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
2563892, man, shut up.
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 03:13 PM
2563907, Cam is a coon, though, Ba. What you saying does apply to Russ, tho.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Sep-09-16 04:51 PM

Russ a real nigga.

Cam ain't.

2563919, Neither is a coon to me. I reserve that for "ain't shit" niggas.
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 05:53 PM
Cam said some shit "woke" niggas don't like. So? He cool with me.

I gotta be the nigga who stands up in world where Chad Johnsons and Lance Stephensons gets love from niggas and CAM NEWTONS and RICHARD SHERMANS are the problem.

fuck outta here. find someone else to be YOUR "black" in public FOR you.

y'all don't really wanna know what half these niggas y'all cyse as "real niggas" think about what's going on. you really don't.

2563922, Bruh....I click on Twitter hoping "Bo Jackson" isn't trending
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 06:01 PM
He's a dude from Alabama. Who knows what he might say.

I don't want to see a millenial nigga in jogger pants call Bo a "fuck nigga".

2563925, RE: Bruh....I click on Twitter hoping "Bo Jackson" isn't trending
Posted by murph71, Fri Sep-09-16 06:04 PM
>He's a dude from Alabama. Who knows what he might say.
>I don't want to see a millenial nigga in jogger pants call Bo
>a "fuck nigga".

2563927, LOL. Quiet as kept...niggas still scared of Jim Brown
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 06:08 PM
JIM BROWN said this, not Cam Newton...

"And the No. 1 issue in the country for me is black homicide, young black men killing young black men," Brown said.

JIM BROWN said he wouldn't have protested the way Kap has...

"I don't know what the big issue is, because this young man in backing up his statement, becomes stronger in my mind," Brown said. "Now if you ask me 'Would I do that?' No I won't, because I see it a little differently.

"I'm an American citizen. I pay my taxes. I want my equal rights. But this is my country, and consequently I don't want to open up for ISIS or anybody that will take away what we've already gained."

Have you read any of these "woke" niggas on this board or on twitter talking that coon shit about Jim? No, because dumb talkitty talk niggas are scared of REAL niggas. that's why niggas don't march up and down the block protesting drug dealers, because they know they'd get shot in the fucking face on sight, slowing business down and shit with your antics.

2563929, I agree, nobody is coming at Jim. But he wasn't negative.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Fri Sep-09-16 06:23 PM
Some cats like Shaq and Ray Lewis have been totally negative.
2563934, I hear that, but the shit jim said woulda got another nigga fried
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 06:48 PM
2563941, i missed shaq's comment. almost afraid to google it.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Fri Sep-09-16 07:01 PM
2564055, Quote From Shaq's "Fox & Friends" appearance:
Posted by Bombastic, Sat Sep-10-16 04:23 PM
“I don’t know Colin, but again, to each his own,” he said. “I don’t really have a say on it, but I would never do that. My father was a military man, and you know, he protected this country. Uncles are in law enforcement, you know, they go out and work hard every day. Just, (there are) other ways to get your point across.”
2564071, *sigh*
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Sep-10-16 05:33 PM
2566079, He also essentially said, why didn't you do this last year...
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed Sep-21-16 10:20 PM
cuz racism was around then too.
2563959, LOL. Jim Brown was sponsoring actual gang truces, Ba
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Sep-09-16 09:43 PM

He was actually hosting meetings between gangs

2563960, Cam is 26 and not throwing bitches off balconies, BROTHER
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Sep-09-16 09:46 PM
2563965, So why did you quote Jim Brown?!?! Bwahahaa
Posted by Orbit_Established, Fri Sep-09-16 11:33 PM

Why you quote Jim Brown on black on black violence?

He's a terrible person, right?
2563973, I explained why. Why you compare a 26 year-old to an 80 yo?
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Sep-10-16 07:01 AM

You act like Jim wasn't busy doing stupid COON shit well into his 60s.

Woman beating.
Road rage incidents.
Beating up golfing buddies.
Rape allegations.
Fucking up a woman's car cuz his feeling was hurt...like a bitch.

Given Cam's ability to stay the fuck outta jail and help kids at such a young age, I have total faith that he'll be helping make the world better after he's done playing.

Y'all niggas minds are warped because you value thumbing your noses at white people, who really do not give a fuck one way or another, above COMMON GODDAMN SENSE.

So, continue to cyse these silly anti-hero niggas and keep shitting on dudes who got their shit together.

Funny you prop up Russ like these same idiots wasn't calling him a coon a couple of years ago. Like these same idiots didn't manufacture the same stale, lame ass Real Nigga vs. Coon issue between him and Marshawn when they lost that Super Bowl.

2563987, Haha. YOU USED a Jim Brown quote, nigga. I EXPLAINED IT.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Sep-10-16 09:50 AM

I explained the CONTEXT of THAT QUOTE. I'm not DEFENDING
Jim Brown. I'm saying you LIFTED A QUOTE with no context.

Jim Brown saying "black on black violence is the worst" is
not an "All Lives Matter." It's coming from a nigga who
had dinner with gang members.

You don't even know what YOU are defending.

I AM IN HERE defending all y'all GOOFY NIGGAS who ride
for Cam but NEVER EVER EVER EVER DEFENDED Russell Wilson
when HIS BLACKNESS been question FOREVER.

Y'all got to explain THAT shit.

Cam thinks "WE ARE PAST RACE."


2563991, jim brown spoke on kaep's said and disagreed with his tactics
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Sep-10-16 10:20 AM

niggas have called everyone who has DISAGREED with kaep's form of protest a coon, EXCEPT jim brown.

you EXPLAINED it's because jim facilitated gang truces...i guess. right?

and i'm EXPLAINING that's bullshit. iverson ain't helped no gang members and he all lives mattered it up and nobody ain't throw an outrage party...because "real niggas" would verbally shit on anyone who dared. stephen a wouldn't dare say no shit about AI being a "coward" because he wasn't being black enough FOR him. if he did, AI would fry his ass to the point of ruining his career.
2563932, If you're black & in the military then you're a coon
Posted by FILF, Fri Sep-09-16 06:34 PM
Keep fighting the white man's war though b/c the benefits are awesome.
2564049, if you're black you have to deal with degrading and dehumanizing names
Posted by Bombastic, Sat Sep-10-16 04:06 PM
plus sweeping general statements on your character coming from members of your own race who don't even know you, based on their own judgments because you're supposed to somehow represent an entire race of people rather than your individual self or at most your family/friends, while also dealing with the toxic bullshit and bona fide dangers of just trying to exist let alone thrive in the white power structure of AmeriKKKa.

Reason #4080 why being black is inherently harder than being white in this world we live.
2564057, Accurate.
Posted by B.J.S.301, Sat Sep-10-16 04:32 PM
2565162, glad you're back.
Posted by thejerseytornado, Fri Sep-16-16 06:46 PM

you think we playing chess, but i'm playing mad-making. Basaglia
2565166, OKS has enlightened me more on race relations more than anywhere online
Posted by MothershipConnection, Fri Sep-16-16 07:18 PM
As a non-white non-black other, I enjoy reading these discussions.
2565226, Yeah but often unconscious coons.
Posted by thebadnegro, Sat Sep-17-16 12:52 PM
many are well-intentioned brothas and sistas. they don't know any better because they weren't taught any better.. at least not before indoctrination/habit was already formed.
2566058, Cam came off amazing in today's press conference
Posted by bshelly, Wed Sep-21-16 07:20 PM
Just thought that since I criticized his earlier statements, I should acknowledge what he said today moved me.
2566083, He just said what Frank Luntz told him to say.
Posted by bignick, Wed Sep-21-16 11:15 PM
That nigga getting playing.
2566094, Was it amazing
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Sep-22-16 07:55 AM
or did he just says things you happened to agree with?
2566097, it's why i was careful to say "this is how i felt about it"
Posted by bshelly, Thu Sep-22-16 09:05 AM
i'm in no position to pass judgement on how anyone else feels, except when they utter demonstrably false claims like "racism isn't an issue in society."

I thought cam sounded very human when he talked about his family. Were I in his shoes, I could see how fear that my words would lead to harm for my family would cause me to say less than I want, and I found his expression of that sentiment resonated with me.
2566078, Serious question: What is Carmelo up to right now?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Sep-21-16 10:13 PM
I mean, after saying this:

“NO more sitting back and being afraid of tackling and addressing political issues anymore,” he wrote. “Those days are long gone. We have to step up and take charge. We can’t worry about what endorsements we gonna lose or whose going to look at us crazy. I need your voices to be heard. We can demand change. We just have to be willing to. THE TIME IS NOW. IM all in. Take Charge. Take Action. DEMAND CHANGE.”

What's up with the radio silence? He's all on Twitter/Instagram, but not saying a word about anything.
Meanwhile, we got professional athletes really taking his charge to heart and risking their endorsements and having people look at them crazy.
2566090, That's what I been asking for a few weeks now
Posted by Cenario, Thu Sep-22-16 05:39 AM
Not even one tweet about kaep?

I think I know the answer, but I was hoping for an alternative.
2566112, I bet he starts talking once the season starts.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu Sep-22-16 10:46 AM
Could just be on an all around break.

And yeah I'm willing to bet.
2566113, he's gonna have to start talking then bc media will be asking
Posted by Cenario, Thu Sep-22-16 10:53 AM

But he started this voluntarily...he wasnt just answering questions in the first place.