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Topic subjectCharles Barkley to host new TNT show called The Race Card (WaPo Swipe)
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2558337, Charles Barkley to host new TNT show called The Race Card (WaPo Swipe)
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Mon Aug-01-16 07:07 PM
I think the show is a good idea, but I don't know if Chuck is the right person to host it. He's outspoken but a show like this needs a credible journalist and / or a number of academics and people located throughout the greater community to really be impactful.


By Des Bieler July 31 at 9:03 PM

Charles Barkley is never shy about expressing an opinion about anything, least of all the most hot-button issues in the United States. Now the former NBA star and popular studio analyst will host a new TV show exploring “race, class and cultural differences” that will debut next year.

The name of this show? “The Race Card.”

TNT has ordered six hour-long episodes of the program, in which, according to the network, “Barkley wants to bust up the echo chamber mentality that so often has people retreating to corners of the like-minded, where views are reinforced and ideas are distorted into angry, unexamined groupthink conclusions.

“Each week, Barkley will take on the rapidly calcifying positions around today’s hot-button topics,” TNT continued in a press release. “He will seek out the sharpest and most varied viewpoints from today’s cultural leaders and tastemakers. He will then challenge and probe those ideas, even trying them out on himself.”

“We as Americans never discuss the issue of race in this country and how it impacts everything in our lives until something bad happens,” Barkley said in a statement. “I see this project as a way to talk about race, class and cultural differences and challenge everyone’s status quo.”

Barkley’s outspoken ways have certainly helped TNT’s “Inside the NBA” gain high regard, and it makes sense that the network would want to give him a forum for his views on non-basketball topics. The Hall of Fame player has both stood up for and criticized elements of the black community, including his comments on the recent turmoil following shooting deaths of and by police officers.

“We got to do better as black people,” Barkley recently said. “The cops have made some mistakes, but there’s a lot of blame to go around. But I’m not going to get on TV and yell like all these other idiots. I’m willing to sit down with anybody and have constructive criticism. I always tell myself as a black man: ‘Am I part of the problem or part of the solution?’ If I’m out doing illegal stuff, stupid stuff, I’m part of the problem. If I’m helping young black kids go to college like I’m trying to do, if I’m giving money to causes to help young men, I know I’m part of the solution.”

In April, after North Carolina passed the law targeting the LGBT community — known as HB2 — Barkley said the NBA should move the 2017 All-Star Game away from Charlotte, a decision the league eventually made. “As a black person, I’m against any form of discrimination, against whites, Hispanics, gays, lesbians, however you want to phrase it,” he said at the time. “It’s my job, with the position of power that I’m in and being able to be on television, I’m supposed to stand up for the people who can’t stand up for themselves.

The 53-year-old Barkley, who has flirted with a political career in the past, will be one of the executive producers of “The Race Card.” Of the show, TNT said, “Barkley will put ideas on their feet, with real-world proof-of-concept tests that will engage people and expose the truth behind their closely held beliefs.”
2558339, lolz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by dula dibiasi, Mon Aug-01-16 07:28 PM
i wish i could buy stock in this being a disaster.
2558346, Please, God, don't let my man turn into Larry Elder or some shyt
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Aug-02-16 01:16 AM
2558348, smh
Posted by Cenario, Tue Aug-02-16 07:55 AM
2558361, Good concept, bad host
Posted by The Real, Tue Aug-02-16 10:33 AM
If they wanted to keep it in the TNT family, Kenny Smith would have been a better choice.

2558501, Speaking of Kenny Smith
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Aug-03-16 12:36 PM
I wonder if the TNT brass will force a muzzle on Kennny Smith, Ernie Johnson, and Shaq from cracking jokes about this new show on Inside the NBA, assuming it'll the flaws the majority of folks in this thread assume it'll have.
2558364, Spoilers: Show 1: Militant. Show 2: Uncle Tom. Show 3: Militant....
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Aug-02-16 12:30 PM

...Show 4: Uncle Tom.

And on and on and on.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2558490, People will tune in to see him talk bad about black folks
Posted by The Real, Wed Aug-03-16 11:55 AM

2558492, So he'll be Ted Turner's version of Whitlock?
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Aug-03-16 11:58 AM
2558498, Nah...he'll go back and forth. That's the key.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Aug-03-16 12:21 PM

He'll be pro black half-the-time.

He'll say outrageously pro-black shit, and outrageously
anti-black shit.

Wendy Williams kind of does this too

It's a great way to keep yourself in the press with regards
to race


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2558367, i'm good with indifference right now
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Aug-02-16 12:46 PM
2558368, Almost 0% chance that this show isn't a bammafied mess
Posted by GOMEZ, Tue Aug-02-16 12:52 PM
I'll pass.
2558371, I hate the name of the show & guarantee I willl hate everything..
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue Aug-02-16 01:23 PM
about the show.

Unless, Oakley is in the audience and makes his way onto the set and smacks fire out CB34 and he falls out of his chair. Then Oak, proceeds to tear the set down like MechaGodzilla.
2558374, Will this be worse than The Magic Hour?
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Aug-02-16 01:35 PM
Time will tell.

I'd love for this to torpedo Barkley's whole Turner Broadcasting career by him saying something completely idiotic that the Turner company can't even co-sign; I wonder how 'on the rails' Barkley will be forced to be on.
2558379, A race-baiting version of The Magic Hour? Fire up the memes
Posted by GOMEZ, Tue Aug-02-16 01:56 PM
2558445, i watched every episode of the magic hour
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Aug-02-16 10:06 PM
our family loved magic despite not loving the lakers. i stayed up late a lot as a kid, watched pretty much every hour he did. he was terrible. tommy davidson was terrible. but the guests liked him and sometimes carried the show. a lot of the musical performances were good and his band was good. forgettable television but i was glad i gave it a shot. i also watched almost all of the john stewart show (you could tell he was gonna be big, but no one watched), the stephanie miller show (mostly a dud) and a lot of later with bob costas (his best work being the week he spent with mel brooks). i also enjoyed tom snyder and ferguson a lot more than the 11:30 guys, who generally i thought kind of sucked.
2558462, I'm disappointed
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Aug-03-16 08:35 AM
you didn't reference another pothole of a late night talk show; The Chevy Chase Show.

If my memory serves me right, both The Chevy Chase show and The Magic Hour were on Fox.

I will say your memory of The Magic Hour is much much better than mine. I only vaguely remember him mangling the English language because I remember how uncomfortable I felt watching at the time.
2578966, i saw a few episodes of chevy chase but wow was it terrible
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Nov-27-16 01:29 PM
i would put him firmly behind stephanie miller and even behind magic "kobay thowed da bawl to kwamay" johnson.

stewart, costas and snider i actually liked. stewart you could tell was still refining his act. had a sense he'd go political. i will never forget the time he had lorenzo lamas (of renegade "fame") on--one of the stupidest celebrities to ever walk, like claudia scheffer stupid--and lamas went on a long rant about the prohibition of hallow-tipped bullets. you could see a million rebuttals storming in stewart's eyes but he was just like "i'm going to agree with everything you just said because you are like five times my size and could kill me" or something to that effect.
2558381, Correction: Episode 1 of Shaqting the Fool is called The Race Card
Posted by Cenario, Tue Aug-02-16 01:59 PM
w/ special guest Charles Barkley
2558382, Is Etan Thomas a co-host?
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Tue Aug-02-16 02:06 PM
Cause that's the only way I'd watch.
And even then...
2558383, Maybe it will be insightful and illuminating.
Posted by Buck, Tue Aug-02-16 02:07 PM
Stranger things and all.
2558390, Hate myself for wanting to watch this show lol
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Aug-02-16 03:24 PM
2558403, can't wait to not watch this
Posted by Kungset, Tue Aug-02-16 04:48 PM
2558406, Pretty sure everyone knows this is a comedy but Chuck
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Aug-02-16 05:00 PM
There's no way anyone competent chose him for this thinking he's a good choice for a serious show.

If they did, the person who hired that person should be fired and blacklisted from every available job in every industry everywhere in the world.

For fucking ever.
2578666, America voted for Trump nm
Posted by FILF, Fri Nov-25-16 01:19 AM
>There's no way anyone competent chose him for this thinking
>he's a good choice for a serious show.
>If they did, the person who hired that person should be fired
>and blacklisted from every available job in every industry
>everywhere in the world.
>For fucking ever.
2558429, He is not qualified to even speak on the issue
Posted by imo, Tue Aug-02-16 06:56 PM
He is ignorant to so many facts both current and past it will most likely turn into a class where he learns in real time.
2558430, this made me legit laugh out loud, man
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Aug-02-16 06:59 PM
2558444, he is such a paradoxical mix of of arrogance and humility
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Aug-02-16 10:03 PM
on one hand, you can tell he is a very generous man who thanks the people below, around and above him. he knows he lucked out in life and got incredible opportunities through basketball to see the world, live lavishly, have fun, etc. he doesn't shit on people and is very personable. he even acts, often, like he knows what he doesn't know.

but then on the other hand he gets really boorish and loud-but-wrong on a wide array of topics. part of that contrast is what makes him interesting, i guess, but it's all pretty confusing.
2558450, I've always found his contradictions endearing on a human level
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Aug-03-16 12:00 AM
I appreciate that there's a genuine sincerity in whatever he says and see him as one of the "realist" athletes with a platform.

Conversely that also makes him a terrible spokesperson for issues like this.
2578968, yeah i do think he is mostly honest though oddly he tones it down a lot
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Nov-27-16 01:33 PM
people i have met who know him IRL say he is just a filthy mf'er in private, though he does give some hints (i be poppin them viagras like tic-TACS! and his defense of the n word's heavy usage, for example). he is very generous and personable though. i get the sense he believes what he says most of the time, that's very rare for someone on television. he doesn't always think it through but in a weird way the contradictions kind of temper him, i dunno how to describe it but i feel like we are on the same page. i think that's fine in basketball and small doses of other topics but yeah, handling heavy topics on a week to week basis, nah, that's not his bag. they keep trying to give him a show, i dunno, it would have to be the right platform and more oriented toward sports. i remember him bragging about CNN looking to give him a show, and it didn't happen for years. this is his second show now and it seems worse than than the first.
2558471, I disapprove of this criticism.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Aug-03-16 10:07 AM

Just say you don't like his views. And don't watch the

This invisible "credential" that you need to have
(education, or something like that?) to speak on race
is worse than Barkley having a show.

2558494, I only diapprove of someone speaking on something they
Posted by imo, Wed Aug-03-16 12:11 PM
haven't legit done research and studied.

Its no different then Barkley doing the Final Four and fucking everyone's name up, not knowing their record or their resume. Its so apparent he doesn't follow college basketball that its a built in joke.

He doesn't speak for me and that's fine. But going on national TV as a trusted voice to speak on a subject he is legit ignorant on is irresponsible. Its funny for college basketball final four but a serious subject like racism should be off limits for stupidity. Its to dangerous.

He will make declarations and will be scolded/schooled like its groundhog day.

Being from Philly I like Barkley but this is a classic case of being unqualified and overreaching and will damage his reputation when the flames reach critical mass.
2558484, RE: He is not qualified to even speak on the issue
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Aug-03-16 11:34 AM
>He is ignorant to so many facts both current and past it will
>most likely turn into a class where he learns in real time.

I mainly question if Barkley is capable of hosting a show in general on his own, and I don't know his personally well enough to question his intelligence, but it would be cool if he were actually humble enough learn something from future guests on his show rather than just browbeat out of sheer ego, similar to how most other sports talk shows roll in terms of televised debate.
2558497, Barkley routinely comes on local Philly sports radio shows
Posted by imo, Wed Aug-03-16 12:16 PM
and shoots the shit for four hours at a time. The life stories are funny as always. But when he ventures into to other subjects you realizes he is just shooting from the hip with no facts to back him up.

You can argue he has a PHD in playing basketball and can speak on the subject in depth. But he is remedial at best on social, historical, economic and world issues.
2558463, I assumed this would be a comedy thing...
Posted by C. Thelonius, Wed Aug-03-16 08:40 AM
Cuz then it coulda been hilarious, especially if there were special guest celebrities and comedians with Barkley's off the cuff lines. But apparently this supposed to be a serious show? Tragic.
2578461, already a clusterfuck (shocking, I know)
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Nov-23-16 06:44 PM

Barkley said he knew that “racism exists. Always has. Always will,” but contended that American discrimination was more about economic empowerment than skin color.

“America discriminates against poor people, whether you’re white, black, Hispanic, whatever,” said Barkley. “Poor people are dealt a crappy hand.”

However, it was when Barkley expressed support for police that the mood of the audience, which had been on edge, turned openly hostile.

Barkley criticized the audience, many of whom are community activists, saying he didn’t believe that any of them had expressed sympathy for the families of four police officers who were shot Sunday in separate incidents around the United States.

In one case, a San Antonio detective was killed while writing a ticket following a traffic stop.

“Did anybody say, ‘Man, I feel bad for their family’? ” asked Barkley. “There was no love (for police) in this room.”

When Diane Butler, the mother of Tyrone West, a local man who died after a 2013 struggle with police following a traffic stop, told Barkley, “I don’t know you, I don’t like you,” chiding him for empathizing with police for having to make split-second decisions. Barkley did not back down.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” said Barkley, then adding, “As far as you not liking me, it really doesn’t bother me. I’m used to it. I’m like the homecoming queen. All the ugly girls hate you. That’s part of my life. I never take anything personally.”

From there, things further deteriorated, as audience members took turns insulting Barkley for either a perceived lack of knowledge of Baltimore and its policing issues or his declarations of his philanthropy or both.

“What does your condolence mean to her?” said one audience member, gesturing toward Butler. “How simple and arrogant are you? There are so many black men that care about our community that for us to dwell on one man that just won’t get it is a waste of everybody’s time.”

Jill P. Carter, who represents a portion of the city in the Maryland House of Delegates, called Barkley’s presence “nonproductive,” and called on him to “do a little research on the history, on the community and on what’s been transpiring.”

The meeting closed with a group of activists shouting at Barkley, who was whisked off the stage by staff and security after wishing the audience a happy Thanksgiving.
2578664, shoulda started somewhere else, we snatch wigs here.
Posted by Castro, Fri Nov-25-16 12:47 AM
He gonna be hating on Baltimore at every turn and we give ZERO fucks.
2578667, Pretty much
Posted by Beezo, Fri Nov-25-16 04:16 AM
>He gonna be hating on Baltimore at every turn and we give
>ZERO fucks.
2578669, "I’m like the homecoming queen. All the ugly girls hate you."
Posted by Buck, Fri Nov-25-16 07:33 AM
Damn, man.
2578688, Producers had to have hand picked that audience.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Fri Nov-25-16 01:46 PM
They wanted confrontation, but probably not like this.
2578699, We got local coons that troll better than Charles.
Posted by Castro, Fri Nov-25-16 03:37 PM
That suit makes him smart on TNT, but out here, he just a big dumb coonin muhphucka in a suit.
2578722, He's such a piece of shit
Posted by AZ, Fri Nov-25-16 09:53 PM
2578969, you gotta laugh at the image of charles as homecoming queen though
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Nov-27-16 01:35 PM
2579017, Here's the issue: he'd NEVER talk to white poeple face to face like that.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Nov-27-16 04:43 PM

That's the thing about this brand of coon.

I think Barkely loves black people and all. He ain't
your JC Watts coon.

But it's this proclivity to talk shit to black people,
say shit you would NEVER say to white people.

That's the coon shit.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2579327, yup, exactly.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Mon Nov-28-16 10:03 PM
not sure wtf that's all about, but it's ridiculous. condescending bullshit.