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Topic subjectNBA Finals Game 3: The Draygoon-dock Saints
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2544527, NBA Finals Game 3: The Draygoon-dock Saints
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-08-16 02:22 PM
Per Stein:

Kevin Love will not be medically cleared to play in Game 3 of the 2016 NBA Finals due to a concussion.

Love had grown optimistic of his chances of being cleared.

Love has been told Game 4 on Friday is the soonest he'll be cleared.

I wouldn't be stunned if this actually helps the Cavs as Lue could get more creative with his lineups. Or he could just start Frye and keep the status quo.
2544529, Love won't be missed. Cavs still win tonight
Posted by SooperEgo, Wed Jun-08-16 02:29 PM
2544530, This is a pretty good deal for Lue. Cavs can win tonight and it'll be easier
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-08-16 02:32 PM
for Lue to bring Love off the bench in game 4.

I can't see Lebron letting them go down 0-3 especially without Love. He's forced to be more aggressive on offense. He just has to limit the turnovers.

They'll probably get contributions from JR and/or Frye tonight as well.
2544777, All of this
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-08-16 10:21 PM
2544534, when i picked dubs in 5 before the series
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 02:45 PM
this was the game i had cleveland winning. so i'll stick with that.

not so confident tho. dubs kind of own these niggas' souls.
2544536, damn...Bron gonna HAVE to sprinkle a few of them salts tonight
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 02:47 PM
2544545, Dubs by 12. Lol at yall still sipping the koolaid. Bron and nem aint got it
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-08-16 03:07 PM
2544612, they only way the Cavs win is if the Dubs let up..
Posted by LegacyNS, Wed Jun-08-16 07:35 PM
GS has beat these fools 7 str8 times by an average of 18 points including 34 the last time @ the Q..
<---- 5....

2544794, Oh
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 10:37 PM
2544793, You only missed by like 40
Posted by osu_no_1, Wed Jun-08-16 10:35 PM
2544546, imagine if we finally get Curry/Klay vs Bron/Kyrie.
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Jun-08-16 03:07 PM
i think Cavs take this, but i can see GS ending it here.
2544548, So folks think we'll see Bath Salts Bron tonight?
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 03:13 PM
If that's the case, what on earth is Kyrie going to do on the court?

Given the Cavs roster, I think Bron will look to do more facilitating to start things off and kick it up a notch in the fourth quarter, assuming the game is close. Perhaps use the threat of the outside shooters to make it easier for the Bath Salts to flow so to speak.

It would be hilarious to see Bron so at full throtle for 48 minutes just to see how lost Kyrie would look on offense, much less on the defensive end since he'd be so dejected with the lack of touches.
2544550, he really can't afford to do this.
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-08-16 03:21 PM
>Given the Cavs roster, I think Bron will look to do more facilitating to start things off and kick it up a notch in the fourth quarter,

He needs to do the opposite. Get his first, keep the game close and.or get the lead and allow that to open up opportunities for others.

Tryna facilitate to get tristan and jr off is gonna have them down by 20 at halftime imo
2544554, I don't agree
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 03:29 PM
>He needs to do the opposite. Get his first, keep the game
>close and.or get the lead and allow that to open up
>opportunities for others.

Unless the Cavs play lights out defense, it's going to be hard to keep the game close initially if LeBron tries to outgun the Warriors by himself if I'm just thinking about the numbers that would have to be involved. Also, it's going to be hard to get others hot and making consistent shots in the fourth quarter if they aren't getting consistent touches in the prior quarters.

>Tryna facilitate to get tristan and jr off is gonna have them
>down by 20 at halftime imo

You have one of the names I was thinking about; I was thinking about Jr, Frye, and Dellovadova (at least looking at his regular season three point shooting average) doing well from outside via LeBron facilitating the offense. That mixed with Kyrie doing his Rucker in Gloomy Cleveland routine matched with good/great defense (which is the most important aspect and has been missing for the series in the second halves of both games) will result in a close game IMO.
2544570, And i think its their offense that has been the problem.
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-08-16 04:08 PM
they had 15 turnovers and shot 38% in game 1 33% from 3
they had 18 turnovers and shot 35% in game 2 21% from 3

They wouldn't beat the hawks playing like that on offense.
2544557, They need other people to step up to win.
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-08-16 03:33 PM
It's tough either way but I think you'd want to try to get JR or someone going early. The Warriors defense is focused on stopping LeBron so try to take what they are giving you and hope someone steps up in the first half to at least keep you close and maybe make them have to change up a little on LeBron.

You'd think JR's good for one light out night in this series. You hope it's tonight.
2544565, i agree that other people need to step up but you want your best players
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-08-16 03:48 PM
to set the tone.

You try to get JR going and he misses his 1st couple of shots, then what? you probably already losing and now you try to get someone else going or try to have lebron take over???

I feel like if Lebron dictates the offense early everyone/anyone can eat later. They probably not gonna double early and if they do, well thats how you get other people involved.

Cavs go down double digits early and its rip.
2544576, Ultimately, it's a subtle difference
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-08-16 04:32 PM
I mean, it's not like LeBron can cede shots or not look for his at any point.

For me, I'd rather get people involved early because I just feel like it's more likely that they get into a groove early and help out and LeBron can take over (as he did in Game 3 last year) than have him carry the weight in the first half and then hope someone gets into it in the 2nd.

Either way, LeBron has to go for 40 for them to have chance.
2544577, I agree with all this...he doesn't have to go full-on Salts...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 04:36 PM
but he has to be ready to apply them when needed. He can't play that ultra-unselfish facilitator shit tonight.
2544592, Where i'm at
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-08-16 05:49 PM
He can't
>play that ultra-unselfish facilitator shit tonight.
2544768, ^^^^^
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 10:16 PM
2544553, have a feeling Cavs win this one
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 03:28 PM
at home. They'll be fired up

and from what I'm reading of local news reports here, the Dubs been partying out in Cleveland. STaying out late

not a great feeling about this one

2544558, hol up
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 03:33 PM
>and from what I'm reading of local news reports here, the Dubs
>been partying out in Cleveland. STaying out late

So the Warriors failed where JR succeeded in terms of avoiding the party scene in Cleveland?

Say it ain't so.

Will be interesting to see who looks the most hungover tonight.

Would also be funny if Curry or Klay busts out for a 40 point performance and creates a Hangover Game meme similar to Jordan's Flu Game meme.
2544555, Timofey Time!!!
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 03:30 PM
2544560, he look washed, fammo
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 03:39 PM
2544563, I've penciled in a Game 3 loss in every series for the Dubs
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Jun-08-16 03:41 PM
So far I've always been right. I expect I'll be right again tonight. I hope I'm not.

Cavs win to get some confidence back.

EDIT: I'm not sure if I know HOW they're going to win, but I figure they'll find a way.
2544564, So far, Cavs have a +/- of -16 with Love playing.
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Jun-08-16 03:42 PM
they have a +/- of -32 with Love not playing. interesting to see who all steps up big on the Cavs tonight.
2544586, Love balled out in game 1. Shit the bed in game 2
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 05:00 PM
2544614, He missed most of the blowout loss.
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-08-16 07:43 PM
Although, in general, I hate plus minus as a stat.
2544572, as previously stated: funny how the narrative keeps shifting...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Wed Jun-08-16 04:12 PM
..same disastrous results, though.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2544811, Funny how the narrative is shifting to currys bitch ass being injured
Posted by osu_no_1, Wed Jun-08-16 11:07 PM
2544961, people love convenient excuses...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Jun-09-16 11:38 AM
..we all know about steph's recent injuries, yet he's never used them as an excuse to cop pleas.

there's a difference btwn being hurt and being injured.

hurt is something every professional athlete deals with throughout every season.

injured means you can't suit up and you're a liability to your team at that point.

the cavs finally woke up from sleepwalking through the playoffs, only to find themselves down 2-0. happy to see them play with intensity, hustling from start to finish on both ends of the court. they played scrappy and used that aggression to frustrate gsw. we know they're capable of this at times, but never consistently.

gsw defied the odds and showed the world they could overcome a huge deficit to win the wcf. now its on the cavs to do the same.


*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
2544972, thats been the narrative since he came back. people have complained
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 12:15 PM
bout it every series lol
2544575, Wont be surprised if GSW loses tonight. But I doubt it.
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jun-08-16 04:30 PM

2544587, it'll be closer, but I still got the Warriors by 8.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 05:01 PM
2544789, You only missed by like 30 nice try
Posted by osu_no_1, Wed Jun-08-16 10:34 PM
2544809, are you 12?
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 11:03 PM
i feel like i should make fingerguns at you but that might be too serious.
2544589, Fuck this series, Fuck Welven, fuck the Worriers.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 05:14 PM
Golf Wang.
2544591, RE: NBA Finals Game 3: The Draygoon-dock Saints
Posted by Slugger_Onions, Wed Jun-08-16 05:47 PM
Some people are saying Bron needs one of his bath salt games, but I'm honestly wondering if he can even do that anymore if he wanted to. Dude has looked like those six straight finals appearances have caught up with him. In NBA years for a 31 year old, he's damn near ancient
2544604, A little levity: interview with rapper Mac Bari, author of "Fuck Bron Bron"
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Jun-08-16 06:22 PM
For the record, I have no beef with LeBron. I actually like him as a player. But this is funny.

2544611, cavs prolly win by 20+ everybody hitting 3s including tristan thompson.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 07:31 PM
refs with the helping hand to stretch the series out.
whole dubs starting 5 get in foul trouble early.
1/2 they bench too.

thats how these series seem to go.
2544617, Lbj needs to attack and be aggressive from the jump
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-08-16 08:02 PM
Being a willing passer is doing the Warriors a favor (c) mark jackson
2544620, And that's why nobody will hire him!
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-08-16 08:07 PM
Kidding. Although, their offense was stagnant the last two games. Gotta get the ball moving or get some motion.
2544760, Lol
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-08-16 10:12 PM
2544621, well early on we know klay partied hard lol.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-08-16 08:21 PM
2544622, dubs musta been puffing jenkem or sumshit last night.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 08:21 PM
these niggas missing everyhing including free throws nshit.
2544623, Cavs coming out hot. Warriors cold
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jun-08-16 08:21 PM
We all know this won't last
2544624, Warriors phoning it in tonight.
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Wed Jun-08-16 08:25 PM
2544625, how funny will it be
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 08:28 PM
if the dubs weather this early blitz and cut the lead to like 5 by halftime?

because, i mean, you know... that's kind of what they do.
2544626, Few things are more worthless than an NBA first half lead.
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-08-16 08:29 PM
I always hated when the Celtics were bad and people would get excited, "But we were beating them for three quarters!" Yeah, and then the other team started trying.
2544637, Outside of bombing from three point land
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 08:39 PM
they're going to need stellar defense to get sustained stops.

And Curry has two fouls.
2544682, ehh. 8. i was close.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 09:13 PM
>if the dubs weather this early blitz and cut the lead to like
>5 by halftime?
>because, i mean, you know... that's kind of what they do.
2544627, it's like the 2 teams are reversed.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 08:32 PM
Cavs are attacking Curry on everything.
2544628, love never gonna recover from that concussion lol.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-08-16 08:33 PM
2544629, kyrie heard yall niggas.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 08:33 PM
2544630, damn kyrie
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Wed Jun-08-16 08:33 PM
2544631, Timofey be helping!!!
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 08:35 PM
2544632, Kobra Ky
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 08:35 PM
2544633, Shump pisses me off. take the motherfuckin shot, dude
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 08:35 PM
2544634, Just got home from the gym.
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 08:36 PM
Looks as if the Cleveland Raptors showed up tonight. Nice to see Kyrie Lowry balling out tonight.

On a serious note, this is the second game Curry has at least 2 fouls in the first half. No bueno.
2544635, Predict the halftime score here
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jun-08-16 08:36 PM
I got 52-47 Cavs
2544638, 56 - 46 Cavs
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-08-16 08:39 PM
2544643, 10 point lead is where im at
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Jun-08-16 08:43 PM
2544640, 0 - 0 (c) coaches
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 08:40 PM
2544636, Good first half wake up for these cats
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 08:38 PM
Quit going out so damn much

Put the blunt down, Klay
2544639, so basically Richard Jefferson should start over Kevin Love every game?
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 08:39 PM
2544641, Cobra Ky - Strike First, Strike Fast, Strike Hard
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Jun-08-16 08:41 PM
2544642, max deal barnes better show up lol
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-08-16 08:42 PM
2544648, yelling "KUPCHAK!" after every made bucket
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 08:47 PM
2544644, far from over - Dubs can erase a 15 point lead in 5 minutes
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Jun-08-16 08:44 PM

2544646, already down to 10 and curry aint even in lol.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 08:46 PM
2544647, Looks like the Cavs shot their load. Dubs ain't concerned.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Wed Jun-08-16 08:47 PM
2544649, not one bit.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 08:48 PM
2544650, Shumpert type dude to bust in the room while you...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 08:48 PM
fingerin a chick tawmbout "what yall doing?? Wanna play Street Fighter??" Ole, ruin the moment ass dude.
2544651, cavs energy level has cratered smh
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-08-16 08:49 PM
2544652, Muai Thai tactics from both teams.
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 08:50 PM
The flying elbow from Barnes to the back of Love head for the concussion

The Tiger Knee from Mozgov to Klay thigh meat to give him a contusion according to Mike Breen.

2544653, lol @ Delly keeping them wickets closed, he didn't want the kick out
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 08:51 PM
2544655, nice
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 08:53 PM
2544656, GOOD. Fuck Welven
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 08:54 PM
2544654, cavs came out with that fake vation.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 08:53 PM
2544657, feels like this lead should be way bigger w/ GSW playing so poorly.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 08:55 PM
they're perfectly content keeping this around 12 or so until they eventually turn up.
2544658, dubs might take the lead by half at this point.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 08:57 PM
2544659, "that's a move klay couldn't do when he first came into the league"
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 08:58 PM

yeah... sure, mark.
2544660, PIPE!!
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:01 PM
2544661, Pipe
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jun-08-16 09:01 PM
2544662, curry playing like shit. prolly been stuck in a suite with that groupie.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 09:01 PM
2544663, Harrison Barnes gotta go.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:02 PM
2544664, klay feeling it
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Wed Jun-08-16 09:03 PM
2544666, klay is very good at basketball. he's rocketed up my list in these 'offs.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jun-08-16 09:03 PM

and he light skint, so i forget who is who on the dubs sumtimes
2544667, black falcon putting in work. anthony mackie somewhere cheesin.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 09:05 PM
2544668, GSW playing trash and only down 9.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:05 PM

2544669, I've been saying it since like Game 3 of the WCF...Klay FRIGHTENS me...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:05 PM
more than anyone on GS, even Steph. Feels like every time he shoots, he's gonna hit. EVERY time.
2544675, Felt that way at Washington State too.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-08-16 09:09 PM
Dude gets in a zone and is beyond unafraid to launch.

There's a reason a few people on this board wanted Cavs to take him 4th...
2544670, very curious about how injured curry is.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:06 PM
i mean he already turned down the olympics so his knee can get better.
2544673, lol
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:08 PM
2544674, lol
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:08 PM
2544684, i don't see the joke but you're still a hurtbear so i'mma let u cook.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:14 PM
2544691, dogg, Curry can guzzle NyQuil and the Warriors can still win
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:22 PM
there's no need to cop pleas for his performance unless there is someone with an anti-Curry agenda or something, and even then...

him playing not so great is actually inconsequential
2544697, i'm not copping please. jesus fucking christ.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:28 PM
i've consistently given credit to OKC AND CLE for playing good defense on him.

he * IS * hurt. he don't look right. when you're injured and you're playing injured you're not going to get better.

right today? he don't look right.

as Brooklynwhat said, he's lacking explosive movement. he can barely shake Tristan Thompson and if he can shake Durant on a good day he can shake Tristan on a less than good day.

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i'm curious how hurt he is. i'm not absolving him of playing well. if you're gonna take the initiative to put yourself on the court regardless of condition you should make sure you can be effective.

you guys need to fucking chill.

2544698, First 2 games he didnt say shit about injuries...
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 09:28 PM
Promo is the homer of all homers tho
2544699, he barely fucking played last game so there's nothing to say.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:30 PM
game 1 he played bad and i said so.

2544702, Lmao
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 09:32 PM
2544704, lmao.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:34 PM
2544694, not cooking at all, man...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:24 PM
just tired of the narrative. He hurt when he don't look like yall think he should, then when he hittin threes and dancing and screaming, he cool? It's old. Funny, too, that I'm hurt while you rooting against a whole city because the team left your city. FOH.
2544678, Very. Those cuts and stepbacks have no burst
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-08-16 09:10 PM
2544692, Gotdamn dude... lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 09:23 PM
2544693, what?
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:23 PM
2544700, Homer Simpson bruh
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 09:30 PM
2544703, pretty obvious he's not 100%, don't know how that can be debated
Posted by DJR, Wed Jun-08-16 09:32 PM
It was a fairly serious injury, and overall he hasn't played anywhere near his usual level on the whole since it happened. These guys aren't robots.
2544705, but let legs an' 'nem tell it.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:35 PM
2544749, lmao... fucking bitch asses.. quit crying
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 10:05 PM
2544762, no one is crying. you just trollin'.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:13 PM
troll on playa. i ain't mad atcha.
2544802, trolling? every time yall lose its injury talk...
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 10:44 PM
just man uo and take an L.
2544805, i answered that narrative up there ^^^^^^
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:50 PM
if you say i'm lying then whatever.

this ain't about taking no L. this about muhfuckas jumping to conclusions.

he says he's hurt, coach says he's hurt. i just wonder how hurt he is. period. end of story.
2544717, without any emotional investment.. how can anyone disagree with this?
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 09:46 PM
have you watched this dude played all season?

then have you watched him play after the injury?

plain and simple
2544722, ^^^^pleas copped y'all!!!!^^^^
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:47 PM
2544735, yeah, he's 100% healthy
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 09:55 PM
as full strength and playing in mid season shape

my bad
2544739, that's what they say tho.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:57 PM
if they say it, he MUST be fine.

you're not allowed to say he's hurt even if you say he's playing bad and has to wear that critique because if you say he's hurt that's pleas copped.

so says OKS.
2544835, not a starter on the court 100% this point in the season
Posted by SeV, Thu Jun-09-16 06:46 AM
Yal gotta stop this

I'm honestly surprised yal haven't been collectively fried on here for this ho ass shyt

2 weeks ago he doing this

Injured/hurt nyggas ain't doing that

Hell he tried to yam on Bron during a deadball

His legs might be heavier due to him having to work extra hard to get open on screens

But that's it

Yea he's going to want to rest this summer and skip the Olympics

That's not cause hes injured

Shyts disgusting


Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
2544795, Outside of not shooting lights out
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 10:38 PM
He's also has too many turnovers and he's committing too many fouls.

There's room for him to improve outside of the fact his shot may or may not be falling because of an injuries.
2544803, It's obvious he isn't 100% but that is what it is
Posted by LA2Philly, Wed Jun-08-16 10:49 PM
When you are nursing an injury, particularly one in the LE, other aspects of your anatomy (most likely muscles in this case) have to kick in and work extra hard...overall, it's going to result in a less efficient system which means less output. That's just the reality of the human body but the reality of the playoffs is that it's not an excuse (and I don't think you were trying to make one, but just wondering out loud)
2544833, I thought this was sarcasm
Posted by SeV, Thu Jun-09-16 06:29 AM
Holy shyt these muhfuggahs here...






Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
2544671, lolz. i guess ky done passing for the night, ha?
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 09:08 PM
2544672, kyrie might finish off this game going 3 - 20 lol.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 09:08 PM
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jun-08-16 09:09 PM
2544677, 3 PFs on Curry?! David Stern never woulda let this happen.
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 09:10 PM
2544679, Tristan Biyombo catching wreck tonight.
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 09:11 PM
2544680, bron got shit on his mind. wtf. he tweakin'.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jun-08-16 09:12 PM
2544685, seriously, dawg...Tristan saving his ass, cleaning up all them bullshit misses
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:14 PM
2544689, frfr. shit'd be a tie game if not for tristan / kyrie
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jun-08-16 09:21 PM
2544681, and here we go, cavs getting nervous and playing with scared money
Posted by Flash80, Wed Jun-08-16 09:13 PM
remarkably, jr smith is the least culpable.
2544683, Kyrie should have had the AND 1 but Tristan got it later.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:13 PM
also... bullshit, that PIPE should have counted
2544686, LeBron looking like some shit
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:15 PM
he's been missing a gang of layups. Well defended but still

2544687, And crying to the refs after every one lol
Posted by theeraser, Wed Jun-08-16 09:18 PM
2544774, there's still time to edit.
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Jun-08-16 10:19 PM

2545053, when I posted it, it was true. before the half he looked bad...
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jun-09-16 03:39 PM
not going to the hoop, taking some bad jumpers, missing a whole lot of layups.

then he really got going in the 3rd quarter.
2544688, #Klang in full effect
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Jun-08-16 09:19 PM
2544690, 2 for 14 from 3, 3 for 8 FT, -8 in rebounds and +4 in turnovers
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 09:22 PM
and only down 8.

cleveland needs to end this early in Q3. put these dudes on the canvas.
2544695, regardless how this series turns out...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:27 PM
Bron has got to work on his fuckin jumper in the off-season. Don't make no damn sense. Joint is broke and he don't trust it for shit. Not saying he gotta become Chuck Person or some shit, but you too cotdamn gifted to not be able to master a repeatable jump shot. Shit be all over the place in terms of form, too.
2544707, his offense is pretty much the same as Shumpert now
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:37 PM
>Bron has got to work on his fuckin jumper in the off-season.
>Don't make no damn sense. Joint is broke and he don't trust
>it for shit. Not saying he gotta become Chuck Person or some
>shit, but you too cotdamn gifted to not be able to master a
>repeatable jump shot. Shit be all over the place in terms of
>form, too.
2544721, i don't see it coming back again
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 09:46 PM
it is a strange thing though for sure
2544706, wasn't a 3, but I'm calling it PIPE.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:36 PM
2544709, So hol up
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 09:38 PM
LeBron is wired for sound for Disney/ABC and was still crying to the refs in the first half?
2544710, and.... PIPE
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:41 PM
2544711, Is Curry fry-proof?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jun-08-16 09:42 PM
2544714, Same thing I'm wondering.
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-08-16 09:44 PM
This time last year, I seem to remember Klay getting put in the wok getting they stir fry treatment.
2544718, probably.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:46 PM
but he's playing like actual curry.
2544719, unanimously
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 09:46 PM
2544723, not like he's been playing through injury
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 09:47 PM
2544852, thought we had a deal bruh
Posted by SeV, Thu Jun-09-16 08:26 AM

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
2544854, haha yeah, but not like I was lauding his play in game 1 or 2 bro
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 08:36 AM
i'm just calling it like it is

2544724, Nope. Hes completely disappeared these Finals
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Jun-08-16 09:47 PM
Complete shit today.
2544772, Must be nice.
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Jun-08-16 10:18 PM

2544868, Must be mad.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Jun-09-16 08:47 AM
2544875, He has a point though.
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Jun-09-16 08:55 AM
2544919, doesn't change the fact that he's mad.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Jun-09-16 10:20 AM
2544712, PIPIN HOT
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:42 PM
2544713, JR and Kyrie showing up tonight.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:42 PM
2544715, lol @ Mark Jackson. LeBron finally hitting those shots.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:45 PM
2544716, will everyone love Steph after he robs ALL OF AMERICA of a free taco??!
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 09:45 PM
2544726, i laff'd
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 09:48 PM
2544720, I cant remember a worse playoffs then these
Posted by justin_scott, Wed Jun-08-16 09:46 PM
Every game is a blow out. All playoffs long.
2544727, that's cuz no one remembers the Kidd-RJ-KMart Nets years
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 09:48 PM
for good reason
2544725, don't know what's cornier...Jackson's catch phrases or Jalen's singing shit
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:47 PM
2544728, man when the warriors get beat they get BEAT
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-08-16 09:49 PM
2544729, jr bossin up.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 09:51 PM
2544730, some of you are partying hard off this
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 09:51 PM
as you should... party on, Garth

you winning this series though?
2544733, nah, this is EASILY the dubs worst game of the offs
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jun-08-16 09:55 PM
2544736, worse than the two beatings we laid on them in games 3 and 4?
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 09:56 PM
2544737, dude, they lost to the Trailblazers
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 09:57 PM
2544740, cue up the overreaction hot takes
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 09:59 PM

Thunder obliterated us.

this is nothing compared to that
2544751, yeah getting blown out by the team that popped the spurs is equivalent
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jun-08-16 10:05 PM
to gettting popped by an eastern conf team trying to stay alive
2544757, good point... the Thunder would blow this Cavs team out the water
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 10:10 PM
2544764, u tryna cook, but they took the dubs down to the wire.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jun-08-16 10:13 PM
2544778, in 1 game out of the 3 so far? absolutely
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 10:22 PM
2544766, always said that they had their work cut out b/c of the bigs
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 10:15 PM
Cavs suck when you can throw athletic bigs that can score on them (which is why I am not looking forward to future matchups with teams like Detroit or Milwaukee)

their only hope would be Westbrook going Westbrick
2544759, currys hurt so cavs in 6
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 10:11 PM
2544731, and... PIPE. Cavs getting a lil lazy on the defense
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:52 PM
2544732, I wouldn't blame Kerr for shutting it down here
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 09:55 PM
either the bench mob makes a run, or it's just Cleveland's night.
2544734, Well, LeBron can still do that.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 09:55 PM
2544745, smh... shit was nasty
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-08-16 10:02 PM
2544738, cavs balled today no doubt
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 09:57 PM
this is a wake up call to the best team in the league

cut the partying and going out late bullshit

get back to focusing on inferior teams.
2544741, never change, Raggedy Andy
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 09:59 PM
2544742, Damn. Crazy that the bench hasn't scored at all.
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Jun-08-16 10:01 PM
2544743, you know Terrence Williams is dumb if no one wanted him...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:01 PM
but Schumpert is still getting millions.
2544744, we all recognize that this a one-off right?
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 10:01 PM
anybody think the cavs just got back in the series?
2544750, well, the pressure on GS for game 4 just got kicked up a few notches
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 10:05 PM
because seriously, if they let Cleveland get this loose again WE MIGHT NEVER GET OUR GODDAMNED FREE TACO!!
2544836, I do
Posted by bshelly, Thu Jun-09-16 06:59 AM
Cavs made their shots, dubs didn't match their intensity. Both of those things will regress toward the mean. Meanwhile, while the Cavs showed far better defensive effort, they still fell asleep and did dumb shit on D.

And by they I mean Kyrie, of course.
2544746, at this point, should CLE be worried about Kevin Love's trade value??
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 10:02 PM
2544748, you know they are gonna try to trade him "home" to Portland, right?
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:04 PM
2544754, nah - Portland doesn't like Kevin Love, Kevin Love doesn't like Portland
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 10:08 PM
apparently the coach of the UO men's program had to speak to the fans after Kevin's UCLA came to town because it got pretty nasty. It's never been a particularly good relationship since.

I'm sure Neil Olshey would be interested if he could get something for nothing, but Portland isn't pressed in the slightest to slap Kevin Love on billboards around town.
2544810, you saw he was wearing a Portland, Oregon hat...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 11:05 PM
warming up at Oracle.

how much do you think he'll buy Lillard's #0 jersey for?
2544747, if GSW had gotten that to w/in 13 i'd say CLE might blow it...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:03 PM
in the 4th.

it's over now.

2544752, Klay nyquil watch
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 10:06 PM
2544773, forget KlayQuil, it's DrayQuil....
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 10:18 PM
at least Klay's made some 3s. Welven ain't done SHIT.
2544753, PIPE.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 10:08 PM
2544756, Barnes trying to earn a few extra bux.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:10 PM
2544758, Kyrie's Game 3 adjustments: The shots are falling
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 10:11 PM

2544771, he has 8 assists and played some really good defense, too
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-08-16 10:17 PM
2544775, true.
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 10:20 PM
how terrible must our defense be to allow Kyrie Irving, of all ppl, 8 assists in a game??
2544823, Thank you.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jun-09-16 01:10 AM
Lord knows Kyrie is a bad defender, but it's not because he lacks the ability to play defense-- and he has shown on a few occasions that he can lock in and play passable D.
2544765, in the good news department, the Copa America game is popping off
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 10:14 PM
2544767, Kyrie and Dray won this game.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:16 PM
Kryie actually made a shot and Dray didn't show up.

2544769, Kyrie Irving Assist Watch: 8
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 10:17 PM
2544776, Glad the Cavs showed up in #TeamBall mode tonight
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Jun-08-16 10:21 PM
first 2 games were unfathomably poor performances - they were due.

This still means nothing without a game 4 victory - but this was great to see.

As soon as I heard Kevin Small Love was out of the lineup - I felt good about tonight.

2544779, lmao.. now this clown shows up
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-08-16 10:23 PM
looking forward to seeing you in game 4 no matter what happens, right?
2544783, you gonna be ok?
Posted by Vex_id, Wed Jun-08-16 10:28 PM

2544815, lol with my team winning the series
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 12:06 AM

you'll see me early in the game posts too. Not showing up after the game is in the hand
2544869, Lebron vs. Iggy: The showdown. (LULLLZ)
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-09-16 08:48 AM

You mad?


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2544874, oh so you picking the Cavs to win? Cool bro
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 08:54 AM
I actually didn't take you for a Lebron dickrider

good to know
2544879, The dynasty shift is throwing everything out of whack.
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 09:04 AM
Lebron used to be the most feared..now he's a lovable underdog with a full hairline (via transplant).
2544887, Hahah!! YOU MAD!!!! HAHAHA!!
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-09-16 09:30 AM

You MAD the Warriors gonna win and Lebron STILL gonna
have SHITTED on your feelings


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2544780, rote god kerr will make the necessary lineup adjustments for next game.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 10:23 PM
2544782, getting Kevin Love back in the starting lineup would be huge by Kerr
Posted by celery77, Wed Jun-08-16 10:26 PM
2544784, damn k love gets no respect.
Posted by Reeq, Wed Jun-08-16 10:29 PM
2544781, ok, YOU guys stop with the 'steph is hurt' narrative...
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 10:24 PM
and YOU guys stop with the 'lebron's teammates suck' narrative.

2544873, No, what we need is MORE AGENDAS around here.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Jun-09-16 08:52 AM
MORE, I says.
2544927, Deal. Dula, how come we ain't boys no more? Serious question.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-09-16 10:34 AM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2544785, Varsity >>>>> JV
Posted by osu_no_1, Wed Jun-08-16 10:29 PM
2544786, Western conference is trash... Cant compete
Posted by osu_no_1, Wed Jun-08-16 10:30 PM
2544787, good lawd you mad.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:33 PM
2544891, the HELL ? lmao
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 09:43 AM
2544791, We gonna talk about how the cavs dismantled the warriors?
Posted by osu_no_1, Wed Jun-08-16 10:35 PM
2544831, Isnt that what this post is about?
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 05:34 AM
2544796, thank the Matrix... sweep avoided.
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 10:38 PM
2544797, it was funny seeing Dray on the bench yelling at fools...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-08-16 10:39 PM
trying to get them inspired.

i guess he forgot to yell at himself.
2544798, I mean they still have to win 3 of the next 4. Come on.
Posted by Tiger Woods, Wed Jun-08-16 10:40 PM
2544801, nah man, let dudes party when it's their turn. that's how this shit go.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Wed Jun-08-16 10:43 PM
2544824, Yep. You blow a team out, it's party time.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jun-09-16 01:11 AM
Seems unlikely that they'll win the series, but at least they showed some life.
2544808, pretty much. gold star for effort tho
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jun-08-16 11:01 PM
2544816, yup. Let these cats enjoy their Wednesday night thouhg
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 12:07 AM
2544821, Kyrie/JR regressed to the mean, can't say the same for "injured" Curry
Posted by FILF, Thu Jun-09-16 12:52 AM
Welven/Livingston/Iggy/Barbosa can only carry the "unanimous" MVP & best "2-way" player for a game or two. Barnes already blew his load in a meaningless game.

Unless the Splash Bros show up, this series is beyond done since Kyrie/Bron/Tristan can sustain their GM 3 performance & JR has been known to go on a hot streak for a week or two.
2544840, "Beyond done"
Posted by Tiger Woods, Thu Jun-09-16 07:56 AM

>Unless the Splash Bros show up, this series is beyond done
>since Kyrie/Bron/Tristan can sustain their GM 3 performance &
>JR has been known to go on a hot streak for a week or two.
2544950, until the Cavs W column is 4.... I'm not calling it
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jun-09-16 11:09 AM
>Welven/Livingston/Iggy/Barbosa can only carry the "unanimous"
>MVP & best "2-way" player for a game or two. Barnes already
>blew his load in a meaningless game.

I'm still waiting for the NyQuil Bros. to switch to DayQuil

as far as I'm concerned this team is the Spurs on HGH
2544799, So what's the Love narrative game 4?
Posted by rzaroch36, Wed Jun-08-16 10:41 PM
He starts?

I say they "ease" him back off the bench.
2544837, I wouldn't even let him sit on the bench
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jun-09-16 07:37 AM
2544800, favorite moments of the night:
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Jun-08-16 10:42 PM
1) Draymond going DrayQuil
2) Mozgov coming in limited action, opening things up for Ky in PnR
3) The refs actually calling a moving screen
4) Tristan and JR finally having a good game
5) LeBron playing like ass for a half, cleaning it up in the 2nd half
6) Kyrie Irving: 30pts, *8 AST*, 4 reb, only 2 turnovers
7) 8 point lead at the half, 30 point win (coming off a 33 point loss)

please begin all hot takes and memes and "Kyrie gonna get traded" talk

meanwhile I'm just glad they didn't go out like some asswipes and gave the home crowd at least one show.
2544804, Great response by Cle. Those 1st and 3rd were fire
Posted by LA2Philly, Wed Jun-08-16 10:50 PM
Clearly one team upped their intensity while the other didn't match it...game 4 should be quite interesting.
2544812, cmon, klay...you can only set screens on the perimeter now?
Posted by absence, Wed Jun-08-16 11:44 PM
I watched that replay on slow motion multiple times, clearly a foul on Mozgov, but just a simple moving screen to my eye, which I would assume klay has much experience witnessing.... I didn't see him stick his knee out or anything like he claims. Take the loss and come back focused for game 4 man.
2544814, Ay yo Kevin, be ready for game 8 (c) Bron Corleone
Posted by Castro, Thu Jun-09-16 12:05 AM
2544822, Was there a bath salt ban in Oakland?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Jun-09-16 12:59 AM
I still think the Dubs win this in 5.
2544827, JR/Kyrie were clubbing too much in the Bay
Posted by FILF, Thu Jun-09-16 01:57 AM
>I still think the Dubs win this in 5.
2544826, Ws got dragged today.
Posted by GOMEZ, Thu Jun-09-16 01:25 AM
They would be well advised to come out hard on Friday and try and get that one. If the Cavs get momentum and this series goes long, fatigue could be a factor. GS has been duking it since round 2, while Cleveland should be relatively fresh.
2544829, Lebron is by far and away the best player in this series.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-09-16 03:36 AM



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2544838, RE: Lebron is by far and away the best player in this league*
Posted by guru0509, Thu Jun-09-16 07:41 AM

2544841, Fair. Has Iggy been the most consistent Warrior?
Posted by Tiger Woods, Thu Jun-09-16 07:58 AM
That guy is a hell of a pro basketball player man
2544853, maybe defensively; all around it's been Barnes.... the jabroni
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jun-09-16 08:36 AM
killed the Cavs every game he's been on the court
2544880, Cash grab effort at its finest
Posted by Tiger Woods, Thu Jun-09-16 09:06 AM
2544856, yup. For two playoffs in a row now
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 08:37 AM
>That guy is a hell of a pro basketball player man

someone here called him the ultimate glue guy. And for us, he's exactly that

I'd go as far as saying we wouldn't have won the title or been here without him.
2544859, Iggy should be starting somewhere.
Posted by kayru99, Thu Jun-09-16 08:39 AM
2544845, Given that Draymond Green's been on good behavior so far.
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Jun-09-16 08:13 AM
will the Draymond Green based puns cease?
2544847, i hoped not. i was hoping for the Draygoonball (Game) 3 title.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jun-09-16 08:23 AM
2544846, gonna be funny when the only games the cavs win are without love.
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 08:20 AM
2544851, Gonna be even funnier when GS wins, but Lebron is clearly the best.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-09-16 08:25 AM

Y'all gonna have some explaining to do when GS wins, and
Lebron is still god status

Y'all gonna be pretty, mad

LMAO @ the pleas already "Steph doesn't care about MVPs"



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2544863, steph don't care about finals mvps, lebron has clearly been better this
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 08:42 AM

See how easy that is?
2544867, Bwahahaha. So Lebron has been better at the game of basketball?
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-09-16 08:46 AM


No plea


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2545029, y'all don't care about objective facts or credible analysis
Posted by Vex_id, Thu Jun-09-16 02:38 PM
If this was Bron and he was winning titles but playing like dogshit and not in the Finals MVP mix (like Curry) - y'all would be frothing at the mouth and spending all your free time denigrating him with weak group-think lolz'ing.

Oh wait - you already do that.

it's gonna be ok though. Summer's here and the humidity levels are remarkably low.

2545033, funny at the lack of "Draymond's Team" or "Iggy's Team" posts
Posted by Oak27, Thu Jun-09-16 02:47 PM
why isn't anyone calling Curry "Robin" in the Finals?
2545037, well, steph didn't leave his team to go join those dudes so yeah.
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 02:53 PM
'Wade's team' started when bron left to join wade's team.
2545046, Nobody gave a shit about Steph until 2 years ago.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-09-16 03:06 PM

Lebron had MVP trophies before he left to Miami.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2545048, did you reply in the wrong spot?
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 03:14 PM
2545036, lol when did this happen tho?
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 02:52 PM
>If this was Bron and he was winning titles but playing like dogshit and not in the Finals MVP mix (like Curry)

are you talking about last season or already conceding this finals? i'm confused.
2545045, He's right, tho. You guys are such wimps.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-09-16 03:06 PM
>>If this was Bron and he was winning titles but playing like
>dogshit and not in the Finals MVP mix (like Curry)
>are you talking about last season or already conceding this
>finals? i'm confused.

It's a double standard.

If Lebron was playing like ass and Cleveland was ahead,
he'd be getting SKEWERED 1000000000000X worse


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2545050, dude talking about objective facts and just blatantly lied...don't defend him
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 03:15 PM
2544858, its gonna kill his trade value
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 08:38 AM
okay maybe not kill it

but teams gotta be looking at this a little sideways
2544850, did shump fall off this season or was he this bad prior to getting 40mill
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 08:24 AM
he really need to just shoot corner 3s all summer to get that niche offensive role ala shane battier..that and his defense and he could beast next to lebron/kyrie.
2544855, he doesn't really seem coachable
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jun-09-16 08:36 AM
not in that he's a bad dude or a cancer. but he just doesn't seem like any better of a player since HS. i also think that knee injury took a bit off him.
2544857, he fell off -- don't think he ever really got back into proper shape
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jun-09-16 08:37 AM
his 3 saved the Cavs last year (particularly against ATL); he does way too much driving to the hoop when he never can draw the foul or pass well enough. Want to see him shoot it when he's passed more often. he hit one of those tonight.
2544865, i remember at one point with the knicks he had the worst percentage
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 08:44 AM
of shots in the paints...dude would miss so many layups or dunks it wasn't even funny.

he usually plays well in atl lol
2544878, He's always been a black hole on the offensive end.
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Jun-09-16 09:00 AM
Why are you surprised he's struggling with his outside shots?

I do wonder if the numerous knee injuries took away some of his lateral quickness and as result is hurting him on the defensive end.
2544881, he's shot over 33% from 3 every year after his rookie season
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 09:09 AM
he was at 29% this season
2544864, our defense gave up 8 Kyrie Irving assists... smh
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 08:43 AM
that should never happen

2544883, you should say this a 3rd time...I'm sure someone will laugh eventually
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Jun-09-16 09:15 AM
2544889, lol not going for laughs
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 09:42 AM
help me out in picking a second team to root for though...
2544896, so, if I don't put on gold and blue pom poms...
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Jun-09-16 09:52 AM
I'm "rooting" for CLE? FOH, man...I'm mad as fuck we ain't in the Finals. Period.
2544897, Toronto and Atlanta did in the playoffs, too. It happens.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jun-09-16 09:52 AM
2544866, anyone catch this last night: https://streamable.com/3ag1
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jun-09-16 08:45 AM

lmao Windhorst gotta chill out man
2544877, lol yup...big doofus.
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-09-16 08:59 AM
2545056, I knew it was the crying Drake & Josh kid before I clicked
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Jun-09-16 03:52 PM