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Topic subjectCall him Jeff HorKNICKcek or just "Not Kurt Rambis"
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2539604, Call him Jeff HorKNICKcek or just "Not Kurt Rambis"
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed May-18-16 06:41 PM
Breaking: Knicks will hire Jeff Hornacek as head coach, per NBA source.
2539605, oh word.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Wed May-18-16 06:43 PM
2539606, Interesting
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed May-18-16 06:43 PM
2539607, Retread or nah?
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Wed May-18-16 06:44 PM
2539608, FUCK YEAH. I'm good with this.
Posted by Castro, Wed May-18-16 06:48 PM
2539609, Tarver fucked up. He got the Suns winning with a
Posted by Castro, Wed May-18-16 06:49 PM
roster of YOUNG young dudes.

Now get the fuck out the way, PJax.
2539610, Wanted Vogel
Posted by RexLongfellow, Wed May-18-16 06:56 PM
But he's not Rambis, so I'm good with that
Also wanted MJax
2539613, Meh, Hornacek is cool, I'm telling you
Posted by Castro, Wed May-18-16 07:10 PM
MJax would be great but that is a pipe dream. PJ gotta look like "he" did it.

Grant, Wroten and Galloway will benefit immediately as will Yung Kris and Melo.

2539819, im a Suns fan, watched a lot of games
Posted by HecticHavoc, Thu May-19-16 02:42 PM
the team he took over was absolute garbage. they were picked by Vegas to be the WORST TEAM IN THE WESTERN CONFERENCE his first year.

he's a damn good coach, the people hating probably havent seen a Suns game since the 1993 finals
2540087, I'm clear on who we're getting.
Posted by Castro, Fri May-20-16 06:12 PM
I was excited when he became the Suns coach because I always respected his game.

This was a great pickup for the Knicks. Honestly we are lucky LA didn't snatch him up.
2539612, great choice
Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-18-16 07:06 PM
you couldve been stuck with Mark Jackson after all
2539614, Thank god....i woulda taken Dantoni over rambis tho
Posted by Cenario, Wed May-18-16 07:27 PM
2539615, Yaaass
Posted by Cenario, Wed May-18-16 07:29 PM

2539616, Now I just need him to hire Oakley or Kurt Thomas
Posted by Castro, Wed May-18-16 07:34 PM
I'm happy with this.
2539617, What's the story on why he left Phoenix?
Posted by Numba_33, Wed May-18-16 07:41 PM
Hopefully Phil Jackson will actually allow Hornaceck to hire his own assistant coaches.
2539618, RE: What's the story on why he left Phoenix?
Posted by Castro, Wed May-18-16 07:55 PM
Clashing with the owner, and I assume that the situation with the Morris twins didn't help things, so he ends up with a super young roster, and was losing.

2539621, Morris twins will never be Knicks now...
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Wed May-18-16 08:22 PM
but you get to play one of them in division
2539657, not going to lose any sleep over that
Posted by Castro, Wed May-18-16 09:28 PM
2539686, Has Hornacek been around the Triangle at any point? As a player or coach?
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Wed May-18-16 10:14 PM
Or has Phil let up on his fixation with the Triangle?
2539691, Phil lost. Hornacek was probably a compromise.
Posted by Castro, Wed May-18-16 10:25 PM
Phil will talk about how elements of the triangle will be used....and Hornacek will run the same shit he ran in Phoenix, sans Triangle. And that will be that.
2539693, Post #10
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed May-18-16 10:29 PM
Word is Horny won't be forced into the triangle.

I wouldn't be stunned if Phil knows he's bouncing after the season and let up on his insistance that they run the triangle.
2539692, Phil's not long for NY....n/m
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Wed May-18-16 10:27 PM
2539731, does this mean phil will go after a pg?
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-19-16 08:13 AM
2539757, What does Lin or a new PG have to do with Hornacek?
Posted by Numba_33, Thu May-19-16 10:06 AM
I'm not snarking or trying to refute your theory, just curious what your angle is here.
2539759, phil was all in on the triangle.Triangle doesnt require a traditional pg
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-19-16 10:22 AM
If he's deviating from the triangle, he might be inclined to get a pg.

2539774, In terms of a new PG
Posted by Numba_33, Thu May-19-16 11:08 AM
I'd rather get Conley, but I'm guessing you prefer Lin since he's more affordable and it's more realistic than Conley or a top level PG?
2539776, i was joking about lin. Doubt dolan will sign off on that.
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-19-16 11:12 AM
If conley leaves memphis it'll because he wants to win and he'll have a lot of suitors. I'm not sure how realistic getting him is.
2539777, .
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-19-16 11:12 AM
2539981, Appears it's time to change your signature.
Posted by Numba_33, Fri May-20-16 12:18 PM
Unless the deal hits a last minute snag.
2539781, Don't want Conley.
Posted by Castro, Thu May-19-16 11:18 AM
2539782, Injury concerns?
Posted by Numba_33, Thu May-19-16 11:19 AM
2539903, And the fact that he gets roasted by Ky Ky and nem
Posted by Castro, Thu May-19-16 10:47 PM
2539988, Just so I'm clear
Posted by Numba_33, Fri May-20-16 12:27 PM
who exactly is "and nem"?
2539733, Retread...
Posted by gmltheone, Thu May-19-16 08:18 AM
That team was trending down once expectations came into play.

Guess melo wanted any coach but rambis. LOL
Same as it ever was!
2539735, they were broken up- he had them ahead of schedule
Posted by Castro, Thu May-19-16 08:23 AM
2539755, agreed
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu May-19-16 10:01 AM
2539821, He actually fucked up the schedule.
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu May-19-16 02:52 PM
McDonough was all set to tank and then they started winning. So then he went out and traded for Brandon Knight and IT, signed Tyson Chandler to see if they could win and if fell apart.

Which probably isn't a great sign for a GM when you win when trying to lose and lose when trying to win.
2539904, That wasn't Hornacek that was the front office.
Posted by Castro, Thu May-19-16 10:51 PM
2539927, It was a compliment to Horny
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri May-20-16 08:46 AM
They gave him a shit roster, and he had them playing into playoff contention.

McDonough's attempt to win actually gave him a more mismatched roster than the attempt to tank.
2539934, yes, but phoenix is a completely dysfunctional organization
Posted by bshelly, Fri May-20-16 09:46 AM
This isn't a great hire, but it's not a terrible one either. I wouldn't be mad if the Sixers decided they wanted to take a shot on Horny, as opposed to a guy who's failed multiple times like dantoni
2539936, man, anything compared to rambis is a great hire.
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-20-16 09:51 AM
2539951, Which is the point really.
Posted by gmltheone, Fri May-20-16 10:36 AM
Middle of the road guy.

No big deal. But If I were a knick fan I'd thank lil baby Jesus rambis isn't the guy.

Same as it ever was!
2539958, The fact that its not triangle or bust is enough of a reason to plan the
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-20-16 10:55 AM
2539976, Has there been a presser yet?
Posted by gmltheone, Fri May-20-16 12:02 PM
Need to hear Phil explain that away. Or at least admit to being flexible about it.

Same as it ever was!
2539980, nah, i don't think a contract has been signed yet
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-20-16 12:17 PM
no terms disclosed that i'm aware of either.
2539984, Yesterday they said they offered him job, working on contract
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri May-20-16 12:20 PM
Would assume that they'd try to hammer it out by end of day today.
2540089, and that
Posted by bshelly, Fri May-20-16 06:14 PM
2539844, i''m really curious to see what they can do in fagency
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-19-16 04:22 PM
they might have like 25million but so will everyone else...they need a serious upgrade to their backcourt.

Is ty lawson done? i dont think he is but i dn't hear him getting much chatter.

Lawson/fournier - 2016.

edit forgot about Rondo.....I'd rather have Rondo than Conley actually.

rondo/Fournier - 2016.
2539847, Lawson is toast. Magic want to re-sign Fournier
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu May-19-16 04:33 PM
And he's an RFA so the Knicks would have to overpay to get them not to match.

FA is pretty weak this year. At PG, it's Conley and Rondo and then guys like Jennings, Lin, Ish Smith.

There are more options at SG but no real game changers outside of guys who probably won't leave (Wade, DeRozen.)
2539986, looking forward to wall and markief ROASTING these niggas next year
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri May-20-16 12:26 PM
2540086, Yeah, okay.
Posted by Castro, Fri May-20-16 06:10 PM
2540373, Oops, wrong "them"
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon May-23-16 10:25 AM
2540343, Melo gave his blessing. Let's go.
Posted by Castro, Mon May-23-16 08:03 AM
2542051, A week later and Kurt Rambis is still the coach
Posted by Castro, Mon May-30-16 07:26 PM
and Phil is camping on the edge of the Gray Dog Rock River in eastern Montana, reading about about the geometric patterns that Whirling Dervish dancers draw when given Rorshach tests and how this relates to specific constellations that were brighter in the 15th century over the Mongolian region of China.

In other words, PJax on that bullshit. He betta not fuck this up.
2542052, Yeah wtf?
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-30-16 07:43 PM
2542812, Official: 3 yrs 15 million
Posted by Cenario, Thu Jun-02-16 01:59 PM
When does fagency again.

time to update the sig
2542826, First press conference question over/under re: Triangle
Posted by Castro, Thu Jun-02-16 02:50 PM
2543288, And the answer is... a little triangle.
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jun-03-16 02:30 PM

GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- New Knicks coach Jeff Hornacek plans to run portions of the triangle offense while adding elements of the up-tempo style he employed while with the Phoenix Suns.

"It's a good set for the court, and you can run a lot of things out of it. ... There a lot of aspects of the triangle -- the spacing, the cuts, hitting the post -- that are not unique to the triangle," Hornacek said at his introductory news conference Friday afternoon at the Knicks' training facility. "... You can space the court and run a lot of the different things that I did in Phoenix. So there will be aspects of the triangle."

The Knicks ranked in the bottom five in pace over the past two seasons while running the triangle, which team president Phil Jackson used to win 11 total titles as coach of the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers. The club's pace figures to rise under Hornacek, whose Suns teams ranked in the top 10 in pace over the past two seasons.

Hornacek said running a "bigger dose" of pick-and-rolls can be helpful in the "right situations." The Knicks in the past two seasons ranked in the bottom third of the NBA in pick-and-roll plays.

Hornacek's hire was a bit of a surprise to many around the league -- even to members of the Knicks organization. Many expected the club to hire a coach who had experience running the triangle, but Jackson and general manager Steve Mills said they targeted Hornacek early in their search. Jackson said he immediately connected with Hornacek during their first interview, when a "comfort zone" was established.

"The basketball knowledge that he has and the familiarity he has with playing are things that attracted us to Jeff," Jackson said.

Hornacek will be the fifth Knicks coach in the past six seasons and the second hired by Jackson since he took over as team president in March 2014. Some may view that as a sign of instability, but Jackson chose to focus on the positives.

"We are doing what we have to do to move forward," Jackson said, "and that is the important part."
2543289, tthiis dude sound like he gon be running the derek fisher offense
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jun-03-16 02:33 PM
lol @ phil face when hornacek was talking bout the triangle "maybe we'll call it the circle offense"

feel looking at him like i don't get it. lol
2555547, Haha. Phil's doublespeak is amazing.
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jul-08-16 01:52 PM
"Courtney Lee said Phil Jackson told him that Jeff Hornacek will have the freedom to run what he wants, with the triangle as a basic format."

So... he can run whatever he wants... out of the triangle?
2555548, he is ruining that franchise. He COULD fuck a female exec
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Jul-08-16 02:01 PM
And no one would say shit.
2555554, except people have been saying alot about phil. Its widely accepted
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jul-08-16 02:09 PM
that his only good move prior to his offseason was drafting zingis. He got murdered for entertaining the idea of giving rambis the head coaching gig this season.
2555553, its extra funny bc its essentially what Fisher got fired for.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jul-08-16 02:07 PM
2575611, So it took 6 games for Phil to get upset with Horny
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Nov-08-16 09:57 AM
Can't say you couldn't see this coming.


Phil Jackson hasn't been pleased with the New York Knicks' performance on offense -- particularly with the number of times the team has run the triangle offense -- during their 2-4 start, league sources told ESPN.

New Knicks coach Jeff Hornacek has tried to speed up the offense this season and hasn't run much of the triangle in the first six games. After watching the Knicks' win over the Chicago Bulls on Friday, one Eastern Conference scout said the Knicks ran something out of a triangle set only a handful of times.

Hornacek has said that he's implementing "principles of the triangle" offense into the Knicks' half-court offense. But he also wants his club to try to generate offense early in the shot clock in transition, where pick-and-roll would be employed.

Players say that they've run the triangle offense primarily after dead balls so far this season, which is much less frequently than it was run during Jackson's first two full seasons as team president.

The Knicks rank 13th in offensive efficiency thus far. A bigger issue for the club is on defense; it entered play Monday ranked last in the NBA in points allowed per 100 possessions, which is likely bothering Jackson just as much as the offense.

Jackson isn't the only member of the organization who has been upset over the triangle.

According to sources, some Knicks players have expressed their displeasure over the offense because they feel it doesn't suit their personnel, particularly point guard Derrick Rose, who has traditionally thrived when using pick-and-rolls.

During his time as Knicks president, Jackson has on occasion said he'd want his teams to run the triangle. But there have been times when he's said he just wants his team to have a system to operate out of half-court sets.

Hornacek has said that Jackson told him he'd have the freedom to tweak the offense how he saw fit, as long as he ran a system to space the floor in half-court settings.

"We talked a lot about it over the summer. Phil given us the ability to run it any way we want, how we set it up," Hornacek said during training camp. "We talked what we feel is a good working way to run it with different options. We'll get to all those as the year progresses, but it should be pretty easy."

Jackson's teams in Chicago and Los Angeles, of course, won a combined 11 NBA titles while running the triangle offense. Last month, though, Jackson noted that today's players may not be suited to run that particular system.

"How do you teach a system that requires so many fundamental skills to players that really haven't been taught some of that basic stuff?" Jackson said on The Big Podcast with Shaquille O'Neal. "Footwork and passing and all those rudiment type of skills that are learned that have been, that have changed over a few years? It's a different game.

"I solicited Jeff because Jeff came from a system, Utah had a nice system, and he wanted to accelerate the game and play at the pace that's kind of, present ballplayers like to play at. And yet, find a way to try and incorporate . It's got to be done in a way in which it doesn't slow the game down but actually accentuates what they're trying to do."
2575621, waste of an article.
Posted by Cenario, Tue Nov-08-16 10:28 AM
They got this from a league source, eh? if you have eyes and ears you can assume feel is displeased with the team's offense being that the triangle use has been limited.

That being said, i hope he's upset enough to quit.
2575724, just read...rambis to coach D...
Posted by gmltheone, Tue Nov-08-16 03:18 PM
Assman is still on staff. That's awkward.

Same as it ever was!
2575735, great, that means less triangle on O.
Posted by Cenario, Tue Nov-08-16 03:28 PM
2581251, Melo's exit strategy
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu Dec-08-16 05:01 PM
after Phil's ballhogging comments melo posts this

2581377, I'm annoyed that this is an ESPN contrived controversy
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Dec-09-16 10:25 AM
I looked through a bunch of article sand Phil never actually called him a ball hog. Saying that 'Melo holds the ball a little too long at times but can definitely play the 'Melo and Kobe role seems like an innocuous statement, especially given that many people thought Kobe was a ball hog as well but still fit the role.

ESPN even put ball hog in quotes in a few places on the website despite it not being an actual quote (as far as I could tell.)

I mean, Phil should know better, especially in New York and about 'Melo and ESPECIALLY after his posse comment blew up in his face so I can't feel bad for him but it's just annoying to me that this is becoming a thing and it's so obviously a media-created clickbait controversy.
2581405, like you said they both guilty.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Dec-09-16 01:11 PM
feel said was more than that.

Full quote

"Carmelo a lot of times wants to hold the ball longer than -- we have a rule: If you hold a pass two seconds, you benefit the defense. So he has a little bit of a tendency to hold it for three, four, five seconds, and then everybody comes to a stop," Jackson said in an interview with CBS Sports Network that aired Tuesday. "That is one of the things we work with. But he's adjusted to , he knows what he can do and he's willing to see its success."

Jackson's comments were prompted by a question about whether Anthony can fit in the triangle offense. Jackson made it clear he believes Anthony can.

"He can play that role that Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant played," Jackson said. "It's a perfect spot for him to be in that isolated position on the weak side, because it's an overload offense and there's a weakside man that always has an advantage if the ball is swung."

So yeah, he called him a ball hot without saying the words. lol. The other problem with all of that is that the knicks ain't even running the triangle like that anymore lol
2581412, I don't really read that as "ball hog"
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Dec-09-16 01:31 PM
To me, a ball hog is a guy who takes the offense upon himself, dribbles out the entire shot clock looking for a shot, hoists up shots whenever he can, forces shots rather than passing the ball around.

If Phil said this comment about Porzingis or Noah or Rose, I doubt we'd hear the ball hog comment. The story would be "Rose still learning the triangle" or "Porzingis having trouble adjusting to offense."

2581406, like you said they both guilty.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Dec-09-16 01:11 PM
feel said was more than that.

Full quote

"Carmelo a lot of times wants to hold the ball longer than -- we have a rule: If you hold a pass two seconds, you benefit the defense. So he has a little bit of a tendency to hold it for three, four, five seconds, and then everybody comes to a stop," Jackson said in an interview with CBS Sports Network that aired Tuesday. "That is one of the things we work with. But he's adjusted to , he knows what he can do and he's willing to see its success."

Jackson's comments were prompted by a question about whether Anthony can fit in the triangle offense. Jackson made it clear he believes Anthony can.

"He can play that role that Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant played," Jackson said. "It's a perfect spot for him to be in that isolated position on the weak side, because it's an overload offense and there's a weakside man that always has an advantage if the ball is swung."

So yeah, he called him a ball hot without saying the words. lol. The other problem with all of that is that the knicks ain't even running the triangle like that anymore lol
2581407, lolol smh. This social media era is so wack.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Dec-09-16 01:12 PM
drop the E and let it GO? nigga please.
2581408, Carmelo Anthony did this passive agressive
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Dec-09-16 01:21 PM
instagram nonsense with Amare Stoudamire a year or two ago, so I'm not surprised. just like I'm not surprise Phil is going this route with the press since he played these kind of mind games in L.A.

The only thing that I still can't wrap my head around is this dude fixing his face to criticize LeBron since the man just won a championship and the Knicks are close to title contenders, coupled with the fact Phil has made more than one mistake since taking his position with the Knicks. I suppose 11 rings and $60 million is enough to make anyone's ego swell up though.
2581411, yeah they are all annoying. The ONE thing phil has done right is zingis
Posted by Cenario, Fri Dec-09-16 01:28 PM
everything else is a downright L or marginal.

There's a article in the DN today about feel media mind games and how great they work when you have kobe or MJ on your squad.

2581418, That better not be Isola.
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Dec-09-16 01:59 PM
He's been ragging on Phil this season and in particular has a big issue with Joakim Noah's contract.
2581421, think it was bondy...all their articles blend together at this point.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Dec-09-16 02:22 PM
Except lupica..i don't read his crap.
2581413, everybody is a philosopher and a poet now lol
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Dec-09-16 01:32 PM
good lord
2581415, lol right.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Dec-09-16 01:43 PM
2650341, gone...
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Apr-12-18 06:29 AM
2650382, dude never had a chance.
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-12-18 09:35 AM
2650352, Woj: candidates that the Knicks are expected to contact....
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Apr-12-18 07:08 AM
Fiz, Mark Jackson, David Blatt....Jerry Stackhouse
2650358, David Blatt? LMAO. No. Fiz is obvi and Mark Jackson is obvi.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Apr-12-18 07:47 AM
>Fiz, Mark Jackson, David Blatt....Jerry Stackhouse

I'd love to see Stackhouse get the chance.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2650476, agreed with Fitz and Jackson
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-12-18 03:57 PM
i loved JVG but i don't know if he's the right one for today's nba.
2650369, yeah, stackhouse or fiz are getting that look.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Thu Apr-12-18 08:57 AM
either would be an awesome get. even after all the bullshit, knicks is still a primo gig.
2650398, Honest question: is it?
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Apr-12-18 10:41 AM
>even after all the bullshit,
>knicks is still a primo gig.

We're rapidly approaching twenty years now since Jeff Van Gundy, and no coach there has lasted to his fourth season. They've won barely over 40% of their games in that nearly-two-decade span since JVG's last full season, going 557-821.

Zingis only has two more years on his contract, and if they can't win *next year*-- which'll be tricky, given their roster-- it's not hard to imagine he could start looking for exit strategies. And it goes without saying that, if they lose Zingis, they're pretty fucked on obvious star talent, unless they win the lotto this year or next. And that's assuming his recovery goes well/he doesn't get re-injured.

I know the market's amazing, and there's certainly ripe opportunity there... but I feel like that's what's lured the graveyard filled with coaches over the last two decades. Feels like Dolan is franchise poison.

Not saying an unemployed coach shouldn't consider the employment opportunity... but I'm just wondering aloud if the Knicks gig is as primo during the reign of Dolan as we still consider it be. Open to being wrong, of course.
2650385, I saw a report they’re meeting with Jay Wright.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Apr-12-18 09:48 AM
They should throw a massive contract at him to try to lure him away.
2650387, ah, ok...I hadn't seen there was an actual meeting, yet...
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Apr-12-18 09:55 AM
just that they were going to reach out.
2650388, There's no evidence he has NBA chops. Look at BIlly Donovan.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Apr-12-18 10:02 AM

I remember when Donovan was a "genius."

Fiz and Jackson have both been good NBA coaches.
2650471, Donovan nearly made the finals his first year.
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Apr-12-18 03:40 PM
He has an NBA coaching record of .610 over 3 seasons despite losing his best player after the first year.

He's bad now?
2650479, LMAO. It's not like he joined a team with TWO league MVPs.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Apr-12-18 04:04 PM


>He has an NBA coaching record of .610 over 3 seasons despite
>losing his best player after the first year.
>He's bad now?

No, but his reputation isn't anywhere near as good
as it was.

Not even close.

That team looks directionless a lot of the time,
and how ball dominant Russy is...usually gets blamed
on Russy, but the coach WOULD get blamed if he was...
...ahem...someone else.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
2650490, "There's no evidence he has NBA chops. Look at Billy Donovan."
Posted by Ryan M, Thu Apr-12-18 06:04 PM
Okay guy.
2650500, Wait -- didn't Scott Brooks take OKC to the NBA Finals? Lmao.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Apr-12-18 09:03 PM

You picked a hell of an example!
2650566, The guy who's main criticism
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Apr-13-18 10:59 AM
Is directionless and iso-heavy?

Great example YOU picked there!

Just admit you're wrong, sheesh.
2650469, Hell No. He should stay at Nova.
Posted by Castro, Thu Apr-12-18 03:31 PM
2650561, While I personally agree with you
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Apr-13-18 10:51 AM
that hiring a college coach with no professional coaching experience is a gamble, it is possible that gamble could pay off; look at Brad Stevens in Boston. I personally want someone that has NBA coaching experience myself, but NCAA only coach isn't always a death knell.

I suppose time will tell.
2650389, get isiah back up in dere and pay jabari....i can eat so good off dat
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Apr-12-18 10:16 AM
2650502, Insult to injury. Stack gets Horny's job after he pieced him up.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu Apr-12-18 09:57 PM
2650582, lmao. forgot about that. good shit.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Fri Apr-13-18 11:41 AM
2650366, FITZ! FITZ! FITZ! FITZ! *clap* *clap* ClapClapClap!
Posted by Castro, Thu Apr-12-18 08:52 AM
2650645, And to keep this relevant to the original subject title.
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Apr-13-18 03:01 PM
I'm happier Kurt Rambis is off the Knicks payroll moreso than seeing Hornacek get the boot.

With the rancid trash this is the Knicks roster and the moment, it's going to take someone with the skill of parting the Red Sea to make the Knicks prosper. Going to be interesting to see if the front office is going to be patient with whoever gets the gig.
2650648, he was done after feel. should have never came on our bench.
Posted by Cenario, Fri Apr-13-18 03:11 PM
>I'm happier Kurt Rambis is off the Knicks payroll moreso than
>seeing Hornacek get the boot.

2654192, fiz.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Thu May-03-18 09:34 AM
2654201, i could live with that.
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-03-18 12:04 PM
2654202, hell no
Posted by bshelly, Thu May-03-18 12:09 PM
i want better for my man than that dump.
2654204, ^^^
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu May-03-18 12:25 PM
He could win 45 games next season and they'll still run him out of town by Year 3. Dolan is a curse.
2654205, Narrator voice: they will not win 45 games
Posted by bshelly, Thu May-03-18 12:31 PM
What 70 wins are to the Warriors, 45 is to James Dolan: a mark to be surpassed once or maaaaaaaaybe twice, when everything goes absolutely right.
2654203, Good
Posted by Boogiedwn, Thu May-03-18 12:17 PM
This was a very unKnick like approach to hiring this time. Interview multiple people and not just Dolan's favorite of the month.
2654206, If this is true and final
Posted by Numba_33, Thu May-03-18 12:42 PM
This will mean the Knicks will have a black head coach, a black GM, and a black team president.

Will that be a first in league history?
2654213, masai and dwane. team prez is a white guy tho.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Thu May-03-18 01:21 PM
dell demps and monty williams / alvin gentry.

prolly others, but those came to mind off top.

oh and doc. lolz.


"Today, the NBA has four black presidents of basketball operations in Rivers, Ujiri, Mills and the Los Angeles Lakers’ Magic Johnson, and three black general managers in Demps, Perry and the Cleveland Cavaliers’ Koby Altman. The Knicks have the NBA’s lone black president and general manager duo with Mills and Perry."