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Topic subject2016 Utah Jazz Offseason Post
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2538120, 2016 Utah Jazz Offseason Post
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu May-12-16 02:01 PM
Big offseason for the Jazz as they try to make the push for the playoffs. I think they just re-signed Quinn Snyder and today they released their new uniforms/logo.

This is one of the few redesigns that I like. Subtle change to the logo but cool look. Don't love the font for the numbers but not bad. And I love that they took the sleeved jersey and made them look as silly as possible. It's like the Jazz will occasionally have to play soccer throughout the season.


As for the team, part of me feels like they should sell high on Favors before he gets to his contract year and the free agency talk starts but the first course of action should probably be to see if they can't package some of their young guys for a veteran PG who can take the current core of Favors, Gordon, Gobert to the next level.

They should have some interesting options if they hold onto their draft pick but I just don't know if staying the course and hoping Exum and Burks can return healthy to be the difference makers is going to be enough.
2538127, Favors in the way again
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Thu May-12-16 02:54 PM
2538130, They need to hire a faith healer...
Posted by gmltheone, Thu May-12-16 03:16 PM
Like the sixers, so much of what they do is depends on the health of Exum.

Same as it ever was!
2538376, They will probably make a push for Teague or Conley, right?
Posted by theeraser, Fri May-13-16 07:40 AM
2538430, I'd like to see them make an offer for Bledsoe
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri May-13-16 12:19 PM
A thin FA pool at the PG so Conley will get a ton of offers. Atlanta will probably see decent offers for Teague although he's expiring after the season which limits the offers. Nobody's overpaying for a season of Teague. (Well, nobody should. That's never stopped NBA GMs though.)

Bledsoe seems like he could be a nice fit. Rubio is another option but I think they need a better shooter at the point; especially if Exum takes over the 2 spot.

Or they could try to trade up and nab Murray or Dunn. Or trade down a bit for Ulis or Jackson.
2538384, "new" jazz unis
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Fri May-13-16 08:53 AM
going old school
