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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI don't think the Shane bit was extra at all. That's the entire point IMO
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529186&mesg_id=2530846
2530846, I don't think the Shane bit was extra at all. That's the entire point IMO
Posted by Cold Truth, Fri Apr-08-16 09:14 PM
>While I understand your overall sentiment, I can see why cats
>would want to call you out on the hypothetical of Shane
>McMahon dying (which is a lil extra, let's be honest).

The only reason this was even a thought in my head was a post above where someone said fans were chanting "please don't die".

To put this in perspective, chanting "please don't die" to a man who is about to jump off of a 20 foot cage onto a table is about a hundred times more morbid than my take that I wouldn't shed too many tears over it if he did.

All I said was that I wouldn't have mourned it because everyone should know better. I feel confident that the entirety of my post, when read from start to finish, makes it crystal clear that I don't think anyone should be doing anything like this precisely due to such dangers. Death is an obvious worst case scenario that isn't all that likely but the is completely unnecessary and everyone should be shooting that specific stunt down right away at this point..... ESPECIALLY for a part timer coming back after nearly a decade. Even if the worst case scenario doesn't happen, that's the sort of thing that shaves years off of a career and probably a life, all by itself.

To touch on something one of my antagonists pointed out, the ladder match isn't exactly a beacon of safety either. I'm not wild about those anymore either, though I think a straight up two man match is probably a safer match than this seven man car crash. Still, there's one critical difference there: these guys are real deal workers who currently work and they're far better equipped to take proper care of themselves and each other.

To that end it's odd to me that any reasonable person with critical thinking skills and no agenda would read my from start to finish and conclude that I was advocating or hoping or taking any sort of satisfaction, what with my clear concern for the safety of the wrestlers.

>But you're absolutely right. Shane can take risks like that
>because he's not with the company as an independent
>contractor. He's not footing his transportation, covering his
>medical, bunking with roommates. Shane doesn't have to grind
>to have a career. John Cena is wrestling's 1%, but Shane is
>wrestling's 0.01% (doesn't seem like it, but just like in the
>real world it's a *significant* difference).

Yep. From a pure entertainment, let them do their thing standpoint, it's not all that impressive considering how little he has to lose in comparison to full time workers.

To be clear- not to you because you clearly got it, but to the obvious people- I'm making a pretty obvious distinction in that statement between viewing it from a pure entertainment standpoint and a more nuanced standpoint.

I completely agree on the rest and think there's definite reason for optimism on the horizon. One other thing I'd like to touch on is the Nakamura/Zayn match. I LOVE Swag. I love everything about his act. That includes his strong style work.

Here's the thing: I'm not trying to see that particular match every time he hits the ring. On one hand, it loses it's effectiveness if it's all balls to the wall, all the time. On the other? Yeah, I want guys to stay healthy. I don't want these guys getting hurt permanently so I can enjoy watching them beat the dog shit out of each other every time out.